android Programming Glossary: bfound
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken in it we also have the size . if c null c.moveToFirst do Check each area in the gallary we built before. boolean bFound false for String sGallery app.GalleryList if sGallery.equalsIgnoreCase c.getString 1 bFound true break To here.. before. boolean bFound false for String sGallery app.GalleryList if sGallery.equalsIgnoreCase c.getString 1 bFound true break To here we looped the full gallery. if bFound This is the NEW image. If the size is bigger copy it... if sGallery.equalsIgnoreCase c.getString 1 bFound true break To here we looped the full gallery. if bFound This is the NEW image. If the size is bigger copy it. Then delete it File f new File c.getString 2 Ensure it's there..
Stop saving photos using Android native camera it we also have the size . if c null c.moveToFirst do Check each area in the gallery we built before. boolean bFound false for String sGallery GalleryList if sGallery.equalsIgnoreCase c.getString 1 bFound true Log.i InfoLog c.getString.. before. boolean bFound false for String sGallery GalleryList if sGallery.equalsIgnoreCase c.getString 1 bFound true Log.i InfoLog c.getString 1 c.getString 1 break To here we looped the full gallery. if bFound the file which.. 1 bFound true Log.i InfoLog c.getString 1 c.getString 1 break To here we looped the full gallery. if bFound the file which is newly created and it has to be deleted from the gallery This is the NEW image. If the size is bigger..