android Programming Glossary: belongs
Send message from a basic server to a specific client to a specific client it will need to know which socket belongs to which client so the clients will have to send some message..
why do I get “MismatchSenderId” from GCM server side? [duplicate] ID which is the sender ID. And make sure the API Key belongs to 'Key for server apps with IP locking ' share improve this..
Is there a way to detect 2G, 3G, or 4G on Android Device? devices and if the which category the current connection belongs to My question is specifically about Android devices. android..
Dynamic contents in Maps V2 InfoWindow display the last loaded image no matter if that image belongs to that ImageWindow Marker . Any suggestions on how to propperly..
Android Studio Project Structure (v.s. Eclipse Project Structure) implements the functionality of your application. The file belongs to the com.example package. The res 4 folder contains various..
ActionBarSherlock stacked action bar styling issue to change the android actionBarDivider attribute which belongs to the theme not to the action bar style android divider . You..
Clickable widgets in android Perform this loop procedure for each App Widget that belongs to this provider for int i 0 i N i int appWidgetId appWidgetIds..
Retrieve Contact Phone Number From URI in Android The id of the row in the Contacts table that this data belongs to. Since I was getting the URI from contacts table anyways..
Gallery with folder filter has to be a parameter that defines to which folder it belongs. Checking the MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns I did not a find..
What is the correct permission handling when sending sensitive app data as email attachment? happens from some sync provider component that belongs to a different package . While..
Android and getting a view with id cast as a string i is replaced by some valid index. The getResources method belongs to the Context class so you can use that directly from an Activity..
What is the default Account Type / Name for contacts on Android Contact Application? like to read contacts from ContactsContract API which belongs only to Phone SIM and would like to avoid contacts synced from..
Benefit of using Parcelable instead of serializing object serializing object As I understand Bundle and Parcelable belongs to the way Android performs serialization in. It is used for..
Avoid memory leaks on Android is a reference to Activity that is to say the TextView belongs to that Activtiy . Who can give me some explanation for that..
Android Create custom SearchView Search action actionViewClass package .CustomSearchView With this belongs the CustomSearchView class public class CustomSearchView extends..
Failed to find style 'mapViewStyle' in current theme is not available in themes.xml file. The selected theme is belongs to higher version sdk but our current target sdk is lower one...
Detect wifi IP address on Android? What I don't know how to do is determine which IP address belongs to the Wifi network if there is more than one address found...
Android maps:Failed to find style 'mapViewStyle' in current theme is not available in themes.xml file. The selected theme is belongs to higher version sdk but our current target sdk is lower one...
Send message from a basic server to a specific client a different client. In order to have the server send a message to a specific client it will need to know which socket belongs to which client so the clients will have to send some message to the server identifying themselves and the server will need..
why do I get “MismatchSenderId” from GCM server side? [duplicate]
Is there a way to detect 2G, 3G, or 4G on Android Device? there is a way to detect if the user has 2G 3G or 4G on their devices and if the which category the current connection belongs to My question is specifically about Android devices. android share improve this question I'm not aware of a way to..
Dynamic contents in Maps V2 InfoWindow delay in the code the ImageView in the InfoWindow will always display the last loaded image no matter if that image belongs to that ImageWindow Marker . Any suggestions on how to propperly implement this android google maps infowindow universal..
Android Studio Project Structure (v.s. Eclipse Project Structure) folder contains the 3 file source code that implements the functionality of your application. The file belongs to the com.example package. The res 4 folder contains various visual resources. The layout main.xml file 5 defines the appearance..
ActionBarSherlock stacked action bar styling issue android styles theming share improve this question You have to change the android actionBarDivider attribute which belongs to the theme not to the action bar style android divider . You can remove the divider like this style name AppTheme parent..
Clickable widgets in android appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds final int N appWidgetIds.length Perform this loop procedure for each App Widget that belongs to this provider for int i 0 i N i int appWidgetId appWidgetIds i Create an Intent to launch ExampleActivity Intent intent..
Retrieve Contact Phone Number From URI in Android the line ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTACT_ID The id of the row in the Contacts table that this data belongs to. Since I was getting the URI from contacts table anyways this was not needed and the following should have been substituted...
Gallery with folder filter Viewing Gallery on my 2.1 system images are grouped so there has to be a parameter that defines to which folder it belongs. Checking the MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns I did not a find any column that would define such thing. Could I be wrong..
What is the correct permission handling when sending sensitive app data as email attachment? different PID and UID. This is because the actual call to openAssetFile happens from some sync provider component that belongs to a different package . While I had some hope of eventually finding a way to grant permissions..
Android and getting a view with id cast as a string i id getPackageName View addButton findViewById resID where i is replaced by some valid index. The getResources method belongs to the Context class so you can use that directly from an Activity . If you are not inside an activity then use a context..
What is the default Account Type / Name for contacts on Android Contact Application? Type Name for contacts on Android Contact Application I would like to read contacts from ContactsContract API which belongs only to Phone SIM and would like to avoid contacts synced from other apps like facebook and gmail. I tested my code on simulator..
Benefit of using Parcelable instead of serializing object of using Parcelable instead of serializing object As I understand Bundle and Parcelable belongs to the way Android performs serialization in. It is used for example in passing data between activities. But I wonder if..
Avoid memory leaks on Android this is more correct than the Application context. Because this is a reference to Activity that is to say the TextView belongs to that Activtiy . Who can give me some explanation for that android share improve this question The actual problem..
Android Create custom SearchView Search action icon @drawable ic_menu_search android showAsAction always android actionViewClass package .CustomSearchView With this belongs the CustomSearchView class public class CustomSearchView extends SearchView implements OnClickListener android.view.View.OnKeyListener..
Failed to find style 'mapViewStyle' in current theme the layout . This may cause because of The selected theme is not available in themes.xml file. The selected theme is belongs to higher version sdk but our current target sdk is lower one. This problem mostly happens when you copy the whole layout..
Detect wifi IP address on Android? the available network interfaces and get their IP addresses. What I don't know how to do is determine which IP address belongs to the Wifi network if there is more than one address found. Any advice Thanks. android networking wifi share improve..
Android maps:Failed to find style 'mapViewStyle' in current theme the layout . This may cause because of The selected theme is not available in themes.xml file. The selected theme is belongs to higher version sdk but our current target sdk is lower one. This problem mostly happens when you copy the whole layout..