android Programming Glossary: bgrw
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? float dY Ball vertical speed. int ballW int ballH int bgrW int bgrH int angle int bgrScroll int dBgrY Background scroll.. bgr w h true Scale background to fit the screen. bgrW bgr.getWidth bgrH bgr.getHeight Create a mirror image of the.. mirror effect. bgrReverse Bitmap.createBitmap bgr 0 0 bgrW bgrH matrix true Create a new mirrored bitmap by applying the..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? ballX Ball x position. int ballY Ball y position. int initialY float dY Ball vertical speed. int ballW int ballH int bgrW int bgrH int angle int bgrScroll int dBgrY Background scroll speed. float acc Bitmap ball bgr bgrReverse boolean reverseBackroundFirst.. this custom view. screenW w screenH h bgr Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bgr w h true Scale background to fit the screen. bgrW bgr.getWidth bgrH bgr.getHeight Create a mirror image of the background horizontal flip for a more circular background... a frame or mould for an image. matrix.setScale 1 1 Horizontal mirror effect. bgrReverse Bitmap.createBitmap bgr 0 0 bgrW bgrH matrix true Create a new mirrored bitmap by applying the matrix. ballX int screenW 2 ballW 2 Centre ball X into the..