android Programming Glossary: best
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen have different quality trade offs and PNG is not always best JPEG can offer up to 50 file size reductions over PNG which..
Standard Android Button with a different color the Find a Table button for the OpenTable application The best way I've found to do this so far is to change the Button 's..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - Android user gets the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError . So what is the best correct way to handle many images Should I put them in static..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? is not going to happen. that would appear to be for the best for you for right now. Similarly I would counsel you against..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? are the best practices for SQLite on Android What would be considered the.. for SQLite on Android What would be considered the best practices when executing queries on an SQLite db within an Android.. or should they open a connection each Are there any best practices for these scenarios android database sqlite sqlite3..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? one location provider but that seems to only give you the best theoretical provider rather than the provider that's actually.. than the provider that's actually going to give you the best results. Is there a simpler way to accomplish this android..
How to add calendar events in Android? to the Internet calendar in question. For example the best way to add events to the Calendar application from the Android..
WebView and HTML5 <video> to handle tags like the native browser that would be best. I'm clearly missing something obvious.. but I have no clue..
Background task, progress dialog, orientation change - is there any 100% working solution? and new Activity hasn't been started yet . What is the best way to handle this kind of problem updating UI from background..
FFMPEG on Android itself is a good example here 's a basic tutorial. The best documentation can be found in the headers. Good luck share..
Android and XMPP: Currently available solutions to pose a question as to which XMPP library would be the best choice nowadays for Android development. I've been using the..
Android Listview with different layout for each row layout for each row I am trying to determine the best way to have a single listview contains different rows styles...
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds predict whether text will be small enough tl dr is there a best practice way to auto resize a textview to fit wrapped in its..
How to ship an Android application with a database? a database and comes with built in data what is the best way to ship that application 1 Precreate the sqlite database..
Android: How to declare global variables? In my disagreement I will be making use of concepts best explained in this StackExchange explanation of the Singleton..
Android Facebook style slide this question I've had a play with this myself and the best way I could find was to use a FrameLayout and lay a custom HorizontalScrollView.. HorzScrollWithImageMenu in the Launch activity show the best menus I could come up with Android sliding menu demo Screenshot..
Override Power button just like Home button
Cropping Circular Area from bitmap in android is outside the circle. Can anybody help me this regard Best Regards Altaf android android layout gui graphics share improve..
I want to let user add multiple items by action sequence View Cart to update you need to store the data centrally. Best to use an SQLite database. Then you can update this database..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps map this.bottomOffsetPixels bottomOffsetPixels Best to be called from either the InfoWindowAdapter.getInfoContents..
Best way to add Activity to an Android project in Eclipse? way to add Activity to an Android project in Eclipse When adding..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games Best Practices closed I'm performance tuning interactive games in..
Wake Android Device up phone android wakeup share improve this question Best is to use some appropriate combination of these window flags..
Best way to have paid and free version of an Android app way to have paid and free version of an Android app I already..
Best practices for unit testing Android apps [closed] practices for unit testing Android apps closed I'd like to..
Best way to attach Android Source to Eclipse way to attach Android Source to Eclipse I've previously had..
Best option for using the GData APIs on Android? option for using the GData APIs on Android What's the least..
Connecting android with MS SQL SERVER 2008 and your database. Main Reasons Performance Security Best Practice Separation of concerns share improve this answer..
android pinch zoom question Check out the following links which may help you Best examples are provided in the below links which you can refactor..
integrate facebook with like button in android and iphone sdk Now i have to integrate the facebook like button. Best Regards. Thanks in advance. iphone android facebook share..
Best way to work with dates in Android SQLite way to work with dates in Android SQLite I'm having some trouble..
Prevent dialog dismissal on screen rotation in Android answer mix this three questions and they answers Android Best way of avoid Dialogs to dismiss after a device rotation Android..
Best way to manage the ProgressDialog from AsyncTask way to manage the ProgressDialog from AsyncTask I would like..
How do I find out if the GPS of an Android device is enabled the GPS android gps sensor share improve this question Best way seems to be the following final LocationManager manager..
Best practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment I am not..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen GIF. However PNG and JPEG are not equivalents. They have different quality trade offs and PNG is not always best JPEG can offer up to 50 file size reductions over PNG which is significant if your app is image intensive A higher quality..
Standard Android Button with a different color order to better match a client's branding. For example see the Find a Table button for the OpenTable application The best way I've found to do this so far is to change the Button 's drawable to the following drawable located in res drawable red_button.xml..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - Android to the app I can see the memory growing more and more until user gets the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError . So what is the best correct way to handle many images Should I put them in static methods so they are not loaded all the time Do I have to clean..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? I discovered I think that developing our app for Android is not going to happen. that would appear to be for the best for you for right now. Similarly I would counsel you against attempting to port your application to the Web since some of..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? are the best practices for SQLite on Android What would be considered the best practices when executing queries on an SQLite db within.. are the best practices for SQLite on Android What would be considered the best practices when executing queries on an SQLite db within an Android app Is it safe to run inserts deletes and select queries.. ANR. If I have several AsyncTasks should they share a connection or should they open a connection each Are there any best practices for these scenarios android database sqlite sqlite3 share improve this question Inserts updates deletes and..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? in the past to cut the solution down to just using one location provider but that seems to only give you the best theoretical provider rather than the provider that's actually going to give you the best results. Is there a simpler way.. seems to only give you the best theoretical provider rather than the provider that's actually going to give you the best results. Is there a simpler way to accomplish this android geolocation share improve this question Here's what I do..
How to add calendar events in Android? tutorial Mayra cites. Another option is for you to add events to the Internet calendar in question. For example the best way to add events to the Calendar application from the Android open source project is to add the event to the user's Google..
WebView and HTML5 <video> people to keep updating an app. So if I can convince WebView to handle tags like the native browser that would be best. I'm clearly missing something obvious.. but I have no clue what. android html5 video webview android webview share improve..
Background task, progress dialog, orientation change - is there any 100% working solution? throws an exception probably because the Activity was destroyed and new Activity hasn't been started yet . What is the best way to handle this kind of problem updating UI from background thread that works even if user changes orientation Did someone..
FFMPEG on Android
Android and XMPP: Currently available solutions and XMPP Currently available solutions I'd like to pose a question as to which XMPP library would be the best choice nowadays for Android development. I've been using the patched Smack library from here as is suggested in many other..
Android Listview with different layout for each row Listview with different layout for each row I am trying to determine the best way to have a single listview contains different rows styles. I know how to create a custom row custom array adapter to..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds use to wrap the text Couldn't those be somehow used to predict whether text will be small enough tl dr is there a best practice way to auto resize a textview to fit wrapped in its getHeight and getWidth bounds Thanks to everyone who shared..
How to ship an Android application with a database? Android application with a database If your application requires a database and comes with built in data what is the best way to ship that application 1 Precreate the sqlite database and include it in the apk 2 Include the SQL commands with the..
Android: How to declare global variables? with regards to preferring Singleton over Application subclasses. In my disagreement I will be making use of concepts best explained in this StackExchange explanation of the Singleton design pattern so that I do not have to define terms in this..
Android Facebook style slide android facebook android side navigation share improve this question I've had a play with this myself and the best way I could find was to use a FrameLayout and lay a custom HorizontalScrollView HSV on top of the menu. Inside the HSV are.. and the bottom two buttons called HorzScrollWithListMenu and HorzScrollWithImageMenu in the Launch activity show the best menus I could come up with Android sliding menu demo Screenshot from emulator mid scroll Screenshot from device full scroll..
Override Power button just like Home button
Cropping Circular Area from bitmap in android In the above bitmap want to make all area transparent which is outside the circle. Can anybody help me this regard Best Regards Altaf android android layout gui graphics share improve this question After long brainstorming I have found..
I want to let user add multiple items by action sequence android listview share improve this question To get the View Cart to update you need to store the data centrally. Best to use an SQLite database. Then you can update this database when a user adds to the cart then when viewing the cart you..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps events public void init GoogleMap map int bottomOffsetPixels map this.bottomOffsetPixels bottomOffsetPixels Best to be called from either the InfoWindowAdapter.getInfoContents or InfoWindowAdapter.getInfoWindow. public void setMarkerWithInfoWindow..
Best way to add Activity to an Android project in Eclipse? way to add Activity to an Android project in Eclipse When adding an activity to an existing Android project I manually..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games Best Practices closed I'm performance tuning interactive games in Java for the Android platform. Once in a while there is a..
Wake Android Device up Any suggestions P.S. Wake up turn display on and maybe unlock phone android wakeup share improve this question Best is to use some appropriate combination of these window flags http reference android view WindowManager.LayoutParams.html#FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD..
Best way to have paid and free version of an Android app way to have paid and free version of an Android app I already have a free app in the Android Market but I want to add a..
Best practices for unit testing Android apps [closed] practices for unit testing Android apps closed I'd like to unit test my Android application but I found that test driven..
Best way to attach Android Source to Eclipse way to attach Android Source to Eclipse I've previously had success attaching the Android Source to Eclipse by following..
Best option for using the GData APIs on Android? option for using the GData APIs on Android What's the least painful and most size efficient way to use the Google Data..
Connecting android with MS SQL SERVER 2008
android pinch zoom pinch zoom in my layout android share improve this question Check out the following links which may help you Best examples are provided in the below links which you can refactor to meet your requirements. implementing the pinch zoom gestur..
integrate facebook with like button in android and iphone example in android https facebook facebook android sdk Now i have to integrate the facebook like button. Best Regards. Thanks in advance. iphone android facebook share improve this question There is no like button in facebook..
Best way to work with dates in Android SQLite way to work with dates in Android SQLite I'm having some trouble working with dates on my Android application that uses..
Prevent dialog dismissal on screen rotation in Android tag or getFragmentManager in API 11 This answer mix this three questions and they answers Android Best way of avoid Dialogs to dismiss after a device rotation Android DialogFragment vs Dialog How can I show a DialogFragment..
Best way to manage the ProgressDialog from AsyncTask way to manage the ProgressDialog from AsyncTask I would like to use the AsyncTask for manage some business logic in my..
How do I find out if the GPS of an Android device is enabled Cupake 1.5 enabled device how do I check and activate the GPS android gps sensor share improve this question Best way seems to be the following final LocationManager manager LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE if..
Best practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment I am not sure how sensible this question is so I apologies up front however..