android Programming Glossary: besides
Android remote code loading but there seems to be precious little on the web besides the API docs. Has anyone used this successfully for the scenario..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK else Your application has other intents that it fires off besides the one for Drive's log in if it ever reaches this spot. Handle..
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) Side Notes I don't plan on doing anything with the PDU besides local use I do not want hard coded PDU's in my code because..
Does Android support near real time push notification be polling that heavily just to check for notification .. besides which it's like drip draining the data plan. android push notification..
How to get the correct number of bytes sent and received in TrafficStats? how TrafficStats arrives at these numbers I'm aware that besides my browser there might be other applications running in the..
Android SQLite and huge data sets tens of thousands of rows of data in Android You mean besides telling you that reading 20 000 rows on a 3.5 LCD is bat guano..
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? functions normally within the list item but when something besides the button is pressed I want onListItemClick to be triggered...
Send SMS until it is successful do the above method. You could add an extra information besides receiver and message counting the number of retries up until..
Is it possible, in principle, for an Android device to interface with an iPhone over Bluetooth/GameKit? an alternative way to have direct peer to peer networking besides GameKit For example a hand rolled network using Bluetooth or..
Populating a ListView using ArrayList? display for instance ImageViews or to have some of data besides toString results fill the views override getView int View ViewGroup..
Accessing Resources without a Context instantiated. It has no need for anything from resources besides that one time during instantiation. Therefore having to pass..
Android - disable landscape mode? saving restoring state. There are plenty of things besides app rotation that can trigger an activity destruction recreation..
Using Singleton design pattern for SQLiteDatabase using content provider but it would be too much for this besides that I'm not interested to share the data with other activities...
Communication between two apps using emulator as server and client 2 apps on the same virtual or real device to work together besides the regular Intent object you might have a look at bound Services..
Android: Keyboared overlaps with the EditText (with printscreens) for example 0 than it looks ok. Is there anything I can do besides putting the EditText higher so it will looks like it does in..
looking for best barcode scanner library, besides zxing [closed] for best barcode scanner library besides zxing closed I am looking for some best barcode libraries on.. all platforms. I know zxing but wondering more libraries besides it. Any help is appreciated~ android iphone symbian barcode..
Optional permissions so an app can show on all devices and enable optional features on some? solution to this issue Does anyone have other approaches besides the ones I've listed above android share improve this question..
Disabling “Force Stop” Button in Android viewpoint that nothing on the device is yours to control besides your app and to a limited extent the resources to which you're..
Custom ListView adapter, strange ImageView behavior if you plan to do something if the user clicks that image besides changing it is to incorporate the status of the image in the..
Actionbarsherlock + tabs + multi fragments? from including the new People tab that comes with ICS . Besides it's very easy to style it to match your app identity. 3. FragmentPagerAdapter..
setRotation(90) to take picture in portrait mode does not work on samsung devices it did not have any affect on the picture taken. Further Besides setRotation I have also tried to set the picture size where..
Launch application without an interface to receive boot_completed in the form of an activity that the user can launch. Besides this is where you need to Allow the user to stop and start your..
Java SimpleCrypto Class for encryption / decryption producing different results in Coldfusion 9 and Java (Android) Function KBKDF for instance HKDF in Bouncy Castle. Besides the key derivation there are encoding decoding issues with that..
How to align TextView around an ImageView? not in English though translate it using your browser. Besides you can download the source code of the example directly from..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset if bluetoothClass null Check if device is a headset. Besides the 2 below are there other device classes also qualified as..
handle textview link click in my android app by my own app there is a solution that is a bit simpler. Besides the default intent filter I simply let my target activity listen..
Play audio file from the assets directory assets directory and keeping them in the res raw directory Besides the fact that they don't get ids if they are in the assets directory...
Android question: implementing a rich text editor? keyboard. But I think this is a very bad user experience. Besides the screen layout is not properly rearranged and the text inserting..
Embed Zxing library without using Barcode Scanner app
Android, send and receive XML via HTTP POST method there is something wrong with receiving the response. Besides I did not write anything to save the received XML as a file...
“Undefined reference” when accessing my shared library using JNI don't know if there can be seen any error in this output. Besides I also searched for this error online e.g. here . Unfortunately..
License problem using sectioned ListView with J. Sharkey's SeparatedListAdapter the politics of it so I appreciate if you don't. Besides I'm not circumventing I'm avoiding it legally. Right now I've..
Lock android app after a certain amount of idle time set the appwide unlocked since boot state to true. Besides the timeout this approach will also automatically lock your..
How to support all the different resolutions of android products textSize 28 timeWidth 40 dayWidth 55 moneyWidth 25 Besides the parameters I've also created drawables for LDPI MDPI and..
Difference between AlarmManager and ScheduledExecutorService between AlarmManager and ScheduledExecutorService Besides setting and exact time i.e. midnight versus setting a delay..
Multiple screen resolutions/aspect ratios (games) degrades the experience for all the others significantly. Besides we do not even know what the smallest resolution is or can restrict..
Android Fragments. Retaining an AsyncTask during screen rotation or configuration change setRetainInstance true savedInstanceState is always null. Besides that when loading UI State a NPE is thrown when looking for..
Failed to initialize monitor Thread: Unable to establish loopback connection scanners off temporarily Nothing seems to help I'm lost. Besides if I try to update I get the error message also Some sites could..
How would one implement a NumberPicker in Android API 7? make this answer bad. Android is about freedom of choice. Besides the look of this control is dependent on styles. Take away the..
Android remote code loading the app is installed. I see this class in 1.5 called DexClassLoader but there seems to be precious little on the web besides the API docs. Has anyone used this successfully for the scenario which I described Also do the terms of the Android Market..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK maybe just log whatever code was returned. break else Your application has other intents that it fires off besides the one for Drive's log in if it ever reaches this spot. Handle it here however you'd like. THE ANDROID CODE Updating Two..
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) Which obviously isn't valid... Side Notes I don't plan on doing anything with the PDU besides local use I do not want hard coded PDU's in my code because I'm not reusing the PDU. If there is anything I can add to the..
Does Android support near real time push notification HTTP request response style but ideally I don't want to to be polling that heavily just to check for notification .. besides which it's like drip draining the data plan. android push notification share improve this question As of June 26 2012..
How to get the correct number of bytes sent and received in TrafficStats? data over the waiting period. Is there a way for me to check how TrafficStats arrives at these numbers I'm aware that besides my browser there might be other applications running in the background that connect to the internet but 2.7MB to 10MB just..
Android SQLite and huge data sets question what options do we have in querying and displaying tens of thousands of rows of data in Android You mean besides telling you that reading 20 000 rows on a 3.5 LCD is bat guano crazy It looks like CursorWindow which is used somewhere..
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? when the list item is clicked. The button still functions normally within the list item but when something besides the button is pressed I want onListItemClick to be triggered. How can I make this work android android widget android listview..
Send SMS until it is successful 2 Easy when your sent message broadcast detects an error do the above method. You could add an extra information besides receiver and message counting the number of retries up until now so you have a chance of stopping the send retry loop. Question..
Is it possible, in principle, for an Android device to interface with an iPhone over Bluetooth/GameKit? time Please give evidence supporting your reason. Is there an alternative way to have direct peer to peer networking besides GameKit For example a hand rolled network using Bluetooth or ad hoc WiFi It would be nice to spoof an Android device into..
Populating a ListView using ArrayList? the list. To use something other than TextViews for the array display for instance ImageViews or to have some of data besides toString results fill the views override getView int View ViewGroup to return the type of view you want. So your code should..
Accessing Resources without a Context want a singleton to use something in configuration when it's instantiated. It has no need for anything from resources besides that one time during instantiation. Therefore having to pass in a Context every time getInstance is called would be a complete..
Android - disable landscape mode? you of having to think about activity lifecycle events or properly saving restoring state. There are plenty of things besides app rotation that can trigger an activity destruction recreation including unavoidable things like multitasking. There are..
Using Singleton design pattern for SQLiteDatabase Otherwise what would a better option be I've read about using content provider but it would be too much for this besides that I'm not interested to share the data with other activities. I have indeed read this post and found it rather helpful...
Communication between two apps using emulator as server and client android emulator share improve this question For 2 apps on the same virtual or real device to work together besides the regular Intent object you might have a look at bound Services and AIDL http guide components aidl.html..
Android: Keyboared overlaps with the EditText (with printscreens) hides a small part of the text box. But when I press a key for example 0 than it looks ok. Is there anything I can do besides putting the EditText higher so it will looks like it does in the second picture Edit the .xml code xml version 1.0 encoding..
looking for best barcode scanner library, besides zxing [closed] for best barcode scanner library besides zxing closed I am looking for some best barcode libraries on all platforms. I know zxing but wondering more libraries besides.. zxing closed I am looking for some best barcode libraries on all platforms. I know zxing but wondering more libraries besides it. Any help is appreciated~ android iphone symbian barcode scanner zxing share improve this question Jeff Lamarche's..
Optional permissions so an app can show on all devices and enable optional features on some? for other workarounds people have found if any... what is the solution to this issue Does anyone have other approaches besides the ones I've listed above android share improve this question What is a general solution for this problem For that..
Disabling “Force Stop” Button in Android of the device the answer is usually no . You should take the viewpoint that nothing on the device is yours to control besides your app and to a limited extent the resources to which you're granted access. No other app has this kind of control so..
Custom ListView adapter, strange ImageView behavior what was your row data another approach and the right one if you plan to do something if the user clicks that image besides changing it is to incorporate the status of the image in the row's data model. Regarding this here are some tutorials Android..
Actionbarsherlock + tabs + multi fragments? what you want. There are even other tab styles to choose from including the new People tab that comes with ICS . Besides it's very easy to style it to match your app identity. 3. FragmentPagerAdapter Finally that class from the support library..
setRotation(90) to take picture in portrait mode does not work on samsung devices 90 made the preview to be in portrait mode however it did not have any affect on the picture taken. Further Besides setRotation I have also tried to set the picture size where I flip h with w parameters.setPictureSize 1200 1600 . This also..
Launch application without an interface to receive boot_completed android share improve this question You add a user interface in the form of an activity that the user can launch. Besides this is where you need to Allow the user to stop and start your service since the user may not want your service to be running..
Java SimpleCrypto Class for encryption / decryption producing different results in Coldfusion 9 and Java (Android) could try and find an implementation of a Key Based Key Derivation Function KBKDF for instance HKDF in Bouncy Castle. Besides the key derivation there are encoding decoding issues with that sample code as well. Don't use it it is a terrible example...
How to align TextView around an ImageView? interface which is available in API 8. Here is the article not in English though translate it using your browser. Besides you can download the source code of the example directly from here . Your layout xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 RelativeLayout..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset bluetoothClass mConnectedHeadset.getBluetoothClass if bluetoothClass null Check if device is a headset. Besides the 2 below are there other device classes also qualified as headset int deviceClass bluetoothClass.getDeviceClass if..
handle textview link click in my android app my particular problem. Since I wanted the link to be handled by my own app there is a solution that is a bit simpler. Besides the default intent filter I simply let my target activity listen to ACTION_VIEW intents and specifically those with the..
Play audio file from the assets directory Is there a difference between keeping audio files in the assets directory and keeping them in the res raw directory Besides the fact that they don't get ids if they are in the assets directory. If I move the audio files to the res raw folder then..
Android question: implementing a rich text editor? the user has to long press the Menu button to bring up the keyboard. But I think this is a very bad user experience. Besides the screen layout is not properly rearranged and the text inserting point sometimes will be covered by the keyboard. Using..
Embed Zxing library without using Barcode Scanner app
Android, send and receive XML via HTTP POST method .toString text view is expected to print the response there is something wrong with receiving the response. Besides I did not write anything to save the received XML as a file. Can someone write a code snippet android xml http http post..
“Undefined reference” when accessing my shared library using JNI A _bss_end__ 000012c8 A _edata 000012c8 A _end But I don't know if there can be seen any error in this output. Besides I also searched for this error online e.g. here . Unfortunately I haven't been able to solve my problem yet. So my question..
License problem using sectioned ListView with J. Sharkey's SeparatedListAdapter code being attracted to the force of the GPL . I'm not discussing the politics of it so I appreciate if you don't. Besides I'm not circumventing I'm avoiding it legally. Right now I've been able to find cwac merge which is ASL 2. But so far I..
Lock android app after a certain amount of idle time interval also show the lock screen. When the app is unlocked set the appwide unlocked since boot state to true. Besides the timeout this approach will also automatically lock your app if your app is killed and restarts or if your phone restarts..
How to support all the different resolutions of android products 33 else if metrics.densityDpi DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_LOW textSize 28 timeWidth 40 dayWidth 55 moneyWidth 25 Besides the parameters I've also created drawables for LDPI MDPI and HDPI. This works fine for the resolutions described above but..
Difference between AlarmManager and ScheduledExecutorService between AlarmManager and ScheduledExecutorService Besides setting and exact time i.e. midnight versus setting a delay i.e. 24 hours what's the difference between using AlarmManager..
Multiple screen resolutions/aspect ratios (games) lack of detail or supporting even the smallest screen ratio degrades the experience for all the others significantly. Besides we do not even know what the smallest resolution is or can restrict it in any way other than disabling ldpi... which still..
Android Fragments. Retaining an AsyncTask during screen rotation or configuration change savedInstanceState setRetainInstance true If I setRetainInstance true savedInstanceState is always null. Besides that when loading UI State a NPE is thrown when looking for UI Objects. parentActivity getActivity @Override public void..
Failed to initialize monitor Thread: Unable to establish loopback connection Adb killed and re started Reset Adb from eclipse Virus scanners off temporarily Nothing seems to help I'm lost. Besides if I try to update I get the error message also Some sites could not be found. See the error log for more detail. Unable..
How would one implement a NumberPicker in Android API 7? So what if IOS has a similar looking control. That does not make this answer bad. Android is about freedom of choice. Besides the look of this control is dependent on styles. Take away the shadow add blue highlights and it looks identical to the..