android Programming Glossary: bindview
How to load the Listview “smoothly” in android ListView two textview one imageview So I used newView bindView to display data. Can someone help me android listview share..
How to refresh fragment tab content on button click RecomandateFragment recomandateFragment code private void bindView Button btn_refresh Button findViewById btn_refresh.setOnClickListener..
Android SQLite and huge data sets cursor super context R.layout.my_row cursor public void bindView View view Context context Cursor cursor RowData data new RowData..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? aside from creating a custom Adapter that overrode newView bindView or getView depending on what you override ResourceCursorAdapter.. R.layout.mylist parent false @Override public void bindView View view Context context Cursor cur TextView tvListText TextView..
Android save Checkbox State in ListView with Cursor Adapter FileName return row @Override public void bindView View row Context context final Cursor c ViewHolder holder holder..
Android: How to make RadioGroup work correctly in a ListView? button share improve this question When getView or bindView if you are using a CursorAdapter is called on your adapter you..
GetView Vs. BindView in a custom CursorAdapter? this apply to CursorAdapters as well I'm currently using bindView and newView for my custom cursor adapters. Should I be using.. an implementation of getView that delegates to newView and bindView in such a way as enforces the row recycling pattern. Hence you..
ViewHolder pattern correctly implemented in custom CursorAdapter? holder return v @see android.widget.CursorAdapter#bindView android.view.View android.content.Context android.database.Cursor.. android.database.Cursor @Override public void bindView View view Context context Cursor cursor ViewHolder holder ViewHolder.. needs a new row if it already has a View it will call the bindView so the created view is actually reused. Thus there's no need..
Android: Set contact photo in a ListView with name and number extends SimpleCursorAdapter ... @Override public void bindView View view Context context Cursor cursor ImageView imageView..
Android: Issue with newView and bindView in custom SimpleCursorAdapter Issue with newView and bindView in custom SimpleCursorAdapter I created a custom SimpleCursorAdapter.. I found . When my ListActivity is called newView and bindView are called for every of my DB entry and called again for every.. is the example right if not where can I find one if bindView call is always preceded by newView call why doing the same in..
how do i create a custom cursor adapter for a listview for use with images and text? the query results we will display. @Override public void bindView View v Context context Cursor c String title c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow..
Gmail-like ListView with checkboxes (and using the ActionBar) need to set up listeners in this class in the newView and bindView methods but everything I've tried hasn't worked. Any ideas ..
How to load the Listview “smoothly” in android items look like duplicate display in my list. I hava a complex ListView two textview one imageview So I used newView bindView to display data. Can someone help me android listview share improve this question I will describe you how to get such..
How to refresh fragment tab content on button click private PopulareFragment populareFragment private RecomandateFragment recomandateFragment code private void bindView Button btn_refresh Button findViewById btn_refresh.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public..
Android SQLite and huge data sets ResourceCursorAdapter public MyAdapter Context context Cursor cursor super context R.layout.my_row cursor public void bindView View view Context context Cursor cursor RowData data new RowData data.setName cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex name..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? improve this question I'm not sure how you would do this aside from creating a custom Adapter that overrode newView bindView or getView depending on what you override ResourceCursorAdapter is a good one . Ok so here's an example. I didn't test to.. getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE return li.inflate R.layout.mylist parent false @Override public void bindView View view Context context Cursor cur TextView tvListText TextView view.findViewById CheckBox cbListCheck..
Android save Checkbox State in ListView with Cursor Adapter FileName PostNumber else if cBox.isChecked mDbHelper.UpdatePostImage FileName return row @Override public void bindView View row Context context final Cursor c ViewHolder holder holder ViewHolder row.getTag int DateCol c.getColumnIndex TourDbAdapter.KEY_DATE..
Android: How to make RadioGroup work correctly in a ListView? me I'll be very appriciate of that. android listview radio button share improve this question When getView or bindView if you are using a CursorAdapter is called on your adapter you need to set the state of the RadioGroup . Android recycles..
GetView Vs. BindView in a custom CursorAdapter? more efficient UI adapter code using the getView method. Does this apply to CursorAdapters as well I'm currently using bindView and newView for my custom cursor adapters. Should I be using getView instead android user interface adapter share improve.. adapter share improve this question CursorAdapter has an implementation of getView that delegates to newView and bindView in such a way as enforces the row recycling pattern. Hence you do not need to do anything special with a CursorAdapter for..
ViewHolder pattern correctly implemented in custom CursorAdapter? CheckedTextView v.findViewById v.setTag holder return v @see android.widget.CursorAdapter#bindView android.view.View android.content.Context android.database.Cursor @Override public void bindView View view Context context.. android.view.View android.content.Context android.database.Cursor @Override public void bindView View view Context context Cursor cursor ViewHolder holder ViewHolder view.getTag int titleCol cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow.. question CursorAdapter won't call the newView each time it needs a new row if it already has a View it will call the bindView so the created view is actually reused. Thus there's no need to use a ViewHolder in this case. However if you are still..
Android: Set contact photo in a ListView with name and number cursor In a custom adapter public class MySimpleCursorAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter ... @Override public void bindView View view Context context Cursor cursor ImageView imageView ImageView view.findViewById int id cursor.getColumnIndex..
Android: Issue with newView and bindView in custom SimpleCursorAdapter Issue with newView and bindView in custom SimpleCursorAdapter I created a custom SimpleCursorAdapter from one of the only example I found . When my ListActivity.. created a custom SimpleCursorAdapter from one of the only example I found . When my ListActivity is called newView and bindView are called for every of my DB entry and called again for every entry. I've got a few questions is the example right if not.. entry and called again for every entry. I've got a few questions is the example right if not where can I find one if bindView call is always preceded by newView call why doing the same in both functions why is the sequence newView bindView called..
how do i create a custom cursor adapter for a listview for use with images and text? adapter will be active. @param c The Cursor containing the query results we will display. @Override public void bindView View v Context context Cursor c String title c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE String date c.getString..
Gmail-like ListView with checkboxes (and using the ActionBar) my own Cursor adapter which works fine . I have a feeling I need to set up listeners in this class in the newView and bindView methods but everything I've tried hasn't worked. Any ideas android listview checkbox android actionbar share improve..