android Programming Glossary: activityinfo
How do I get the CURRENT orientation (ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_*) of an Android device? do I get the CURRENT orientation ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_ of an Android device I would like to find.. SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_PORTRAIT from ActivityInfo or equivalent. Some of the answers here on StackOverflow included.. switch rotation case Surface.ROTATION_0 orientation ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT break case Surface.ROTATION_90..
How to specify Activities that are only for phones or tablets on Android is_honeycomb_tablet isHoneycombTablet context try final ActivityInfo activity_info package_manager.getPackageInfo context.getPackageName.. PackageManager.GET_META_DATA .activities for ActivityInfo info activity_info final String target_device info.metaData.getString..
Source not found Android? code in class Instrumentation.class at line @param info ActivityInfo from the manifest above error is raised. can any one guide me..
Inside OnClickListener I cannot access a lot of things - how to approach? mainApps.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER List ActivityInfo activities this.getPackageManager .queryIntentActivities mainApps..
How to lock orientation during runtime share improve this question setRequestedOrientation ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE Called on an activity will lock.. will lock it to landscape. Look for the other flags in the ActivityInfo class. You can lock it back to portrait or make it sensor slider..
Open another application from your own (intent) 0 to get the first activity with main launcher Get the ActivityInfo you're interested in From the ActivityInfo get the packageName.. Get the ActivityInfo you're interested in From the ActivityInfo get the packageName and name Finally create another intent with..
Intent to launch the clock application on android ComponentName cn new ComponentName packageName className ActivityInfo aInfo packageManager.getActivityInfo cn PackageManager.GET_META_DATA.. packageName className ActivityInfo aInfo packageManager.getActivityInfo cn PackageManager.GET_META_DATA alarmClockIntent.setComponent..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker e return false package not found if pacInfo null for ActivityInfo actInfo pacInfo.receivers test if recevier is exported. if..
AppWidget PendingIntent not working after Launcher restart ComponentName cn new ComponentName packageName className ActivityInfo aInfo packageManager.getActivityInfo cn PackageManager.GET_META_DATA.. className ActivityInfo aInfo packageManager.getActivityInfo cn PackageManager.GET_META_DATA alarmClockIntent.setComponent..
Detect Hardware Acceleration at Runtime: Android this question Try FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED in flags in ActivityInfo for the activity which you would get from PackageManager via..
How do I get the CURRENT orientation (ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_*) of an Android device? do I get the CURRENT orientation ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_ of an Android device I would like to find out the detailed orientation of a device preferably one of.. SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_LANDSCAPE SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_PORTRAIT from ActivityInfo or equivalent. Some of the answers here on StackOverflow included getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getRotation but this.. Surface.ROTATION_90 rotation Surface.ROTATION_270 width height switch rotation case Surface.ROTATION_0 orientation ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT break case Surface.ROTATION_90 orientation ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE break..
How to specify Activities that are only for phones or tablets on Android package_manager context.getPackageManager final boolean is_honeycomb_tablet isHoneycombTablet context try final ActivityInfo activity_info package_manager.getPackageInfo context.getPackageName PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES PackageManager.GET_META_DATA.. context.getPackageName PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES PackageManager.GET_META_DATA .activities for ActivityInfo info activity_info final String target_device info.metaData.getString target_device if target_device null break target_device..
Source not found Android? tool Source not found EDIT SOURCE LOOKUP PATH while i debug code in class Instrumentation.class at line @param info ActivityInfo from the manifest above error is raised. can any one guide me how to resolve this issue i am new to android development....
Inside OnClickListener I cannot access a lot of things - how to approach? onClick View v Intent mainApps new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN mainApps.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER List ActivityInfo activities this.getPackageManager .queryIntentActivities mainApps 0 Intent intent new Intent com.sygic..
How to lock orientation during runtime in landscape and toggle the menu option. android orientation share improve this question setRequestedOrientation ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE Called on an activity will lock it to landscape. Look for the other flags in the ActivityInfo.. Called on an activity will lock it to landscape. Look for the other flags in the ActivityInfo class. You can lock it back to portrait or make it sensor slider driven. More info here http wireless Article..
Open another application from your own (intent) LAUNCHER action MAIN or packageManager.resolveActivity intent 0 to get the first activity with main launcher Get the ActivityInfo you're interested in From the ActivityInfo get the packageName and name Finally create another intent with with category.. intent 0 to get the first activity with main launcher Get the ActivityInfo you're interested in From the ActivityInfo get the packageName and name Finally create another intent with with category LAUNCHER action MAIN componentName new ComponentName..
Intent to launch the clock application on android clockImpls i 1 String className clockImpls i 2 try ComponentName cn new ComponentName packageName className ActivityInfo aInfo packageManager.getActivityInfo cn PackageManager.GET_META_DATA alarmClockIntent.setComponent cn debug Found vendor.. clockImpls i 2 try ComponentName cn new ComponentName packageName className ActivityInfo aInfo packageManager.getActivityInfo cn PackageManager.GET_META_DATA alarmClockIntent.setComponent cn debug Found vendor packageName className foundClockImpl..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker PackageManager.GET_RECEIVERS catch NameNotFoundException e return false package not found if pacInfo null for ActivityInfo actInfo pacInfo.receivers test if recevier is exported. if so we can toggle GPS. if
AppWidget PendingIntent not working after Launcher restart clockImpls i 1 String className clockImpls i 2 try ComponentName cn new ComponentName packageName className ActivityInfo aInfo packageManager.getActivityInfo cn PackageManager.GET_META_DATA alarmClockIntent.setComponent cn foundClockImpl true.. clockImpls i 2 try ComponentName cn new ComponentName packageName className ActivityInfo aInfo packageManager.getActivityInfo cn PackageManager.GET_META_DATA alarmClockIntent.setComponent cn foundClockImpl true catch NameNotFoundException e Log.d..
Detect Hardware Acceleration at Runtime: Android