android Programming Glossary: billing
This version of the application is not configured for billing through Google Play version of the application is not configured for billing through Google Play When I try to run my application with in.. Google Play When I try to run my application with in app billing I am getting the error This version of the application is not.. This version of the application is not configured for billing through Google Play. Check the help center for more information..
Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button? 1 download http guide google play billing billing_integrate.html#billing download 2 add http http guide google play billing billing_integrate.html#billing download 2 add http guide google play billing billing_integrate.html#billing download 2 add http guide google play..
Android: Which response code does in-app billing V3 return upon timeout? Which response code does in app billing V3 return upon timeout Which response status code s will the.. amongst all of its functions android google play in app billing share improve this question I will describe my findings..
In-app billing-v3 error in activity result app billing v3 error in activity result Whenever starting payment service.. statment .. android android intent in app purchase in app billing share improve this question check my below code @Override..
Implementing In App purchases in Android? App purchases in Android Edit Android now supports in app billing Original question It looks like Android won't natively support.. application memory Thanks android in app purchase in app billing share improve this question This has changed as of today..
Application Error : This version of the application is not configured for Market Billing Since a couple of days it's possible to use in app billing in Android apps. Very cool of course. So I started working on.. tried the reserved product IDs for testing static in app billing responses. That works without problems. I uploaded a draft APK..
How do I verify Android In-app Billing with a server with Ruby? on Rails server. http guide market billing billing_integrate.html I think that Android gives a server. http guide market billing billing_integrate.html I think that Android gives a that.. verify the receipt java android ruby on rails ruby in app billing share improve this question I just figured this out. Basically..
Android billing - should I implement the ServiceConnection or the IMarketBillingService should I implement the ServiceConnection or the IMarketBillingService I am looking at the Android in app billing tutorial.. and they have an instruction to implement the iMarketBillingService. But I saw in another example that the ServiceConnection.. CHECK_BILLING_SUPPORTED Bundle response mService.sendBillingRequest request but not sure what mService variable should be...
Android: Which response code does in-app billing V3 return upon timeout? Which response status code s will the Google Play In App Billing Serv ice er V3 return upon a network timeout condition Is this.. the IAB V3 without connectivity. Conclusion The In App Billing Service V3 appears to work with an internal cache and a server..
Token that identify the user the application is not free. I have thought to use in app Billing Version 3 API so I have defined an In App Product in the developer..
Is there a way to automate the android sdk installation? Google Play APK Expansion Library revision 1 7 Google Play Billing Library revision 2 8 Google Play Licensing Library revision..
Application Error : This version of the application is not configured for Market Billing version of the application is not configured for Market Billing Since a couple of days it's possible to use in app billing.. version of the application is not configured for Market Billing. Check the help center for more information. There is nothing..
In-App Billing Security and Design questions App Billing Security and Design questions I have a few questions connected.. I have a few questions connected to Android In App Billing Is it possible to make a purchase from non Market app I understand.. Vampires using License Verification Library In App Billing and App Engine. It would definitely be worth your while to watch..
How do I verify Android In-app Billing with a server with Ruby? do I verify Android In app Billing with a server with Ruby I am having trouble figuring out how.. having trouble figuring out how to verify Androind In app Billing purchases with my Ruby on Rails server. http
Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing) cannot bind to service In App Billing I'm trying to implement in app billing in my application but.. mStampiiPurchaseObserver private Handler mHandler private BillingService mBillingService private TextView mLogTextView private.. private Handler mHandler private BillingService mBillingService private TextView mLogTextView private Cursor mOwnedItemsCursor..
Why Can't Google's Market Billing Sample Build in a Signed Release Version? Can't Google's Market Billing Sample Build in a Signed Release Version I tried looking into.. Configuring and building the sample application for In app Billing replacing the security key with the public key from Google's.. dex files define Lcom android vending billing IMarketBillingService 2012 01 03 20 52 45 Dungeons Conversion to Dalvik format..
In the BillingService module, what needs to be modified to increase security? the BillingService module what needs to be modified to increase security.. modified to increase security The comment for the class BillingService recommends that You should modify and obfuscate this.. moment and my approach so far is as follows I'm using the BillingReceiver Billing Service PurchaseObserver and ResponseHandler...
android in-app billing - restoreTransactionInformation market responds to the RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS request I BillingService 6484 confirmTransaction D Finsky 1884 7 MarketBillingService.getPreferredAccount.. 6484 confirmTransaction D Finsky 1884 7 MarketBillingService.getPreferredAccount com.hippypkg Account from first account... com.hippypkg Account from first account. I BillingService 6484 current request is I BillingService 6484 RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS..
This version of the application is not configured for billing through Google Play version of the application is not configured for billing through Google Play When I try to run my application with in app billing I am getting the error This version of the application.. of the application is not configured for billing through Google Play When I try to run my application with in app billing I am getting the error This version of the application is not configured for billing through Google Play. Check the help.. to run my application with in app billing I am getting the error This version of the application is not configured for billing through Google Play. Check the help center for more information . I have the billing permission already in the Manifest..
Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button? android store Thanks android share improve this question 1 download http guide google play billing billing_integrate.html#billing download 2 add http guide google play billing billing_integrate.html#billing.. store Thanks android share improve this question 1 download http guide google play billing billing_integrate.html#billing download 2 add http guide google play billing billing_integrate.html#billing.. share improve this question 1 download http guide google play billing billing_integrate.html#billing download 2 add http guide google play billing billing_integrate.html#billing add aidl 3 add permission..
Android: Which response code does in-app billing V3 return upon timeout? Which response code does in app billing V3 return upon timeout Which response status code s will the Google Play In App Billing Serv ice er V3 return upon a network.. er V3 return upon a network timeout condition Is this uniform amongst all of its functions android google play in app billing share improve this question I will describe my findings here. I have tested this on an AVD with a fully featured GP..
In-app billing-v3 error in activity result app billing v3 error in activity result Whenever starting payment service everything is ok but in activity result got Error on activity.. else dealWithFailedPurchase there is control goes in else statment .. android android intent in app purchase in app billing share improve this question check my below code @Override protected void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode..
Implementing In App purchases in Android? In App purchases in Android Edit Android now supports in app billing Original question It looks like Android won't natively support in app purchases for a while and when it does there might.. memory to avoid piracy or use SD card to avoid bloating application memory Thanks android in app purchase in app billing share improve this question This has changed as of today There is now an example on the Android Developer site here..
Application Error : This version of the application is not configured for Market Billing version of the application is not configured for Market Billing Since a couple of days it's possible to use in app billing in Android apps. Very cool of course. So I started working on a update for my application to implement this. But now I run.. But now I run into some problems. This is what I did I first tried the reserved product IDs for testing static in app billing responses. That works without problems. I uploaded a draft APK to the market with production signing no debug signing that..
How do I verify Android In-app Billing with a server with Ruby? how to verify Androind In app Billing purchases with my Ruby on Rails server. http guide market billing billing_integrate.html I think that Android gives a that has some sort of method to verify on physical device... verify Androind In app Billing purchases with my Ruby on Rails server. http guide market billing billing_integrate.html I think that Android gives a that has some sort of method to verify on physical device. From.. to Ruby. Is this correct Does anyone know another way to verify the receipt java android ruby on rails ruby in app billing share improve this question I just figured this out. Basically the way it works is that when a purchase succeeds the..
Android billing - should I implement the ServiceConnection or the IMarketBillingService billing should I implement the ServiceConnection or the IMarketBillingService I am looking at the Android in app billing tutorial here http guide google play billing billing_integrate.html.. guide google play billing billing_integrate.html and they have an instruction to implement the iMarketBillingService. But I saw in another example that the ServiceConnection method was implemented. Which one should it be I am having.. to do something like this Bundle request makeRequestBundle CHECK_BILLING_SUPPORTED Bundle response mService.sendBillingRequest request but not sure what mService variable should be. In the Dungeons tutorial from Andoroid they have this private..
Android: Which response code does in-app billing V3 return upon timeout? response code does in app billing V3 return upon timeout Which response status code s will the Google Play In App Billing Serv ice er V3 return upon a network timeout condition Is this uniform amongst all of its functions android google play.. GP purchase screen It's not a problem to get a buy intent from the IAB V3 without connectivity. Conclusion The In App Billing Service V3 appears to work with an internal cache and a server connection timeout of 20 seconds. For server communication..
Token that identify the user android application and I would like some functionality of the application is not free. I have thought to use in app Billing Version 3 API so I have defined an In App Product in the developer console. After reading the documentation I know that..
Is there a way to automate the android sdk installation? Ads SDK revision 6 5 Google Analytics SDK revision 2 6 Google Play APK Expansion Library revision 1 7 Google Play Billing Library revision 2 8 Google Play Licensing Library revision 2 9 Google Web Driver revision 2 Also you can limit the update..
Application Error : This version of the application is not configured for Market Billing Error This version of the application is not configured for Market Billing Since a couple of days it's possible to use in app billing in Android apps. Very cool of course. So I started working on.. dialog is shown with the following text Application Error This version of the application is not configured for Market Billing. Check the help center for more information. There is nothing strange I can find in the log. Anyone knows what I'm doing..
In-App Billing Security and Design questions App Billing Security and Design questions I have a few questions connected to Android In App Billing Is it possible to make a purchase.. App Billing Security and Design questions I have a few questions connected to Android In App Billing Is it possible to make a purchase from non Market app I understand that it would be a vulnerability but I have no opportunity.. giving a talk on LVL IAP at IO called Evading Pirates and Stopping Vampires using License Verification Library In App Billing and App Engine. It would definitely be worth your while to watch when they release the session videos on the website. share..
How do I verify Android In-app Billing with a server with Ruby? do I verify Android In app Billing with a server with Ruby I am having trouble figuring out how to verify Androind In app Billing purchases with my Ruby on.. verify Android In app Billing with a server with Ruby I am having trouble figuring out how to verify Androind In app Billing purchases with my Ruby on Rails server. http guide market billing billing_integrate.html I think that..
Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing) cannot bind to service In App Billing I'm trying to implement in app billing in my application but I have a little problem with it. I'm using the example from.. db_initialized private mStampiiPurchaseObserver mStampiiPurchaseObserver private Handler mHandler private BillingService mBillingService private TextView mLogTextView private Cursor mOwnedItemsCursor private PurchaseDatabase mPurchaseDatabase.. private mStampiiPurchaseObserver mStampiiPurchaseObserver private Handler mHandler private BillingService mBillingService private TextView mLogTextView private Cursor mOwnedItemsCursor private PurchaseDatabase mPurchaseDatabase private..
Why Can't Google's Market Billing Sample Build in a Signed Release Version? Can't Google's Market Billing Sample Build in a Signed Release Version I tried looking into similar problems but the solutions offered there do not seem.. situation I initially followed the instructions for Configuring and building the sample application for In app Billing replacing the security key with the public key from Google's Developer account and changing the package name from com.example.. 2012 01 03 20 52 45 Dex Loader Unable to execute dex Multiple dex files define Lcom android vending billing IMarketBillingService 2012 01 03 20 52 45 Dungeons Conversion to Dalvik format failed Unable to execute dex Multiple dex files define Lcom..
In the BillingService module, what needs to be modified to increase security? the BillingService module what needs to be modified to increase security The comment for the class BillingService recommends that You.. the BillingService module what needs to be modified to increase security The comment for the class BillingService recommends that You should modify and obfuscate this code before using it. OK but what must be modified The class.. share improve this question I'm working on this at this moment and my approach so far is as follows I'm using the BillingReceiver Billing Service PurchaseObserver and ResponseHandler. I've moved all the Constants into my own Constants class and..
android in-app billing - restoreTransactionInformation a logcat without obfuscated code of what happens right after market responds to the RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS request I BillingService 6484 confirmTransaction D Finsky 1884 7 MarketBillingService.getPreferredAccount com.hippypkg Account from first.. market responds to the RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS request I BillingService 6484 confirmTransaction D Finsky 1884 7 MarketBillingService.getPreferredAccount com.hippypkg Account from first account. I BillingService 6484 current request is I BillingService.. confirmTransaction D Finsky 1884 7 MarketBillingService.getPreferredAccount com.hippypkg Account from first account. I BillingService 6484 current request is I BillingService 6484 RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS Sync Response code RESULT_OK D WindowManagerImpl..