android Programming Glossary: bis.close
Android Creating a memory resident input file that can be attached to an email bis File fileFromBytes File ois.readObject bis.close ois.close System.out.println fileFromBytes I used it to create.. ois new ObjectInputStream bis f File ois.readObject bis.close ois.close catch Exception e return f and here is where I am..
How to work with an image using url in android? is 8 1024 Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeStream bis bis.close is.close Requires the following permission in AndroidManifest.xml..
AsyncTask ImageView from image web using setImageBitmap new URL imageUrl .openConnection .getInputStream bis.close catch IOException e imageUrl catch Exception f imageUrl return..
Android : Loading an image from the Web with Asynctask BufferedInputStream is bm BitmapFactory.decodeStream bis bis.close is.close catch IOException e Log.e Hub Error getting the image.. BufferedInputStream is bm BitmapFactory.decodeStream bis bis.close is.close catch IOException e Log.e Hub Error getting the image..
Get contacts photo which are synced with facebook for android BufferedInputStream is bm BitmapFactory.decodeStream bis bis.close is.close catch IOException e Log.e TAG Error getting bitmap..
How to use setImageUri() on Android BufferedInputStream is bm BitmapFactory.decodeStream bis bis.close is.close catch IOException e Log.e TAG Error getting bitmap..
Get Bitmap from an Uri [android] Exception e e.printStackTrace finally if bis null try bis.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace if is null try ..
Access resource files in Android Do something with file Log.d GAME dis.readLine fis.close bis.close dis.close catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch..
Android Dev Help: Saving an image from Res/raw or Asset folder to the Sd card
How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database? to a bitmap. Bitmap bm BitmapFactory.decodeStream bis bis.close is.close Log.v imageUrl Retrieving image Apply the Bitmap..
Android: How do a display a large animated gif given a url? conn.getContentLength Movie movie Movie.decodeStream bis bis.close Next you need to create a view that will display this Movie..
Android Creating a memory resident input file that can be attached to an email new ByteArrayInputStream bytes ObjectInputStream ois new ObjectInputStream bis File fileFromBytes File ois.readObject bis.close ois.close System.out.println fileFromBytes I used it to create this function private File fileFromBytes byte buf File f.. bis new ByteArrayInputStream buf ObjectInputStream ois new ObjectInputStream bis f File ois.readObject bis.close ois.close catch Exception e return f and here is where I am stuck because when I use it When sent as body the mail is sent..
How to work with an image using url in android? BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream is 8 1024 Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeStream bis bis.close is.close Requires the following permission in AndroidManifest.xml uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET..
AsyncTask ImageView from image web using setImageBitmap Bitmap bm BitmapFactory.decodeStream bis BitmapFactory.decodeStream new URL imageUrl .openConnection .getInputStream bis.close catch IOException e imageUrl catch Exception f imageUrl return imageUrl protected void onPostExecute String imageUrl..
Android : Loading an image from the Web with Asynctask is conn.getInputStream BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream is bm BitmapFactory.decodeStream bis bis.close is.close catch IOException e Log.e Hub Error getting the image from server e.getMessage .toString return bm I thought.. is conn.getInputStream BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream is bm BitmapFactory.decodeStream bis bis.close is.close catch IOException e Log.e Hub Error getting the image from server e.getMessage .toString return bm but How..
Get contacts photo which are synced with facebook for android
How to use setImageUri() on Android
Get Bitmap from an Uri [android] is 8192 bm BitmapFactory.decodeStream bis catch Exception e e.printStackTrace finally if bis null try bis.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace if is null try is.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace return..
Access resource files in Android fis dis new DataInputStream bis while dis.available 0 Do something with file Log.d GAME dis.readLine fis.close bis.close dis.close catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace I have tried different..
Android Dev Help: Saving an image from Res/raw or Asset folder to the Sd card
How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database? bis new BufferedInputStream is Decode url data to a bitmap. Bitmap bm BitmapFactory.decodeStream bis bis.close is.close Log.v imageUrl Retrieving image Apply the Bitmap to the ImageView that will be returned. i.setImageBitmap..
Android: How do a display a large animated gif given a url? BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream is bis.mark conn.getContentLength Movie movie Movie.decodeStream bis bis.close Next you need to create a view that will display this Movie . A subclass of View with a custom onDraw will do the trick..