android Programming Glossary: beware
NETWORK_PROVIDER not providing updated locations anymore I keep receiving regular location updates anytime. Beware that this will require that the user must have Google Play installed..
Tablet(iPad/Android)-Server Communication Protocol socket with HTTP protocol management already implemented. Beware this is for Java there is no standard framework equivalent for..
Android drawing a line to follow your finger the up and down events. Track the ACTION_MOVE event too. Beware that it will track continuously even if the person's finger..
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android Alternatively Modernizr can be used for detection. Beware that it's not enough to check for some version like the Samsung..
Convert normal Java Array or ArrayList to Json Array in android mJSONArray new JSONArray Arrays.asList mStringArray Beware that code is written offhand so consider it pseudo code. share..
Best way to perform an action periodically - Handler? of my code example and just spawn a new Thread as shown. Beware however if you are modifying variables shared by this new Thread..
ICY metadata support with ffmpeg have a comma in your title it isn't escaped or anything. Beware though that 7.html isn't always available on non SHOUTcast servers..
Android - How to upload photo from the SD card to the Facebook wall comments to user's Wall photos album. How Code snippet Beware The facebook.request call should be replaced with async call..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview their player and using it is fairly unavoidable. Beware it requires message passing which is a newer browser feature...
Why is the viewport tag on the Galaxy Nexus / Android 4 not working? just great 1280px is width of the screen of galaxy nexus . Beware that setting width 1280 user scalable no breaks it again you..
How to capture raw image from android camera color theory which can explain this fully but new users beware the conversion of 10 bit to 8 gets deep quickly. If you want..
javax.* cannot be imported in my Android app? VM available here . Note that when you browse this API beware of the version in the top right corner of the page Added in..
How to do HTTP authentication in android? make a request with a body e.g. POST with authentication beware of Android issue 4326 . I've linked a suggested fix to the platform..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? connections and your reads will be faster but buyer beware. I haven't tested that much. Here's a blog post with far more..
Record phone calls on android phone? recorder.setAudioEncoder AudioEncoder.AAC But beware of the law and regulations before doing this. share improve..
Smooth scrolling in Android e1 MotionEvent e2 float distanceX float distanceY beware it can scroll to infinity scrollBy int distanceX int distanceY..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” This has been tested on Android 1.5 through 4.2 but buyer beware Because this solution relies on reflection to call the private..
NETWORK_PROVIDER not providing updated locations Services and there were absolutely no problems like this anymore I keep receiving regular location updates anytime. Beware that this will require that the user must have Google Play installed on their device so Kindles and the like will be out..
Tablet(iPad/Android)-Server Communication Protocol data using HTTPUrlConnection . This is a wrapper for a socket with HTTP protocol management already implemented. Beware this is for Java there is no standard framework equivalent for C C I honestly have no idea about objective C. Please be..
Android drawing a line to follow your finger share improve this question You're only tracking the up and down events. Track the ACTION_MOVE event too. Beware that it will track continuously even if the person's finger isn't apparently moving. Your code should go something like..
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android the type to date and return text when reading back that attribute. Alternatively Modernizr can be used for detection. Beware that it's not enough to check for some version like the Samsung Galaxy S2 on Android 4.0.3 does support type date but the..
Convert normal Java Array or ArrayList to Json Array in android
Best way to perform an action periodically - Handler? this periodic function you can simply ignore the second half of my code example and just spawn a new Thread as shown. Beware however if you are modifying variables shared by this new Thread and the UI you are going to run into problems if you don't..
ICY metadata support with ffmpeg on IP Current bitrate in kilobits The title. Note even if you have a comma in your title it isn't escaped or anything. Beware though that 7.html isn't always available on non SHOUTcast servers and may not be available in the beta of the new version...
Android - How to upload photo from the SD card to the Facebook wall containing photos on user's wall is to add photos and related comments to user's Wall photos album. How Code snippet Beware The facebook.request call should be replaced with async call so the operation doesn't block the UI thread String wallAlbumID..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview deliberate . Second Vimeo offers a javascript library to instrument their player and using it is fairly unavoidable. Beware it requires message passing which is a newer browser feature. This is documented on their API page. Third as is documented..
Why is the viewport tag on the Galaxy Nexus / Android 4 not working? fails on Galaxy Nexus. Setting viewport width 1280 works just great 1280px is width of the screen of galaxy nexus . Beware that setting width 1280 user scalable no breaks it again you can zoom out even if there is user scalable no share improve..
How to capture raw image from android camera color correct. There is a lot of info on the web regarding color theory which can explain this fully but new users beware the conversion of 10 bit to 8 gets deep quickly. If you want a pretty picture use the android picture capture and not the..
javax.* cannot be imported in my Android app? JavaSE API you are limited to the API supported by the dalvik VM available here . Note that when you browse this API beware of the version in the top right corner of the page Added in API level X . It informs you about the Android API version supporting..
How to do HTTP authentication in android? intelligent than returning a constant. If you're trying to make a request with a body e.g. POST with authentication beware of Android issue 4326 . I've linked a suggested fix to the platform there but there's a simple workaround if you only want..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? only one thread will be writing you MAY be able to use multiple connections and your reads will be faster but buyer beware. I haven't tested that much. Here's a blog post with far more detail and an example app. Android Sqlite Locking Updated..
Record phone calls on android phone?
Smooth scrolling in Android @Override public boolean onScroll MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float distanceX float distanceY beware it can scroll to infinity scrollBy int distanceX int distanceY return true @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” to display the prompt string for position less than 0. This has been tested on Android 1.5 through 4.2 but buyer beware Because this solution relies on reflection to call the private AdapterView.setNextSelectedPositionInt and AdapterView.setSelectedPositionInt..