android Programming Glossary: action_view
How to make an intent with multiple actions EXTRA_INITIAL_INTENTS Intent viewIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Intent editIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_EDIT viewIntent.setDataAndType.. I say partial because if an app supports both ACTION_VIEW and ACTION_EDIT it will show up twice in the list one of which.. chooser. In order to differentiate ACTION_EDIT apps from ACTION_VIEW apps I found a way to append a for editing string to the labels..
How can I display a specific folder in Android Gallery3D (cooliris)? folderBucketId .build Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setDataAndType targetUri image.. intent Basically what we are doing here is leveraging the ACTION_VIEW intent handling of the app when it is supplied with a
Android Image Viewer from App current.png startActivity new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW uri And it keeps churning out 10 11 13 09 24.367 INFO ActivityManager..
handle textview link click in my android app intent filter I simply let my target activity listen to ACTION_VIEW intents and specifically those with the scheme
View image in ACTION_VIEW intent? image in ACTION_VIEW intent I'd like to show a png or jpg I downloaded from the.. intent new Intent intent.setAction android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setDataAndType Uri.fromFile new File path image png startActivity.. intent new Intent intent.setAction android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW File file new File sdcard test.mp4 intent.setDataAndType Uri.fromFile..
How to send/open email attachments from android app?
play youtube video in WebView the YouTube video details you may be able to construct an ACTION_VIEW Intent that will show them on the YouTube application...for..
Start the android browser blown browser try with startActivity new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse http Have a look to ACTION_VIEW Intent... Uri.parse http Have a look to ACTION_VIEW Intent. If you want to simply display some HTML try using WebView..
android: open a pdf from my app using the built in pdf viewer public Intents it wants developers to use. You can try an ACTION_VIEW Intent with a Uri pointing to the file either on the SD card..
Download And Install apk from a link system firmware can do that. You should be able to use an ACTION_VIEW Intent with a MIME type of application archive..
How to handle app dependencies to 3d party Intent marketIntent new Intent ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse market details id
android vcard string to contact action would be being used here but I would start with ACTION_VIEW other choices might be ACTION_EDIT or tenuously ACTION_RUN... Intent i new Intent i.setAction android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW i.setDataAndType Uri.parse file mnt sdcard downloads bluetooth..
read data from sdcard in android else Intent intent new Intent intent.setAction Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri uri Uri.parse file file.getPath String fname file.getName.. spot any Intent in it. You have to call an Intent with the ACTION_VIEW flag for whatever file you want to be shown. For instance. Intent.. instance. Intent intent new Intent intent.setAction Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri imgUri Uri.parse file file.getPath intent.setDataAndType..
View MS office files in an android application getPackageManager Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setType application doc List ResolveInfo list packageManager.queryIntentActivities.. share improve this question You can try. Create an ACTION_VIEW Intent with a Uri to the document on external storage and the..
bundle multiple apps in one app copy them on first run to external storage then launch an ACTION_VIEW Intent on them via startActivity using the right MIME type...
ACTION_VIEW intent for a file with unknown MimeType intent for a file with unknown MimeType My app has a feature.. of file. Here is my code Intent myIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW myIntent.setData Uri.fromFile item startActivity myIntent However.. Intent newIntent new Intent android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW Intent newIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW String mimeType..
Can We Install an APK From a ContentProvider? the APK to external storage and using a file Uri with the ACTION_VIEW installer Intent it worked. The Skipping dir message seems to.. use content Uri values. Has anyone successfully used ACTION_VIEW on a application archive Intent with a content..
How to make an intent with multiple actions improve this question I found a partial solution by using EXTRA_INITIAL_INTENTS Intent viewIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Intent editIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_EDIT viewIntent.setDataAndType uri type editIntent.setDataAndType uri type Intent.. new Intent viewIntent startActivity chooserIntent I say partial because if an app supports both ACTION_VIEW and ACTION_EDIT it will show up twice in the list one of which will open the file for viewing and the other for editing.. found a solution that doesn't involving writing a custom app chooser. In order to differentiate ACTION_EDIT apps from ACTION_VIEW apps I found a way to append a for editing string to the labels for one of them in my case ACTION_EDIT by using the line..
How can I display a specific folder in Android Gallery3D (cooliris)? .appendQueryParameter bucketId String.valueOf folderBucketId .build Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setDataAndType targetUri image setIntent intent Basically what we are doing here is leveraging.. targetUri image setIntent intent Basically what we are doing here is leveraging the ACTION_VIEW intent handling of the app when it is supplied with a image MIME type. share improve this answer..
Android Image Viewer from App File super.getFilesDir current.png uri Uri.parse file super.getFilesDir current.png startActivity new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW uri And it keeps churning out 10 11 13 09 24.367 INFO ActivityManager 564 Starting activity Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW..
handle textview link click in my android app there is a solution that is a bit simpler. Besides the default intent filter I simply let my target activity listen to ACTION_VIEW intents and specifically those with the scheme intent filter category android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT..
View image in ACTION_VIEW intent? image in ACTION_VIEW intent I'd like to show a png or jpg I downloaded from the next in an image viewer intent but can't get it to work. Bitmap.. bmp.compress CompressFormat.PNG 100 fos fos.close Intent intent new Intent intent.setAction android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setDataAndType Uri.fromFile new File path image png startActivity intent I know the bitmap is downloaded ok use the.. your code is fine compare it to this Android snippet Intent intent new Intent intent.setAction android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW File file new File sdcard test.mp4 intent.setDataAndType Uri.fromFile file video startActivity intent Intent intent new..
How to send/open email attachments from android app?
play youtube video in WebView on devices that have Flash. However if you can parse out the YouTube video details you may be able to construct an ACTION_VIEW Intent that will show them on the YouTube application...for those Android devices that have the YouTube application. You..
Start the android browser android share improve this question If you want a fully blown browser try with startActivity new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse http Have a look to ACTION_VIEW Intent. If you want to simply display some HTML try using WebView.. a fully blown browser try with startActivity new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse http Have a look to ACTION_VIEW Intent. If you want to simply display some HTML try using WebView WebView webview new WebView this setContentView webview..
android: open a pdf from my app using the built in pdf viewer improve this question AFAIK Adobe has not documented any public Intents it wants developers to use. You can try an ACTION_VIEW Intent with a Uri pointing to the file either on the SD card or MODE_WORLD_READABLE in your app local file store and a MIME..
Download And Install apk from a link install APKs that way only applications that are part of the system firmware can do that. You should be able to use an ACTION_VIEW Intent with a MIME type of application archive and a Uri pointing to your file. Note that this may not..
How to handle app dependencies to 3d party source manually. Intent scanIntent new Intent Intent marketIntent new Intent ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse market details id try startActivityForResult scanIntent catch ActivityNotFoundException..
android vcard string to contact specifying which activity to use. I'm not sure which intent action would be being used here but I would start with ACTION_VIEW other choices might be ACTION_EDIT or tenuously ACTION_RUN. Although this may work in a known environment particularly as.. what I see when I open a vCard that's sent via Bluetooth... Intent i new Intent i.setAction android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW i.setDataAndType Uri.parse file mnt sdcard downloads bluetooth MickeyMouse.vcf text x vcard startActivity i share improve..
read data from sdcard in android int which TODO Auto generated method stub dialog.dismiss .show else Intent intent new Intent intent.setAction Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri uri Uri.parse file file.getPath String fname file.getName if fname.endsWith .jpeg fname.endsWith png fname.endsWith.. Maybe I've missed it in your code but I could not spot any Intent in it. You have to call an Intent with the ACTION_VIEW flag for whatever file you want to be shown. For instance. Intent intent new Intent intent.setAction Intent.ACTION_VIEW.. flag for whatever file you want to be shown. For instance. Intent intent new Intent intent.setAction Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri imgUri Uri.parse file file.getPath intent.setDataAndType imgUri image startActivity intent You simple create an instance..
View MS office files in an android application checkViewerAvailability String type PackageManager packageManager getPackageManager Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setType application doc List ResolveInfo list packageManager.queryIntentActivities intent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY.. return list.size 0 java android file ms office android intent share improve this question You can try. Create an ACTION_VIEW Intent with a Uri to the document on external storage and the proper MIME type for whatever sort of file it is. Use PackageManager..
bundle multiple apps in one app of that it should be possible. Package the APKs as assets copy them on first run to external storage then launch an ACTION_VIEW Intent on them via startActivity using the right MIME type. However again this is probably not a good idea. It seems to..
ACTION_VIEW intent for a file with unknown MimeType intent for a file with unknown MimeType My app has a feature that browse files on your phone and SD card and open them.. have to specify the MimeType and can work with any type of file. Here is my code Intent myIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW myIntent.setData Uri.fromFile item startActivity myIntent However I'm getting the following error android.content.ActivityNotFoundException.. and open with default MimeTypeMap myMime MimeTypeMap.getSingleton Intent newIntent new Intent android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW Intent newIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW String mimeType myMime.getMimeTypeFromExtension fileExt getFile .toString..
Can We Install an APK From a ContentProvider? to actually install it. Once I switched to downloading the APK to external storage and using a file Uri with the ACTION_VIEW installer Intent it worked. The Skipping dir message seems to be logged by parsePackage in PackageParser which seems to.. it is working with a File . That would suggest that we cannot use content Uri values. Has anyone successfully used ACTION_VIEW on a application archive Intent with a content Uri If so was there some specific trick in setting up..