android Programming Glossary: activity.showdialog
Null Validation on EditText box in Alert Dialog - Android Dialog . I also have a couple of tips for you Try using Activity.onCreateDialog Activity.onPrepareDialog and of course Activity.showDialog . They make dialog usage much easier atleast for me also dialog usage looks more like menu usage. Using these methods you.. vs. Activity.showDialog() vs. Activity.showDialog As far as I can tell there are two ways to show a Dialog from an Activity. Create the Dialog for example using an AlertDialog.Builder.. with Reasons to use If you need to parameterize the Dialog in some way it can be a little awkward to use Activity.showDialog as described in this question . You may have to store a String or something in a member variable just so that it can be.. method Inside a potentially large switch statement in the overridden onPrepareDialog method Reasons to use Activity.showDialog The API docs for Activity.showDialog say that the Dialog is managed by the Activity which I suppose provides some benefit..