android Programming Glossary: bigdecimal
Round to 2 decimal places [duplicate] round double unrounded int precision int roundingMode BigDecimal bd new BigDecimal unrounded BigDecimal rounded bd.setScale precision.. unrounded int precision int roundingMode BigDecimal bd new BigDecimal unrounded BigDecimal rounded bd.setScale precision roundingMode.. int roundingMode BigDecimal bd new BigDecimal unrounded BigDecimal rounded bd.setScale precision roundingMode return rounded.doubleValue..
How to change the decimal separator of DecimalFormat from comma to dot/point? here it is. I have this little crazy method that converts BigDecimal values into nice and readable Strings. private String formatBigDecimal.. into nice and readable Strings. private String formatBigDecimal BigDecimal bd DecimalFormat df new DecimalFormat df.setMinimumFractionDigits.. nice and readable Strings. private String formatBigDecimal BigDecimal bd DecimalFormat df new DecimalFormat df.setMinimumFractionDigits..
Format Float to n decimal places need to format a float to n decimal places. was trying to BigDecimal but the return value is not correct... public static float Redondear.. the function is call with the values Redondear 625.3f 2 BigDecimal value new BigDecimal pNumero value value.setScale pCantidadDecimales.. with the values Redondear 625.3f 2 BigDecimal value new BigDecimal pNumero value value.setScale pCantidadDecimales RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? payment new PayPalPayment payment.setSubtotal new BigDecimal Amt payment.setCurrencyType Currency_code code payment.setRecipient.. tax and shipping amounts. payment.setSubtotal new BigDecimal isueprice Sets the payment type. This can be PAYMENT_TYPE_GOODS.. PayPalInvoiceData Sets the tax amount. invoice.setTax new BigDecimal 0 Sets the shipping amount. invoice.setShipping new BigDecimal..
What's the best practice to round a float to 2 decimals? @return public static float round float d int decimalPlace BigDecimal bd new BigDecimal Float.toString d bd bd.setScale decimalPlace.. float round float d int decimalPlace BigDecimal bd new BigDecimal Float.toString d bd bd.setScale decimalPlace BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP.. BigDecimal Float.toString d bd bd.setScale decimalPlace BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP return bd.floatValue You need to decide if you..
Round to 2 decimal places [duplicate] Here's a general purpose function. public static double round double unrounded int precision int roundingMode BigDecimal bd new BigDecimal unrounded BigDecimal rounded bd.setScale precision roundingMode return rounded.doubleValue You can call.. general purpose function. public static double round double unrounded int precision int roundingMode BigDecimal bd new BigDecimal unrounded BigDecimal rounded bd.setScale precision roundingMode return rounded.doubleValue You can call it with round yourNumber.. public static double round double unrounded int precision int roundingMode BigDecimal bd new BigDecimal unrounded BigDecimal rounded bd.setScale precision roundingMode return rounded.doubleValue You can call it with round yourNumber 3 BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP..
How to change the decimal separator of DecimalFormat from comma to dot/point? separator of DecimalFormat from comma to dot point Ok so here it is. I have this little crazy method that converts BigDecimal values into nice and readable Strings. private String formatBigDecimal BigDecimal bd DecimalFormat df new DecimalFormat.. I have this little crazy method that converts BigDecimal values into nice and readable Strings. private String formatBigDecimal BigDecimal bd DecimalFormat df new DecimalFormat df.setMinimumFractionDigits 3 df.setMaximumFractionDigits 3 df.setMinimumIntegerDigits.. little crazy method that converts BigDecimal values into nice and readable Strings. private String formatBigDecimal BigDecimal bd DecimalFormat df new DecimalFormat df.setMinimumFractionDigits 3 df.setMaximumFractionDigits 3 df.setMinimumIntegerDigits..
Format Float to n decimal places Float to n decimal places I need to format a float to n decimal places. was trying to BigDecimal but the return value is not correct... public static float Redondear float pNumero int pCantidadDecimales the function is.. static float Redondear float pNumero int pCantidadDecimales the function is call with the values Redondear 625.3f 2 BigDecimal value new BigDecimal pNumero value value.setScale pCantidadDecimales RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN here the value is correct 625.30.. float pNumero int pCantidadDecimales the function is call with the values Redondear 625.3f 2 BigDecimal value new BigDecimal pNumero value value.setScale pCantidadDecimales RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN here the value is correct 625.30 return value.floatValue..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? This is my code. private void invokeSimplePayment try PayPalPayment payment new PayPalPayment payment.setSubtotal new BigDecimal Amt payment.setCurrencyType Currency_code code payment.setRecipient Rec_Email payment.setPaymentType PayPal.PAYMENT_TYPE_GOODS.. Sets the amount of the payment not including tax and shipping amounts. payment.setSubtotal new BigDecimal isueprice Sets the payment type. This can be PAYMENT_TYPE_GOODS PAYMENT_TYPE_SERVICE PAYMENT_TYPE_PERSONAL or PAYMENT_TYPE_NONE... required for any transaction. PayPalInvoiceData invoice new PayPalInvoiceData Sets the tax amount. invoice.setTax new BigDecimal 0 Sets the shipping amount. invoice.setShipping new BigDecimal 0 PayPalInvoiceItem has several parameters available to it...
What's the best practice to round a float to 2 decimals? to certain number of decimals @param d @param decimalPlace @return public static float round float d int decimalPlace BigDecimal bd new BigDecimal Float.toString d bd bd.setScale decimalPlace BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP return bd.floatValue You need to.. of decimals @param d @param decimalPlace @return public static float round float d int decimalPlace BigDecimal bd new BigDecimal Float.toString d bd bd.setScale decimalPlace BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP return bd.floatValue You need to decide if you want.. static float round float d int decimalPlace BigDecimal bd new BigDecimal Float.toString d bd bd.setScale decimalPlace BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP return bd.floatValue You need to decide if you want to round up or down. In my sample code I am rounding up...