android Programming Glossary: bindservice
I can't get rid of this error message: Activity <App Name> has leaked ServiceConnection <ServiceConnection Name>@438030a8 that was originally bound here of your clarification on the difference between using bindService as a stand alone function or after startService and I now only.. only place startService is run. It is also the only time bindService is run without dependency on connectStatus. conn new TelnetServiceConnection.. startService i bind to the service bindService i conn 0 setContentView R.layout.connect setupConnectUI end..
Android - Service wont stop? be happening EDIT To add more info regards Binding I call bindService in the onCreate method and I then have the releaseBind method.. Here is the code for that method public void releaseBind unbindService this So I presume that the unbinding is not my problem android.. call for releaseBind means that you previously called bindService on this service and that releaseBind is calling unbindService..
How do I bind this service in Android? hello_service_conn new HelloServiceConnection bindService hello_service hello_service_conn Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE But..
Android Context.bindService always returns false and ServiceConnection object is never triggered Context.bindService always returns false and ServiceConnection object is never triggered.. Local Service example provided by Google but my Context bindService ... always returns false and there is ServiceConnection onServiceConnected.. is also never called. I understand that Context bindService returns immediately but my ServiceConnection object is never..
Restful API service context.stopService i started false public void bindService if conn null conn new RestfulServiceConnection Intent i new.. context.bindService i conn Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE else Toast.makeText context.. private void releaseService if conn null context.unbindService conn conn null Log.d LOG_TAG unbindService else Toast.makeText..
How to kill my own Activity - the hard way startService and failing to call stopService or calling bindService and failing to call unbindService . share improve this answer..
android service startService() and bindService() service startService and bindService I would like to know if it is possible to have a service that..
Android: How can I get the current foreground activity (from a service)? a callback or listener object with the service via bindService and have the service call an event method on that callback listener..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging new OnClickListener public void onClick View v doUnbindService stopService new Intent MainActivity.this MyService.class private.. new OnClickListener public void onClick View v doUnbindService private OnClickListener btnUpby1Listener new OnClickListener.. msg catch RemoteException e void doBindService bindService new Intent this MyService.class mConnection Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE..
Communicate with Activity from Service (LocalService) - Android Best Practices with startService instead of the binding pattern with bindService . Notably binding is a bit of a pain when it comes to dealing..
Android:sound pool and service Intent intent new Intent this LocalService.class bindService intent mConnection Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE @Override protected.. onStop super.onStop Unbind from the service if mBound unbindService mConnection mBound false Called when a button is clicked the.. .show Defines callbacks for service binding passed to bindService private ServiceConnection mConnection new ServiceConnection..
I can't get rid of this error message: Activity <App Name> has leaked ServiceConnection <ServiceConnection Name>@438030a8 that was originally bound here for your informative answer. I have re written my code in light of your clarification on the difference between using bindService as a stand alone function or after startService and I now only get the leak error message intermittently when using the.. Initialize the ServiceConnection. Note that this is the only place startService is run. It is also the only time bindService is run without dependency on connectStatus. conn new TelnetServiceConnection start the service which handles telnet Intent.. com.wingedvictorydesign.LightfactoryRemote.TelnetService startService i bind to the service bindService i conn 0 setContentView R.layout.connect setupConnectUI end OnCreate @Override protected void onDestroy super.onDestroy..
Android - Service wont stop? is run instead of onServiceDisconnected why would that be happening EDIT To add more info regards Binding I call bindService in the onCreate method and I then have the releaseBind method unbind the Service. Here is the code for that method public.. and I then have the releaseBind method unbind the Service. Here is the code for that method public void releaseBind unbindService this So I presume that the unbinding is not my problem android service stop share improve this question I am going.. this question I am going to guess that your having a method call for releaseBind means that you previously called bindService on this service and that releaseBind is calling unbindService . If my guess is incorrect please ignore this answer. A service..
How do I bind this service in Android? then a Connection right hello_service new Intent this HelloService.class hello_service_conn new HelloServiceConnection bindService hello_service hello_service_conn Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE But my question is...what goes inside the Connection class HelloServiceConnection..
Android Context.bindService always returns false and ServiceConnection object is never triggered Context.bindService always returns false and ServiceConnection object is never triggered I have followed the Local Service example provided.. object is never triggered I have followed the Local Service example provided by Google but my Context bindService ... always returns false and there is ServiceConnection onServiceConnected is also never called. I understand that Context.. always returns false and there is ServiceConnection onServiceConnected is also never called. I understand that Context bindService returns immediately but my ServiceConnection object is never triggered. I don't know if these apply My activity is running..
Restful API service context.stopService i started false public void bindService if conn null conn new RestfulServiceConnection Intent i new Intent i.setClassName Intent i new Intent i.setClassName context.bindService i conn Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE else Toast.makeText context Cannot bind service already bound Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show .. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show protected void destroy releaseService private void releaseService if conn null context.unbindService conn conn null Log.d LOG_TAG unbindService else Toast.makeText context Cannot unbind service not bound Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
How to kill my own Activity - the hard way
android service startService() and bindService() service startService and bindService I would like to know if it is possible to have a service that is started with startService and then be able to also bind..
Android: How can I get the current foreground activity (from a service)? that the service invokes Have the activity register a callback or listener object with the service via bindService and have the service call an event method on that callback listener object Send an ordered broadcast Intent to the activity..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging MyService.class private OnClickListener btnStopListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v doUnbindService stopService new Intent MainActivity.this MyService.class private OnClickListener btnBindListener new OnClickListener public.. View v doBindService private OnClickListener btnUnbindListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v doUnbindService private OnClickListener btnUpby1Listener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v sendMessageToService 1 private.. intvaluetosend 0 msg.replyTo mMessenger mService.send msg catch RemoteException e void doBindService bindService new Intent this MyService.class mConnection Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE mIsBound true textStatus.setText Binding. void doUnbindService..
Communicate with Activity from Service (LocalService) - Android Best Practices you can stand. Hence on average aim for the command pattern with startService instead of the binding pattern with bindService . Notably binding is a bit of a pain when it comes to dealing with configuration changes e.g. screen rotations . What is..
Android:sound pool and service @Override protected void onStart super.onStart Bind to LocalService Intent intent new Intent this LocalService.class bindService intent mConnection Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE @Override protected void onStop super.onStop Unbind from the service if mBound.. mConnection Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE @Override protected void onStop super.onStop Unbind from the service if mBound unbindService mConnection mBound false Called when a button is clicked the button in the layout file attaches to this method with the.. Toast.makeText this number num Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Defines callbacks for service binding passed to bindService private ServiceConnection mConnection new ServiceConnection public void onServiceConnected ComponentName className IBinder..