android Programming Glossary: bindings
Android NDK: custom WebView compiling from source package this would have to have all native method bindings registered to your new package name in external webkit WebKit..
MVVMCross changing ViewModel within a MvxBindableListView get return _article Your axml would then have to use bindings like TextView ... local MvxBind 'Text' 'Path' 'TheArticle.Label'..
How to fetch Android Market data when there is no API? p android market api There're also some JRuby bindings for it http jberkel supermarket . However they both..
Crossplatform iPhone / Android code sharing NDK to compile C and C so if you use iPhone Obj C .mm bindings for a C C engine in the iPhone and in Android you use Java bindings.. for a C C engine in the iPhone and in Android you use Java bindings to the same engine It should be totally possible. So C C engine..
Do I need to call both unbindService and stopService for Android services? set it will not be destroyed until all of these bindings are removed. See the Service documentation for more details..
Running a Haskell program on the Android OS Haskell compiler targeting NDK GCC you will need to write bindings to either the android NDK JNI glue code framework added since.. UI code in Haskell somebody will have to write Haskell bindings to Java through JNI C. Unless there is a more automated process..
Targeting/Developing for multiple mobile platforms with one programming language (C#)? Cost-Benefit? work with Cocoa's MVC model and you have to code those bindings separately. And since not all mobile environments enable you..
How to read and write Android NFC tags? or Beam push NFC content The project also includes data bindings for all standardized NDEF record types which really simplifies..
How to Consume WCF Service with Android format and HTTP POST rather than GET for the web service bindings. The easiest HTTP binding to get working is basicHttpBinding..
WebP for Android with syntax errors but still . It also got generated JNI bindings in swig directory. Here's how I got it working Download NDK..
When to call activity context OR application context? . Android internally tracks bindings via these ServiceConnections and holds references to the Contexts.. and holds references to the Contexts that create the bindings. If you bind from the Activity then the new Activity instance..
Android NDK: custom WebView compiling from source which exposes native methods to the android.webkit package this would have to have all native method bindings registered to your new package name in external webkit WebKit android jni and be recompiled without prelinking make libwebcore..
MVVMCross changing ViewModel within a MvxBindableListView _parent.DoStuff _article public Article TheArticle get return _article Your axml would then have to use bindings like TextView ... local MvxBind 'Text' 'Path' 'TheArticle.Label' and ImageButton ... local MvxBind 'Click' 'Path' 'TheCommand.MyTest'..
How to fetch Android Market data when there is no API? attempts to build an open source api for the market http p android market api There're also some JRuby bindings for it http jberkel supermarket . However they both require a Google Market account and the API is only partially..
Crossplatform iPhone / Android code sharing improve this question In my experience you can use Android NDK to compile C and C so if you use iPhone Obj C .mm bindings for a C C engine in the iPhone and in Android you use Java bindings to the same engine It should be totally possible. So.. to compile C and C so if you use iPhone Obj C .mm bindings for a C C engine in the iPhone and in Android you use Java bindings to the same engine It should be totally possible. So C C engine almost same codebase for Android and iPhone Thin bindings..
Do I need to call both unbindService and stopService for Android services? has ServiceConnection objects bound to it with the BIND_AUTO_CREATE set it will not be destroyed until all of these bindings are removed. See the Service documentation for more details on a service's lifecycle. So calling stopService first followed..
Running a Haskell program on the Android OS not have many Haskell extensions like GHC. Once you have Haskell compiler targeting NDK GCC you will need to write bindings to either the android NDK JNI glue code framework added since android 2.3 or you must write JNI glue code between Java C.. for this part of the android SDK. If you want to do android UI code in Haskell somebody will have to write Haskell bindings to Java through JNI C. Unless there is a more automated process to writing binding libraries I know there are some they..
Targeting/Developing for multiple mobile platforms with one programming language (C#)? Cost-Benefit? bind to Silverlight views in an MVVM model If you do it won't work with Cocoa's MVC model and you have to code those bindings separately. And since not all mobile environments enable you to use the full set of functionalities for example MonoTouch..
How to read and write Android NFC tags? project helps doing the following Detect then Read or write or Beam push NFC content The project also includes data bindings for all standardized NDEF record types which really simplifies things compared to working with the byte array based NDEF..
How to Consume WCF Service with Android with WCF it might be easiest to just use the default SOAP format and HTTP POST rather than GET for the web service bindings. The easiest HTTP binding to get working is basicHttpBinding . Here is an example of what the ServiceContract OperationContract..
WebP for Android libwebp 0.1.3 already comes with file outdated and with syntax errors but still . It also got generated JNI bindings in swig directory. Here's how I got it working Download NDK put it in system PATH . download libwebp 0.1.3.tar.gz place..
When to call activity context OR application context? the handle to the binding between Activity instances via onRetainNonConfigurationInstance . Android internally tracks bindings via these ServiceConnections and holds references to the Contexts that create the bindings. If you bind from the Activity.. . Android internally tracks bindings via these ServiceConnections and holds references to the Contexts that create the bindings. If you bind from the Activity then the new Activity instance will have a reference to the ServiceConnection which has an..