android Programming Glossary: bgrscroll
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? speed. int ballW int ballH int bgrW int bgrH int angle int bgrScroll int dBgrY Background scroll speed. float acc Bitmap ball bgr.. position angle 0 Start value for the rotation angle bgrScroll 0 Background scroll position dBgrY 1 Scrolling background speed.. scrolling background. Rect fromRect1 new Rect 0 0 bgrW bgrScroll bgrH Rect toRect1 new Rect bgrScroll 0 bgrW bgrH Rect fromRect2..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? ballY Ball y position. int initialY float dY Ball vertical speed. int ballW int ballH int bgrW int bgrH int angle int bgrScroll int dBgrY Background scroll speed. float acc Bitmap ball bgr bgrReverse boolean reverseBackroundFirst boolean ballFingerMove.. Acceleration dY 0 vertical speed initialY 100 Initial vertical position angle 0 Start value for the rotation angle bgrScroll 0 Background scroll position dBgrY 1 Scrolling background speed fpsPaint.setTextSize 30 Set thread getHolder .addCallback.. public void onDraw Canvas canvas super.onDraw canvas Draw scrolling background. Rect fromRect1 new Rect 0 0 bgrW bgrScroll bgrH Rect toRect1 new Rect bgrScroll 0 bgrW bgrH Rect fromRect2 new Rect bgrW bgrScroll 0 bgrW bgrH Rect toRect2 new Rect..