android Programming Glossary: beyond
Send message from a basic server to a specific client about creating threads. That will be a lot of reading beyond this post on stackoverflow. As to accepting connections and..
How do I restart an Android Activity below Activity.recreate is the way to go in API 11 and beyond. This is preferable if you're in an API11 environment. You can..
Moving MapFragment (SurfaceView) causes black background flickering one of my coworkers suggested simply extending the map beyond its container. If we extend the map fragment beyond the visible.. map beyond its container. If we extend the map fragment beyond the visible region of its container like so android layout_marginLeft..
How do you test an Android application across multiple Activities? and also with Positron but neither seem capable of testing beyond the bounds of a single Activity and while we can find some utility..
LogCat message: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included ResourceType getEntry failing because entryIndex 906 is beyond type entryCount 3 Failure getting entry for 0x7f0b038a t 10..
Android TextView Text not getting wrapped exceeds then one line not getting wrap to next line going beyond the screen. Following is the code LinearLayout xmlns android..
Change the background color of the options menu Java class that exists in Android 3.2 and possibly beyond that may or may not exist in other Android revs is the class..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites Intent flag trickery to accomplish this however. I'd be beyond happy to find that I can fulfill my application's requirements..
How to pass custom component parameters in java and xml of Creating custom view You can create constructors beyond the three standard ones inherited from View that add the attributes..
How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android? to achieve a progress of 0~35 even as my finger slides beyond the SeekBar and eventually off the screen. If I just tap near..
HTML5 <audio> tag on Android it this is apparently a bug that's been fixed in releases beyond Froyo http p android issues detail id 9372 I've..
What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain? are currently working on enlarging the compilation scope beyond a simple trace so that the compiler has a larger window for..
System services not available to Activities before onCreate? it is only available in the Activity.onCreate method and beyond. And for a top tip... Create the CursorAdapter with a Cursor..
Difference between AlarmManager and ScheduledExecutorService will run. Hence the need for Service so your process lives beyond Activities active part of lifecycle . While AlaramManager is..
Why use armeabi-v7a code over armeabi code? which can contain extra CPU instructions. This all goes beyond my expertise but I question why one would like to have both..
What are the benefits of CursorLoaders? cursor directly and now the connection can persist even beyond a single Activity . LoaderManager.initLoader and LoaderManager.restartLoader..
Using Application context everywhere? and the Application Context when passing a context beyond the scope of an Activity to avoid memory leaks . Also as an..
Android Support Package / Compatibility Library - use v4 or v13? phones running Android 2.2 API 8 through to 4.0 API 14 and beyond will v4 suffice for me android android compat lib android compatibility..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? of partial implementations I'll review four of them below. Beyond being incomplete they all have their issues. @Reto Meier contributed..
What options are available for handling text input on Android using Adobe AIR? internally. It is not optimized for mobile use. Beyond that it demonstrates several defects listed above that make..
How to play online radio in android have to parse that file and pull out the true URLs to use. Beyond that you should be able to use MediaPlayer's create method with..
Android HttpClient OOM on 4G/LTE (HTC Thunderbolt) a guess and warn users about the problems with that combo. Beyond that you can try changing up your HttpClient usage a bit and..
Android How to get rid of question mark at end of ellipsize use the ellipsizing feature will need the ellipsis glyph. Beyond that though Android pads out the string that gets rendered on..
Why does TextView in single line elipsized with “end” show boxes? use the ellipsizing feature will need the ellipsis glyph. Beyond that though Android pads out the string that gets rendered on..
Android spinner close or higher until you can see and clone that code as well. Beyond that I would think that what you want is poor UX. If the user..
AppWidget alarmmanager not updating to the homescreen it runs its update function just fine. Beyond that it's supposed to start an AlarmManager which will rerun..
How to understand the directory structure of android root tree? that provide the dynamic configuration of the platform Beyond the above you also have the hidden .repo directory that contains..
Send message from a basic server to a specific client you added code to the question See the Android Documentation about creating threads. That will be a lot of reading beyond this post on stackoverflow. As to accepting connections and starting threads just do it in a loop for int i 0 i 5 i clientSocket..
How do I restart an Android Activity with. That seems to do the trick UPDATE As pointed out by Ralf below Activity.recreate is the way to go in API 11 and beyond. This is preferable if you're in an API11 environment. You can still check the current version and call the code snippet..
Moving MapFragment (SurfaceView) causes black background flickering p gmaps api issues issues detail id 4639 . However one of my coworkers suggested simply extending the map beyond its container. If we extend the map fragment beyond the visible region of its container like so android layout_marginLeft.. . However one of my coworkers suggested simply extending the map beyond its container. If we extend the map fragment beyond the visible region of its container like so android layout_marginLeft 40dp android layout_marginRight 40dp we can reduce..
How do you test an Android application across multiple Activities? come with Android e.g. ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 and also with Positron but neither seem capable of testing beyond the bounds of a single Activity and while we can find some utility in these tools for some unit testing they won't meet..
LogCat message: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included it is preceded by these messages which are Warnings and tagged ResourceType getEntry failing because entryIndex 906 is beyond type entryCount 3 Failure getting entry for 0x7f0b038a t 10 e 906 in package 0 error 2147483647 FWIW I can't find the constant..
Android TextView Text not getting wrapped Can any one tell me whats going wrong with the text text exceeds then one line not getting wrap to next line going beyond the screen. Following is the code LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android android layout_width..
Change the background color of the options menu is the name of an internal Java class that exists in Android 3.2 and possibly beyond that may or may not exist in other Android revs is the class whose instance we want to modify to set background etc. ..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites begin implementing this method soon. I'd rather use some Intent flag trickery to accomplish this however. I'd be beyond happy to find that I can fulfill my application's requirements without having to use either of the two methods that I've..
How to pass custom component parameters in java and xml this question Full disclosure This question is an offshoot of Creating custom view You can create constructors beyond the three standard ones inherited from View that add the attributes you want... MyComponent Context context String foo super..
How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android? the same code so you'd assume the same behavior. I'm only able to achieve a progress of 0~35 even as my finger slides beyond the SeekBar and eventually off the screen. If I just tap near the end of the progress bar which should be progress ~ 900..
HTML5 <audio> tag on Android well. 2.2 supports the audio tag but has no codecs to back it this is apparently a bug that's been fixed in releases beyond Froyo http p android issues detail id 9372 I've used the audio tag with an mp3 file on my Nexus S it's working..
What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain? virtual getters setters can be inlined without problems. We are currently working on enlarging the compilation scope beyond a simple trace so that the compiler has a larger window for code analysis and optimization. Stay tuned. share improve this..
System services not available to Activities before onCreate? . Context is not available in the Activities Constructor it is only available in the Activity.onCreate method and beyond. And for a top tip... Create the CursorAdapter with a Cursor of null in Activity.onCreate and use ListView.getAdapter .changeCursor..
Difference between AlarmManager and ScheduledExecutorService If application process dies none of the scheduled tasks will run. Hence the need for Service so your process lives beyond Activities active part of lifecycle . While AlaramManager is critical system service that runs all the time. And if your..
Why use armeabi-v7a code over armeabi code? NDK documentation armeabi v7a code is extended armeabi code which can contain extra CPU instructions. This all goes beyond my expertise but I question why one would like to have both armeabi v7a and armeabi code. There must be a good reason to..
What are the benefits of CursorLoaders? singular LoaderManager so you still don't have to manage the cursor directly and now the connection can persist even beyond a single Activity . LoaderManager.initLoader and LoaderManager.restartLoader allow you to reconnect with an existing Loader..
Using Application context everywhere? good practice to use an Activity's Context within that Activity and the Application Context when passing a context beyond the scope of an Activity to avoid memory leaks . Also as an alternative to your pattern you can use the shortcut of calling..
Android Support Package / Compatibility Library - use v4 or v13? library such that my app builds and works fine for phones running Android 2.2 API 8 through to 4.0 API 14 and beyond will v4 suffice for me android android compat lib android compatibility android support library share improve this question..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? that set of operations to be reversed. Now I have seen lots of partial implementations I'll review four of them below. Beyond being incomplete they all have their issues. @Reto Meier contributed this popular answer to the same basic question indicating..
What options are available for handling text input on Android using Adobe AIR? properly in all cases Yes This component uses RichEditableText internally. It is not optimized for mobile use. Beyond that it demonstrates several defects listed above that make it unsuitable for use. This component does not properly handle..
How to play online radio in android an online radio stream that uses .pls or .m3u you would have to parse that file and pull out the true URLs to use. Beyond that you should be able to use MediaPlayer's create method with a URL to start streaming playback. Keep in mind that if..
Android HttpClient OOM on 4G/LTE (HTC Thunderbolt) I'm guessing LTE would list as WiMAX but that's just a guess and warn users about the problems with that combo. Beyond that you can try changing up your HttpClient usage a bit and see if it has an effect such as If you are only supporting..
Android How to get rid of question mark at end of ellipsize in a single glyph. Hence any font that you use that you also use the ellipsizing feature will need the ellipsis glyph. Beyond that though Android pads out the string that gets rendered on screen such that the length in characters is the same before..
Why does TextView in single line elipsized with “end” show boxes? in a single glyph. Hence any font that you use that you also use the ellipsizing feature will need the ellipsis glyph. Beyond that though Android pads out the string that gets rendered on screen such that the length in characters is the same before..
Android spinner close dismiss the dialog. But again it would not work on Honeycomb or higher until you can see and clone that code as well. Beyond that I would think that what you want is poor UX. If the user opened the Spinner they are most likely actively examining..
AppWidget alarmmanager not updating it to update every 60 seconds. When the widget is first added to the homescreen it runs its update function just fine. Beyond that it's supposed to start an AlarmManager which will rerun the update method every 60 seconds. That's the part that it..
How to understand the directory structure of android root tree? source code for the init process and the default init.rc script that provide the dynamic configuration of the platform Beyond the above you also have the hidden .repo directory that contains the source for the repo utility. It also holds the manifest..