

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:10:32

android Programming Glossary: bgcolor

How to implement the DATE PICKER in PhoneGap/Android?


it is in focus. currentField.blur script head body bgcolor #ffffff hr DatePicker Test hr br input type button onClick dateTest..

sqlite example program in android [closed]


GIF Image display using WebView


in web view. write a html file as following html body bgcolor white table width 100 height 100 tr td align center valign center..

Why Bitmap to Base64 String showing black background on webview in android?


img src 'data image jpg base64 imgToString ' align 'left' bgcolor 'ff0000' WebView webView WebView findViewById R.id.storyView..

Problem to load flv video in webview


true video @VIDEO@' autoplay 'true' quality 'high' bgcolor '#000000' name 'VideoPlayer' align 'middle' width '640' height.. true video . expression_sad.flv autoplay true quality high bgcolor #000000 name VideoPlayer align middle allowScriptAccess allowFullScreen..

Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java


image to the html String html DOCTYPE html html body bgcolor #7f7f7f img src data image png base64 base64 hspace 10 vspace..

How to implement the DATE PICKER in PhoneGap/Android?


this script with it not working a second third time around because it is in focus. currentField.blur script head body bgcolor #ffffff hr DatePicker Test hr br input type button onClick dateTest value Today's Date div id view div body html I am getting..

sqlite example program in android [closed]


GIF Image display using WebView


webview share improve this question Gifs are supported in web view. write a html file as following html body bgcolor white table width 100 height 100 tr td align center valign center font color gray Some text you display font br br br..

Why Bitmap to Base64 String showing black background on webview in android?


String imgToString Base64.encodeBytes bit String imgTag img src 'data image jpg base64 imgToString ' align 'left' bgcolor 'ff0000' WebView webView WebView findViewById R.id.storyView webView.loadData imgTag text html utf 8 Drawable end new BitmapDrawable..

Problem to load flv video in webview


www.platipus.nl flvplayer download 1.0 FLVPlayer.swf fullscreen true video @VIDEO@' autoplay 'true' quality 'high' bgcolor '#000000' name 'VideoPlayer' align 'middle' width '640' height '480' allowScriptAccess ' ' allowFullScreen 'true' type.. style width 100 height 100 src . FLVPlayer.swf fullscreen true video . expression_sad.flv autoplay true quality high bgcolor #000000 name VideoPlayer align middle allowScriptAccess allowFullScreen true type application x shockwave flash pluginspage..

Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java


byteArray Base64.DEFAULT create the html add the first image to the html String html DOCTYPE html html body bgcolor #7f7f7f img src data image png base64 base64 hspace 10 vspace 10 br loop through the rest of the pages and repeat the..