android Programming Glossary: billingservice
Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button? new Button.OnClickListener public void onClick View v if mBillingService.requestPurchase issueProductId null else showDialog DIALOG_BILLING_NOT_SUPPORTED_ID.. if mPurchaseDatabase null mPurchaseDatabase.close if mBillingService null mBillingService.unbind stopService new Intent this BillingService.class.. null mPurchaseDatabase.close if mBillingService null mBillingService.unbind stopService new Intent this BillingService.class Called..
Android billing - should I implement the ServiceConnection or the IMarketBillingService should I implement the ServiceConnection or the IMarketBillingService I am looking at the Android in app billing tutorial here http.. and they have an instruction to implement the iMarketBillingService. But I saw in another example that the ServiceConnection method.. the Dungeons tutorial from Andoroid they have this private BillingService mBillingService but when I try to do this Bundle response mBillingService.sendBillingRequest..
Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing) mStampiiPurchaseObserver private Handler mHandler private BillingService mBillingService private TextView mLogTextView private Cursor.. private Handler mHandler private BillingService mBillingService private TextView mLogTextView private Cursor mOwnedItemsCursor.. @Override public void onClick View v mBillingService.requestPurchase android.test.purchased envelope2 Button findViewById..
In the BillingService module, what needs to be modified to increase security? the BillingService module what needs to be modified to increase security The comment.. modified to increase security The comment for the class BillingService recommends that You should modify and obfuscate this code before..
android in-app billing - restoreTransactionInformation market responds to the RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS request I BillingService 6484 confirmTransaction D Finsky 1884 7 MarketBillingService.getPreferredAccount.. 6484 confirmTransaction D Finsky 1884 7 MarketBillingService.getPreferredAccount com.hippypkg Account from first account... com.hippypkg Account from first account. I BillingService 6484 current request is I BillingService 6484 RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS..
Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button? Button findViewById donate.setOnClickListener new Button.OnClickListener public void onClick View v if mBillingService.requestPurchase issueProductId null else showDialog DIALOG_BILLING_NOT_SUPPORTED_ID Log.i tag Can't purchase on this.. mDungeonsPurchaseObserver public void close_unbind if mPurchaseDatabase null mPurchaseDatabase.close if mBillingService null mBillingService.unbind stopService new Intent this BillingService.class Called when this activity becomes visible... public void close_unbind if mPurchaseDatabase null mPurchaseDatabase.close if mBillingService null mBillingService.unbind stopService new Intent this BillingService.class Called when this activity becomes visible. @Override protected void..
Android billing - should I implement the ServiceConnection or the IMarketBillingService billing should I implement the ServiceConnection or the IMarketBillingService I am looking at the Android in app billing tutorial here http guide google play billing billing_integrate.html.. guide google play billing billing_integrate.html and they have an instruction to implement the iMarketBillingService. But I saw in another example that the ServiceConnection method was implemented. Which one should it be I am having confusion.. request but not sure what mService variable should be. In the Dungeons tutorial from Andoroid they have this private BillingService mBillingService but when I try to do this Bundle response mBillingService.sendBillingRequest request I get a syntax error..
Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing) db_initialized private mStampiiPurchaseObserver mStampiiPurchaseObserver private Handler mHandler private BillingService mBillingService private TextView mLogTextView private Cursor mOwnedItemsCursor private PurchaseDatabase mPurchaseDatabase.. private mStampiiPurchaseObserver mStampiiPurchaseObserver private Handler mHandler private BillingService mBillingService private TextView mLogTextView private Cursor mOwnedItemsCursor private PurchaseDatabase mPurchaseDatabase private Set String.. findViewById envelope1.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v mBillingService.requestPurchase android.test.purchased envelope2 Button findViewById envelope2.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener..
In the BillingService module, what needs to be modified to increase security? the BillingService module what needs to be modified to increase security The comment for the class BillingService recommends that You should.. the BillingService module what needs to be modified to increase security The comment for the class BillingService recommends that You should modify and obfuscate this code before using it. OK but what must be modified The class name The..
android in-app billing - restoreTransactionInformation a logcat without obfuscated code of what happens right after market responds to the RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS request I BillingService 6484 confirmTransaction D Finsky 1884 7 MarketBillingService.getPreferredAccount com.hippypkg Account from first account... market responds to the RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS request I BillingService 6484 confirmTransaction D Finsky 1884 7 MarketBillingService.getPreferredAccount com.hippypkg Account from first account. I BillingService 6484 current request is I BillingService 6484.. confirmTransaction D Finsky 1884 7 MarketBillingService.getPreferredAccount com.hippypkg Account from first account. I BillingService 6484 current request is I BillingService 6484 RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS Sync Response code RESULT_OK D WindowManagerImpl 6484..