android Programming Glossary: bi
Parsing data from hdp device for android (API 15) like while data 1 String value null BigInteger bi new BigInteger data for byte b data value b Log.d read data.. BigInteger data for byte b data value b Log.d read data binary the data bi.toString 2 Log.d read data decimal the data.. for byte b data value b Log.d read data binary the data bi.toString 2 Log.d read data decimal the data bi.toString Log.d..
Android facebook SDK, upload pictures to wall with profile in different language? if facebook.isSessionValid try byte data null Bitmap bi BitmapFactory.decodeFile Constants.imgShare ByteArrayOutputStream.. System.out.println e.getMessage bmscreen is my bitmap of image Hope might be helpful to you. share improve this..
How can I initiate an Android-to-PC HTTP request over USB? not actually the communication which is one way but the ability initiate connections . To do this with standard android.. Android devices which support USB tethering to provide mobile network service to a PC implicitly end up creating a bi directional.. network service to a PC implicitly end up creating a bi directional IP network over the usb cable which you can use..
Upload image to facebook from SD card in android new BitmapFactory.Options options.inSampleSize 2 Bitmap bi BitmapFactory.decodeStream fis ByteArrayOutputStream baos new.. fis ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream bi.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 100 baos data baos.toByteArray.. Snippet for Post Image from SDCard Convert your image to bitmap and proceed private void postToWall AsyncFacebookRunner..
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? this way. Use a different value than 4 if you don't use 32bit images. int bytes b.getWidth b.getHeight 4 ByteBuffer buffer.. new int 256 mBinSquared new double 256 for int bin 0 bin 256 bin mBinSquared bin double bin bin bin @Override.. new int 256 mBinSquared new double 256 for int bin 0 bin 256 bin mBinSquared bin double bin bin bin @Override protected..
How to create named pipe (mkfifo) in Android? to deal with various permission issues. Note the socket is bi directional. Since it's a socket you may need INTERNET permission... INTERNET permission. Not sure about that. Here's a quick bit of client server sample code #include stdio.h #include string.h.. if argv 1 0 's' printf SERVER s n sockAddr.sun_path 1 if bind fd const struct sockaddr sockAddr sockLen 0 perror server..
Android - Upload photo to Facebook with Facebook Android SDK android facebook publish photo Code byte data null Bitmap bi BitmapFactory.decodeFile photoToPost ByteArrayOutputStream baos.. ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream bi.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 100 baos data baos.toByteArray..
android facebook publish photo class under the postToWall function. byte data null Bitmap bi BitmapFactory.decodeFile photoToPost ByteArrayOutputStream baos.. ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream bi.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 100 baos data baos.toByteArray..
Example: Android bi-directional network socket using AsyncTask Android bi directional network socket using AsyncTask Most of the network.. were one directional only. I needed a solution for a bi directional data stream. I eventually learned of the AsyncTask... OnClickListener public void onClick View v btnStart.setVisibility View.INVISIBLE networktask new NetworkTask New instance..
TCP-based RPC server (Erlang or something similar?) for iOS/Android app communication for iOS Android app communication I'm building native mobile applications in both iOS and Android. These apps require realtime.. of TCP setup teardown. It might make sense to have the mobile applications use persistent TCP sockets to establish a connection.. based application like this. It would allow for the mobile apps to send and receive data from the server all over one..
Resources.openRawResource() issue Android of that db to the device db I use BufferedInputStream bi new BufferedInputStream is and FileOutputStream but I get an.. Yes you should be able to use openRawResource to copy a binary across from your raw resource folder to the device. Based..
Parsing data from hdp device for android (API 15) human readable. this is what I tried until now with something like while data 1 String value null BigInteger bi new BigInteger data for byte b data value b Log.d read data binary the data bi.toString 2 Log.d read data decimal the data.. like while data 1 String value null BigInteger bi new BigInteger data for byte b data value b Log.d read data binary the data bi.toString 2 Log.d read data decimal the data bi.toString Log.d read data hexa the data bi.toString 16 Log.d.. data 1 String value null BigInteger bi new BigInteger data for byte b data value b Log.d read data binary the data bi.toString 2 Log.d read data decimal the data bi.toString Log.d read data hexa the data bi.toString 16 Log.d read data pure..
Android facebook SDK, upload pictures to wall with profile in different language? have a look ... private void fbImageSubmit if facebook null if facebook.isSessionValid try byte data null Bitmap bi BitmapFactory.decodeFile Constants.imgShare ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream bmScreen.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG..
How can I initiate an Android-to-PC HTTP request over USB? android http usb adb share improve this question It is not actually the communication which is one way but the ability initiate connections . To do this with standard android functionality you will conceptually have to tunnel the device.. up the pieces ready to use. As an alternative idea some Android devices which support USB tethering to provide mobile network service to a PC implicitly end up creating a bi directional IP network over the usb cable which you can use for.. Android devices which support USB tethering to provide mobile network service to a PC implicitly end up creating a bi directional IP network over the usb cable which you can use for other purposes. But be very careful that you don't accidentally..
Upload image to facebook from SD card in android new FileInputStream filepath BitmapFactory.Options options new BitmapFactory.Options options.inSampleSize 2 Bitmap bi BitmapFactory.decodeStream fis ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream bi.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG.. options.inSampleSize 2 Bitmap bi BitmapFactory.decodeStream fis ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream bi.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 100 baos data baos.toByteArray catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace Log.d.. android facebook share improve this question Try below Snippet for Post Image from SDCard Convert your image to bitmap and proceed private void postToWall AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook ByteArrayOutputStream..
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? int bytes mainImage.getByteCount or we can calculate bytes this way. Use a different value than 4 if you don't use 32bit images. int bytes b.getWidth b.getHeight 4 ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.allocate bytes Create a new buffer mainImage.copyPixelsToBuffer.. mRedHistogram new int 256 mGreenHistogram new int 256 mBlueHistogram new int 256 mBinSquared new double 256 for int bin 0 bin 256 bin mBinSquared bin double bin bin bin @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas if mBitmap null canvas.drawColor.. new int 256 mGreenHistogram new int 256 mBlueHistogram new int 256 mBinSquared new double 256 for int bin 0 bin 256 bin mBinSquared bin double bin bin bin @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas if mBitmap null canvas.drawColor..
How to create named pipe (mkfifo) in Android? but they're not part of the filesystem so you don't have to deal with various permission issues. Note the socket is bi directional. Since it's a socket you may need INTERNET permission. Not sure about that. Here's a quick bit of client server.. socket is bi directional. Since it's a socket you may need INTERNET permission. Not sure about that. Here's a quick bit of client server sample code #include stdio.h #include string.h #include unistd.h #include stddef.h #include sys socket.h.. strlen message 1 0 perror client write goto bail else if argv 1 0 's' printf SERVER s n sockAddr.sun_path 1 if bind fd const struct sockaddr sockAddr sockLen 0 perror server bind goto bail if listen fd 5 0 perror server listen goto..
Android - Upload photo to Facebook with Facebook Android SDK question Just posted here the simple way to upload a photo android facebook publish photo Code byte data null Bitmap bi BitmapFactory.decodeFile photoToPost ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream bi.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG.. byte data null Bitmap bi BitmapFactory.decodeFile photoToPost ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream bi.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 100 baos data baos.toByteArray Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload..
android facebook publish photo EDIT Just got this working. This is in the ShareOnFacebook class under the postToWall function. byte data null Bitmap bi BitmapFactory.decodeFile photoToPost ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream bi.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG.. byte data null Bitmap bi BitmapFactory.decodeFile photoToPost ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream bi.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 100 baos data baos.toByteArray Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload..
Example: Android bi-directional network socket using AsyncTask Android bi directional network socket using AsyncTask Most of the network socket examples I found for Android were one directional.. Most of the network socket examples I found for Android were one directional only. I needed a solution for a bi directional data stream. I eventually learned of the AsyncTask. This example shows how to get data from a socket and send.. an error. private OnClickListener btnStartListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v btnStart.setVisibility View.INVISIBLE networktask new NetworkTask New instance of NetworkTask networktask.execute private OnClickListener..
TCP-based RPC server (Erlang or something similar?) for iOS/Android app communication based RPC server Erlang or something similar for iOS Android app communication I'm building native mobile applications in both iOS and Android. These apps require realtime updates from and to the server same as any other network.. can be detrimental to battery life especially with a lot of TCP setup teardown. It might make sense to have the mobile applications use persistent TCP sockets to establish a connection to the server and send RPC style commands to the server.. Perhaps an Erlang based RPC server would do well for a network based application like this. It would allow for the mobile apps to send and receive data from the server all over one connection without multiple setup teardown that individual..
Resources.openRawResource() issue Android have an another database file in device so to copy the contents of that db to the device db I use BufferedInputStream bi new BufferedInputStream is and FileOutputStream but I get an exception that database file is corrupted. How can I proceed.. doesn't work. java android share improve this question Yes you should be able to use openRawResource to copy a binary across from your raw resource folder to the device. Based on the example code in the API demos content ReadAsset you..