android Programming Glossary: binding
How to call a WCF service using ksoap2 on android? wsdl operation wsdl portType wsdl binding name BasicHttpBinding_IService1 type tns IService1 soap binding.. name BasicHttpBinding_IService1 type tns IService1 soap binding transport http soap http wsdl operation.. soap body use literal wsdl output wsdl operation wsdl binding wsdl service name Service1 wsdl port name BasicHttpBinding_IService1..
Sending and Parsing JSON in Android tree nodes or Lists and Maps. and at least Jackson allows binding to such things too perhaps GSON as well not sure JsonNode Map..
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android mBTAdapter.getRemoteDevice mPeerMAC Make an RFCOMM binding. try mBTSocket mBTDevice.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord UUID_RFCOMM_GENERIC..
Restful API service a ServiceManager which deals with starting stopping binding etc to the service and I'm dynamically creating a Handler with.. . This Service ResultReceiver pattern works by starting or binding to the service with startService when you want to do some action...
Convert Json Array to normal Java Array JSON Array to normal Java Array for android ListView data binding java android json share improve this question ArrayList..
Unable to start Service Intent intent when I call this line I get the message... binding other process continue here Client manifest.xml service android..
Android ListView with delete button I have a text view in my layout file i.e. the activity is binding to the default listview in the activity . However what I would..
What DOM events are available to WebKit on Android? events with results to follow. Note I'm using live event binding because for my application the A tags are inserted dynamically...
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? I figure you already have this in place. 4. Establish a binding between an Account type and a Content Authority Looking back.. tag in our service is the key piece that establishes the binding between a ContentAuthority and an account. It externally references..
How to Consume WCF Service with Android format and HTTP POST rather than GET for the web service bindings. The easiest HTTP binding to get working is basicHttpBinding.. than GET for the web service bindings. The easiest HTTP binding to get working is basicHttpBinding . Here is an example of what.. baseAddresses host endpoint name LoginService address binding basicHttpBinding contract WcfTest.ILoginService endpoint name..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? IBinder onBind Intent intent TODO Replace with service binding implementation return null @Override public void onLowMemory..
When to call activity context OR application context? wish to pass the ServiceConnection i.e. the handle to the binding between Activity instances via onRetainNonConfigurationInstance.. . Android internally tracks bindings via these ServiceConnections and holds references to the Contexts.. and holds references to the Contexts that create the bindings. If you bind from the Activity then the new Activity instance..
Android - Implementing USSD features. Binding a service to the PhoneUtils without restarting the phone on every update Implementing USSD features. Binding a service to the PhoneUtils without restarting the phone on..
AsyncTasks do not get collected causing other AsyncTasks to not run method stub super.onPostExecute result Log.i MenuActivity Binding button if eventresponse null if eventresponse.success 1 eventresponse.user..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView I'm trying..
Uncaught ReferenceError while loading asset file on android 4.4 I am getting following errors. V WebViewChromium 1342 Binding Chromium to the background looper Looper b1da1340 I chromium..
Android - Service wont stop? why would that be happening EDIT To add more info regards Binding I call bindService in the onCreate method and I then have the..
Binding to Service in onCreate() or in onResume() to Service in onCreate or in onResume i want to know what es..
Binding AppWidgets to AppWidgetHost - Android AppWidgets to AppWidgetHost Android When you normally want..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE mIsBound true textStatus.setText Binding. void doUnbindService if mIsBound If we have received the service..
Android MVVM Design Pattern Examples improve this question I am the developer of Android Binding . Like @Brentley said it's a very new project but I do hope.. Tutorials with android binding Introduction to Android Binding codeproject Model Validation in Android Binding codeproject.. to Android Binding codeproject Model Validation in Android Binding codeproject Wiki in project homepage Potential adopters please..
Android ListView with Checkbox and all clickable [duplicate] and all clickable duplicate Possible Duplicate Android Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView i want to use..
Create Own Adapter in Android? [closed] search for adapter tutorials. I'd recommend Reading the Binding to Data with AdapterView Getting started on an implementation..
Cannot get Android Market Licensing (LVL) working reliably. Almost always returns RETRY checkLicense 08 18 21 12 17.271 INFO LicenseChecker 10852 Binding to licensing service. 08 18 21 12 17.281 WARN ActivityManager..
Best practice: AsyncTask during orientation change and restarting it when the activity is created again. Binding the task to the application class instead of the activity instance...
How to call a WCF service using ksoap2 on android? IService1 SayHelloResponse message tns IService1_SayHello_OutputMessage wsdl operation wsdl portType wsdl binding name BasicHttpBinding_IService1 type tns IService1 soap binding transport http soap http wsdl operation.. wsdl operation wsdl portType wsdl binding name BasicHttpBinding_IService1 type tns IService1 soap binding transport http soap http wsdl operation name SayHello soap operation soapAction http IService1.. document wsdl input soap body use literal wsdl input wsdl output soap body use literal wsdl output wsdl operation wsdl binding wsdl service name Service1 wsdl port name BasicHttpBinding_IService1 binding tns BasicHttpBinding_IService1 soap address..
Sending and Parsing JSON in Android you can actually bind to your own POJOs not some half assed tree nodes or Lists and Maps. and at least Jackson allows binding to such things too perhaps GSON as well not sure JsonNode Map List if you really want these instead of 'real' objects share..
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android based on their MAC. If not then do it. if mBTDevice null mBTDevice mBTAdapter.getRemoteDevice mPeerMAC Make an RFCOMM binding. try mBTSocket mBTDevice.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord UUID_RFCOMM_GENERIC catch Exception e1 msg connect Failed to..
Restful API service methods inside a couple of AIDL files for two way communication a ServiceManager which deals with starting stopping binding etc to the service and I'm dynamically creating a Handler with specific code for the callbacks as needed. I don't want anyone.. you should look into ResultReceiver and IntentService . This Service ResultReceiver pattern works by starting or binding to the service with startService when you want to do some action. You can specify the operation to perform and pass in your..
Convert Json Array to normal Java Array Json Array to normal Java Array Is there a way to convert JSON Array to normal Java Array for android ListView data binding java android json share improve this question ArrayList String list new ArrayList String JSONArray jsonArray JSONArray..
Unable to start Service Intent com.sample.service com.sample.service.serviceClass this.startService intent when I call this line I get the message... binding other process continue here Client manifest.xml service android name com.sample.service.serviceClass android exported true..
Android ListView with delete button ok when I create an activity that extends ListActivity and I have a text view in my layout file i.e. the activity is binding to the default listview in the activity . However what I would like to do is have a ListView that contains an image button..
What DOM events are available to WebKit on Android? in which circumstances. Here is the code I used to attach the events with results to follow. Note I'm using live event binding because for my application the A tags are inserted dynamically. .each 'blur' 'change' 'click' 'contextmenu' 'copy' 'cut'..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? gets called onPerformSync gets called when it's time to sync. I figure you already have this in place. 4. Establish a binding between an Account type and a Content Authority Looking back again at AndroidManifest that strange meta data tag in our.. Looking back again at AndroidManifest that strange meta data tag in our service is the key piece that establishes the binding between a ContentAuthority and an account. It externally references another xml file call it whatever you like something..
How to Consume WCF Service with Android with WCF it might be easiest to just use the default SOAP format and HTTP POST rather than GET for the web service bindings. The easiest HTTP binding to get working is basicHttpBinding . Here is an example of what the ServiceContract OperationContract.. to just use the default SOAP format and HTTP POST rather than GET for the web service bindings. The easiest HTTP binding to get working is basicHttpBinding . Here is an example of what the ServiceContract OperationContract might look like for.. add baseAddress http 55555 LoginService baseAddresses host endpoint name LoginService address binding basicHttpBinding contract WcfTest.ILoginService endpoint name LoginServiceMex address mex binding mexHttpBinding contract..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? new LinkedList String enableDataSending @Override public IBinder onBind Intent intent TODO Replace with service binding implementation return null @Override public void onLowMemory Measurements.clear super.onLowMemory @Override public void..
When to call activity context OR application context? when you bind to a Service from an Activity if you wish to pass the ServiceConnection i.e. the handle to the binding between Activity instances via onRetainNonConfigurationInstance . Android internally tracks bindings via these ServiceConnections.. the handle to the binding between Activity instances via onRetainNonConfigurationInstance . Android internally tracks bindings via these ServiceConnections and holds references to the Contexts that create the bindings. If you bind from the Activity.. . Android internally tracks bindings via these ServiceConnections and holds references to the Contexts that create the bindings. If you bind from the Activity then the new Activity instance will have a reference to the ServiceConnection which has..
Android - Implementing USSD features. Binding a service to the PhoneUtils without restarting the phone on every update Implementing USSD features. Binding a service to the PhoneUtils without restarting the phone on every update I'm trying to implement an application to send..
AsyncTasks do not get collected causing other AsyncTasks to not run void onPostExecute Response result TODO Auto generated method stub super.onPostExecute result Log.i MenuActivity Binding button if eventresponse null if eventresponse.success 1 eventresponse.user response.user bActivity.setOnClickListener..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView I'm trying to bind data from my SQLiteDatabase to a ListView . I'm currently..
Uncaught ReferenceError while loading asset file on android 4.4 html utf 8 return true When running on android 4.4 emulator I am getting following errors. V WebViewChromium 1342 Binding Chromium to the background looper Looper b1da1340 I chromium 1342 INFO 112 Chromium logging enabled..
Android - Service wont stop? when stopService is run instead of onServiceDisconnected why would that be happening EDIT To add more info regards Binding I call bindService in the onCreate method and I then have the releaseBind method unbind the Service. Here is the code for..
Binding to Service in onCreate() or in onResume() to Service in onCreate or in onResume i want to know what es the best place in an Activity to bind to a service I saw examples..
Binding AppWidgets to AppWidgetHost - Android AppWidgets to AppWidgetHost Android When you normally want to add an AppWidget in Android there is a list where you need..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging bindService new Intent this MyService.class mConnection Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE mIsBound true textStatus.setText Binding. void doUnbindService if mIsBound If we have received the service and hence registered with it then now is the time to..
Android MVVM Design Pattern Examples java android design patterns mvvm dependency injection share improve this question I am the developer of Android Binding . Like @Brentley said it's a very new project but I do hope to get more buzz and experience so that it can be improved... tutorials on MVVM with android binding Android MVVM Tutorials with android binding Introduction to Android Binding codeproject Model Validation in Android Binding codeproject Wiki in project homepage Potential adopters please also register.. Android MVVM Tutorials with android binding Introduction to Android Binding codeproject Model Validation in Android Binding codeproject Wiki in project homepage Potential adopters please also register on the project discussion group. share improve..
Android ListView with Checkbox and all clickable [duplicate] ListView with Checkbox and all clickable duplicate Possible Duplicate Android Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView i want to use a ListView with the items having following layout CB TV..
Create Own Adapter in Android? [closed] methods getCount getItem getItemId getView You can also search for adapter tutorials. I'd recommend Reading the Binding to Data with AdapterView Getting started on an implementation as described above Asking questions when you have problems..
Cannot get Android Market Licensing (LVL) working reliably. Almost always returns RETRY the android market app 08 18 21 12 16.071 INFO LICENSE 10852 checkLicense 08 18 21 12 17.271 INFO LicenseChecker 10852 Binding to licensing service. 08 18 21 12 17.281 WARN ActivityManager 80 Unable to start service Intent act licensing.ILicensingService..
Best practice: AsyncTask during orientation change Just canceling the task when the activity is destroyed and restarting it when the activity is created again. Binding the task to the application class instead of the activity instance. Some method used in the shelves project via onRestoreInstanceState..