android Programming Glossary: below
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) method of the BroadcastReceiver . I have included examples below. public class MainActivity extends Activity..
Slow Android emulator 1024 which results in very fast emulator. Refer the given below screenshots for more information. Creating a new AVD with the..
How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts be null so you need to add a null check. Modified solution below public boolean isOnline ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager..
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations are subject to your adherence to all of the restrictions below. Except as explicitly permitted in Section 7 or the Maps APIs..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address OS 2.0 there's support for multiple e mail addresses but below 2.0 you can only have one e mail address per device. android.. this question There are several ways to do this shown below. As a friendly warning be careful and up front to the user when.. the account names are email addresses. Example snippet below. Pattern emailPattern Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS API level 8 Account..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? question NEW ANSWER added Jan 25th 2012 Since writing the below answer someone clued me in to the existence of ViewTreeObserver..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically example code with the information provided in the answer below by @mad. Also check the solution below from @Khobaib explaining.. in the answer below by @mad. Also check the solution below from @Khobaib explaining how to deal with picasa images. Single..
Android: Tabs at the BOTTOM the following but didn't work a setting the tabwidget below the framelayout b setting the tabwidget's gravity to bottom..
How can I get zoom functionality for images? and Fling in addition to Panning and Pinch Zoom. The code below is very dated. You can check out the github project to get the..
“Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1” on external JAR click OK. Go to Project » Clean » Clean projects selected below » select your project and click OK. That should work. It is..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? then display the route markers on the map. See the code below for an example but it's not complete though just for you as..
Android: How to declare global variables? ... android label ... application NOTE 2 user608578 asks below how this works with managing native object lifecycles. I admit.. application lifetimes. Thus I consider most criticism below related to Applications being killed at any time etc... moot..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] . NOTE Before trying this code please find this line in below code private static String DB_NAME YourDbName Database name.. ordersDB Keep the Database in assets folder then follow below DataHelper class import import
AsyncTask Android example is via switch statements. I have a complete class edited below with all suggestions to save confusion. import
upload video to facebook in android android facebook share improve this question Below is what i have done and now Works Perfect to Post Video on Facebook...
Example of code to implement a PDF reader Thanks. android pdf share improve this question Use Below Code for that. public class First extends ListActivity..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? getMiddleLayout public FrameLayout getRightLayout Below are demonstrated the 2 animations Stage1 IN Screen OUT View1..
Update Android SDK Tool to 22.0.4(Latest Version) from 22.0.1 following issue Download interrupted Read timed out issue. Below is the screen shot while updating SDK Can anyone help me Thanks..
Android WebView Cookie Problem and it does not happen every time. Very frustrating. Below is the code that I'm using to do this. Any help will be greatly..
Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android the method HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier Below code works for me HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER..
How to close Android application? started by the menus. The same goes for the SEARCH key. Below is some example classes to illustrate Here's an example of a..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address pieces of data so this is the price of admission. Below is a full example that uses a CursorLoader to retrieve profile..
Change the background color of the options menu topic so please read this whole answer before responding. Below I include a more refined and well commented version of the hack..
Android: can height of SlidingDrawer be set with wrap_content? attribute set to the edge where the drawer should be. Below are a class I have created for this purpose and an example layout...
Android timer? How? cleared up yet there are 3 simple ways to handle this. Below is an example showing all 3 and at the bottom is an example..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget or more than once then at times my application crashes.. Below is the error log. Please suggest what can be done 01 06 09 52..
How to grant MODIFY_PHONE_STATE permission for apps ran on Gingerbread declared this permission on AndroidManifest.xml . Any idea Below is the exception log 01 15 09 14 23.210 ERROR AndroidRuntime..
How do I Use AutoCompleteTextView and populate it with data from a web API? This starts a new thread so it doesn't interrupt the UI. Below is a barebones example. public class MyActivity..
install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents) the Android source code from the Android Git repository. Below are the two hidden methods that corresponds to the Intent approach...
Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences ArrayList and then save read it to from SharedPreferences. Below is the solution EDIT Ok below is the solution to save ArrayList..
How to parse json string in Android? [duplicate] string by code. But I didn't understand how to parse it. Below is my JSON string university name oxford url http
How to start a Service when .apk is Installed for the first time on the Android Market that does fulfil my requirement. Below is my Manifest file how I tried but the Service was not called..
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result i cant get the result Plz tell where am i making mistake Below are my Activity and Adapter. Activity public class ListFilterActivity..
Android 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other one streaming from Android 2.2 onwards is supported natively . Below 2.2 the Android OS cannot play shoutcast streams natively without..
Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON So plz guide me how to make road route between 2 location. BELOW CODE IS WORKING FINE NW ENJOY GUYS This is my code I refered..
android dynamically add layouts under each other params.addRule RelativeLayout.BELOW else params new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.. params.addRule RelativeLayout.BELOW neu.getId neu.setLayoutParams params parent.addView neu layoutID.. get the reason.. else route is executed correctly. But the BELOW constant seems to have no effect when trying to apply it to..
Grid of images inside ScrollView the next row by placing the first image of the new row BELOW the tallest image of the last row. To get the images horizontally..
how can i display a listview on the top of another activity in Android super.onCreate savedInstanceState NO NEED TO CALL BELOW METHOD IF YOU DON'T WANT BLUR getWindow .setFlags WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_BLUR_BEHIND..
Android: Cancel Async Task button. Any ideas EDIT FOUND THE SOLUTION . SEE MY ANSWER BELOW. android asynchronous task back cancel share improve this..
Actionbar 3 tabs and 3 fragments - this is killing me Thanks so much for any help ORIGINAL POST AND EDIT BELOW I have an app I'm developing using the Google I O app as a guide...
Android Stop Background Music EDIT FOUND A EASY 5 10 LINE SOLUTION See MY OWN ANSWER BELOW YAY I've searched for 5 hours dozens of SO posts no answers..
Setting ActionBarSherlock Theme for Android app ActionBarSherlock Theme for Android app READ UPDATE 2 BELOW FOR THE ANSWER I'm trying to use ActionBarSherlock in my app...
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) file. Then I had to override the onReceive method of the BroadcastReceiver . I have included examples below. public class MainActivity extends Activity private static String SENT SMS_SENT private static String..
Slow Android emulator the AVD. Also I have increased the Device RAM Size to 1024 which results in very fast emulator. Refer the given below screenshots for more information. Creating a new AVD with the save snapshot feature. Launching the emulator from the snapshot...
How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts there's no available network cm.getActiveNetworkInfo will be null so you need to add a null check. Modified solution below public boolean isOnline ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo..
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations the provider of particular Content Google's licenses above are subject to your adherence to all of the restrictions below. Except as explicitly permitted in Section 7 or the Maps APIs Documentation you must not nor may you permit anyone else..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address or a list of e mail addresses It's my understanding that on OS 2.0 there's support for multiple e mail addresses but below 2.0 you can only have one e mail address per device. android share improve this question There are several ways to do.. have one e mail address per device. android share improve this question There are several ways to do this shown below. As a friendly warning be careful and up front to the user when dealing with account profile and contact data. If you misuse.. Fortunately for certain account types including the account names are email addresses. Example snippet below. Pattern emailPattern Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS API level 8 Account accounts AccountManager.get context .getAccounts for Account..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? Is this possible in Android android share improve this question NEW ANSWER added Jan 25th 2012 Since writing the below answer someone clued me in to the existence of ViewTreeObserver and friends APIs which have been lurking in the SDK since..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically question This is a complete solution. I've just updated this example code with the information provided in the answer below by @mad. Also check the solution below from @Khobaib explaining how to deal with picasa images. Single Picture Selection.. I've just updated this example code with the information provided in the answer below by @mad. Also check the solution below from @Khobaib explaining how to deal with picasa images. Single Picture Selection With support for images from file explorers..
Android: Tabs at the BOTTOM in a TabWidget to the bottom of the screen If so how I've tried the following but didn't work a setting the tabwidget below the framelayout b setting the tabwidget's gravity to bottom Thanks llappall android tabwidget share improve this question..
How can I get zoom functionality for images? TouchImageView a new update. It now includes Double Tap Zoom and Fling in addition to Panning and Pinch Zoom. The code below is very dated. You can check out the github project to get the latest code. USAGE Place in your project...
“Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1” on external JAR remove all except the Android X.Y in my case Android 1.5 . click OK. Go to Project » Clean » Clean projects selected below » select your project and click OK. That should work. It is also possible that you have a JAR file located somewhere in..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? the route you should parse the kml data i.e. via SAX parser then display the route markers on the map. See the code below for an example but it's not complete though just for you as a reference and get some idea. This is a simple bean I use to..
Android: How to declare global variables? application android name my.application.MyApp android icon ... android label ... application NOTE 2 user608578 asks below how this works with managing native object lifecycles. I admit I am not up to speed on using native code with Android in.. user or other information that is meant to be persisted across application lifetimes. Thus I consider most criticism below related to Applications being killed at any time etc... moot as anything that ever needed to be persisted to disk should..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] question EDIT You can find source code sample project here . NOTE Before trying this code please find this line in below code private static String DB_NAME YourDbName Database name DB_NAME here is the name of your database. It is assumed that.. of DB_NAME will be ordersDB private static String DB_NAME ordersDB Keep the Database in assets folder then follow below DataHelper class import import import import
AsyncTask Android example View has been selected. I find the easiest way to do this is via switch statements. I have a complete class edited below with all suggestions to save confusion. import import android.os.AsyncTask import android.os.Bundle..
upload video to facebook in android mAsyncFbRunner.request me videos params POST new WallPostListener android facebook share improve this question Below is what i have done and now Works Perfect to Post Video on Facebook. public class FacebookVideoPostActivity..
Example of code to implement a PDF reader public int getPdfPageNumberEditField return Thanks. android pdf share improve this question Use Below Code for that. public class First extends ListActivity String pdflist File imagelist @Override public void onCreate..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? you can call public FrameLayout getLeftLayout public FrameLayout getMiddleLayout public FrameLayout getRightLayout Below are demonstrated the 2 animations Stage1 IN Screen OUT View1 __ View2 __ __ View3 __ Stage2 OUT IN Screen View1 View2 __..
Update Android SDK Tool to 22.0.4(Latest Version) from 22.0.1 but could not update the SDK Tool to 22.0.4 I am facing the following issue Download interrupted Read timed out issue. Below is the screen shot while updating SDK Can anyone help me Thanks in Advance. EDITED I Found the Solution For above problem..
Android WebView Cookie Problem only observe this problem when trying to load a URL in a WebView and it does not happen every time. Very frustrating. Below is the code that I'm using to do this. Any help will be greatly appreciated. String myUrl http CookieSyncManager.createInstance..
Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android default will also use our flag ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER by the method HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier Below code works for me HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER..
How to close Android application? the HOME key for any menus and in the activities that are started by the menus. The same goes for the SEARCH key. Below is some example classes to illustrate Here's an example of a root activity that kills the application when it is destroyed..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address more on that below but email addresses are fairly sensitive pieces of data so this is the price of admission. Below is a full example that uses a CursorLoader to retrieve profile data rows containing email addresses. public class ExampleActivity..
Change the background color of the options menu and misunderstandings floating around posts on this topic so please read this whole answer before responding. Below I include a more refined and well commented version of the hack from other answers on this page also incorporating ideas..
Android: can height of SlidingDrawer be set with wrap_content? you will have to enclose it in a LinearLayout with the gravity attribute set to the edge where the drawer should be. Below are a class I have created for this purpose and an example layout. WrappingSlidingDrawer class import android.content.Context..
Android timer? How? timer share improve this question ok since this isn't cleared up yet there are 3 simple ways to handle this. Below is an example showing all 3 and at the bottom is an example showing just the method I believe is preferable. Also remember..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget to landscape and vice versa. But if i do it frequently or more than once then at times my application crashes.. Below is the error log. Please suggest what can be done 01 06 09 52 27.787 ERROR dalvikvm heap 17473 1550532 byte external allocation..
How to grant MODIFY_PHONE_STATE permission for apps ran on Gingerbread on android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE permission I declared this permission on AndroidManifest.xml . Any idea Below is the exception log 01 15 09 14 23.210 ERROR AndroidRuntime 404 FATAL EXCEPTION main 01 15 09 14 23.210 ERROR AndroidRuntime..
How do I Use AutoCompleteTextView and populate it with data from a web API? created my own Filter class that overrides performFiltering. This starts a new thread so it doesn't interrupt the UI. Below is a barebones example. public class MyActivity extends Activity private AutoCompleteTextView style @Override..
install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents) of the PackageManager. This can bee seen by downloading the Android source code from the Android Git repository. Below are the two hidden methods that corresponds to the Intent approach. Unfortunately they are not available to external developers...
Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences key set scoreEditor.commit You can also serialize your ArrayList and then save read it to from SharedPreferences. Below is the solution EDIT Ok below is the solution to save ArrayList as serialized object to SharedPreferences and then read..
How to parse json string in Android? [duplicate] fetching JSON string from server and I have already got JSON string by code. But I didn't understand how to parse it. Below is my JSON string university name oxford url http 1 id 2 title Baseball datetime 2011 11 11 10 41 46 2 id..
How to start a Service when .apk is Installed for the first time it is surely possible. Just have a look at PlanB Application on the Android Market that does fulfil my requirement. Below is my Manifest file how I tried but the Service was not called at all. So let me know what is the best possible way to start..
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result i should get the result matching for the typed i cant get the result Plz tell where am i making mistake Below are my Activity and Adapter. Activity public class ListFilterActivity extends ListActivity ListView list @Override protected..
Android 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other one shoutcast share improve this question Shoutcast mp3 streaming from Android 2.2 onwards is supported natively . Below 2.2 the Android OS cannot play shoutcast streams natively without using a proxy on the stream end or a stream proxy class..
Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON Google Directions now you can only get it by JSON or XML So plz guide me how to make road route between 2 location. BELOW CODE IS WORKING FINE NW ENJOY GUYS This is my code I refered this link http 2012 08 android working..
android dynamically add layouts under each other RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT params.addRule RelativeLayout.BELOW else params new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT.. RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT params.addRule RelativeLayout.BELOW neu.getId neu.setLayoutParams params parent.addView neu layoutID txtMultiline is a fixed View defined in XML. LayoutID.. top of the parent layout which is a RelativeLayout . Can't get the reason.. else route is executed correctly. But the BELOW constant seems to have no effect when trying to apply it to my dynamically inflated layouts. What am I doing wrong android..
Grid of images inside ScrollView each image until you run out of room on that row and then start the next row by placing the first image of the new row BELOW the tallest image of the last row. To get the images horizontally centered or in equally spaced columns you'll have to go..
how can i display a listview on the top of another activity in Android @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState NO NEED TO CALL BELOW METHOD IF YOU DON'T WANT BLUR getWindow .setFlags WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_BLUR_BEHIND WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_BLUR_BEHIND..
Android: Cancel Async Task to cancel both dialog and async task when I press the back button. Any ideas EDIT FOUND THE SOLUTION . SEE MY ANSWER BELOW. android asynchronous task back cancel share improve this question From SDK Cancelling a task A task can be cancelled..
Actionbar 3 tabs and 3 fragments - this is killing me a fragment to each of 3 tabs. How do I hook that up correctly Thanks so much for any help ORIGINAL POST AND EDIT BELOW I have an app I'm developing using the Google I O app as a guide. I've implemented tabs into the actionbar. They seem to..
Android Stop Background Music Stop Background Music EDIT FOUND A EASY 5 10 LINE SOLUTION See MY OWN ANSWER BELOW YAY I've searched for 5 hours dozens of SO posts no answers and this seems like the most simple obvious freaking thing EDIT..
Setting ActionBarSherlock Theme for Android app ActionBarSherlock Theme for Android app READ UPDATE 2 BELOW FOR THE ANSWER I'm trying to use ActionBarSherlock in my app. I checked out the 4.0.0 release from the project github repo..