android Programming Glossary: activity1
send Bitmap using intent Android Bitmap using intent Android I hava a Bitmap variable in Activity1 name is bmp and i want to send it to Activity2 using this code..
How to apply 3d transition between two activities in android? Heim who is developer of this program. Below is snippet package org.vipul import import android.content.Intent.. import android.widget.Button public class Activity1 extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. it. final Intent intent new Intent getApplicationContext Activity1.class disable default animation for new intent intent.addFlags..
Passing image from one activity another activity but none worked for me. I want to fetch clicked image in Activity1 and display it in Activity2. I'm fetching image id of clicked..
How do you pass a string from one activity to another? [duplicate] another activity. I have two activities. I'll call them Activity1 and Activity2. I have a string in Activity1 called course ... I'll call them Activity1 and Activity2. I have a string in Activity1 called course . I want to read that string in Activity2. I've.. the string came out empty. public class Activity2 extends Activity1 I've seen people use the Intent function but I couldn't figure..
state of activity saving in android when home button pressed If in one of those cases you start your apllication go to Activity1 and then to Activity 2 press HOME button and then press the.. press the application icon it will open a new instance of Activity1. Don't take my word for it. Just press BACK and see that it..
Home key press behaviour If in one of those cases you start your apllication go to Activity1 and then to Activity 2 press HOME button and then press the.. press the application icon it will open a new instance of Activity1. Don't take my word for it. Just press BACK and see that it..
Progress Dialog on open activity and if i replace the showApps by the code on OnCreate Activity1 freeze 2 seconds i don't see the progress dialog and freeze..
Android:Passing a hash map between Activities between string and a class object. I populate this map in Activity1 and i would like to pass it to activity2. public class NEW extends..
How can I pass values between Activities on Android? on Android This is the navigation of my application Activity1 calls Activity2 &rarr Activity2.finish call Activity3 &rarr.. When Activity3 finishes it calls the onResume method of Activity1 . Now how can I pass a value from Activity3 to Activity1 android.. Activity1 . Now how can I pass a value from Activity3 to Activity1 android android activity share improve this question Umesh..
“No keyboard for id 0” - what does it mean? So therefore if you started Activity2 before Activity1 you would see the warning in Activity2 and not Activity1 As.. Activity1 you would see the warning in Activity2 and not Activity1 As I said I think a lot of developers get this message and it's..
Every Activity in Android is a Process,or One Application is one process android.os.Process.myPid System.out.println Process id of Activity1 id But it is showing same process id. Please reply back. android.. icon android label @string app_name activity android name .Activity1 activity activity android name .Activity2 activity activity.. app_name android process activity android name .Activity1 activity activity android name .Activity2 android process
Android get previous activity get previous activity I have 2 activities Activity1 Activity2 In each of this activities is a button who lead me..
android how to create my own Activity and extend it ? protected abstract int getLayoutResourceId public class Activity1 extends BaseActivity @Override public void onCreate bundle super.onCreate..
OnActivityResult is not working in TabActivityGroup? data break case CAMERA_CONFIRMRECEIPT ExpensesActivity activity1 ExpensesActivity getLocalActivityManager .getCurrentActivity.. getLocalActivityManager .getCurrentActivity activity1.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data In Sub Activity..
How to send string from one activity to another? s lat lng i want to insert this string into text field in activity1. how can i do that Thank you in advance. android android activity.. String int etc. In your case in activity2 before going to activity1 you will store a String message this way Intent intent new Intent.. message this way Intent intent new Intent activity2.this activity1.class intent.putExtra message message startActivity intent In..
Add a new activity to the AndroidManifest? a new android project just a simple one. I have three tabs activity1 2 3 with different tasks. Anyways how do I add these 3 activities..
calling an activity that is in another package(android) in another package.... Say for example I have an Activity activity1 in my package package1 and I need to call another Activity activity2.. Activity activity2 in another package package2 from my activity1.. I have tried to import the package2 in my package1 but it..
Android: how do I check if activity is running? on which activity is active. eg if activityrunning activity1 do this else if activityrunning activity2 do something else..
android - How to Logout from the application TextView tv TextView findViewById tv.setText activity1 Button next Button findViewById next.setOnClickListener..
send Bitmap using intent Android Bitmap using intent Android I hava a Bitmap variable in Activity1 name is bmp and i want to send it to Activity2 using this code Intent in1 new Intent this Activity2.class in1.putExtra image..
How to apply 3d transition between two activities in android? 3D Cubic Transition between activities.Credit goes to Robert Heim who is developer of this program. Below is snippet package org.vipul import import android.content.Intent import android.os.Bundle import android.view.View.. android.content.Intent import android.os.Bundle import android.view.View import android.widget.Button public class Activity1 extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. will animateIn from its onResume be sure to implement it. final Intent intent new Intent getApplicationContext Activity1.class disable default animation for new intent intent.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION ActivitySwitcher.animationOut..
Passing image from one activity another activity activity another activity There are similar questions on SO but none worked for me. I want to fetch clicked image in Activity1 and display it in Activity2. I'm fetching image id of clicked image like this ImageView v .getId and passing it through..
How do you pass a string from one activity to another? [duplicate] how to pass and read a string that is in one activity from another activity. I have two activities. I'll call them Activity1 and Activity2. I have a string in Activity1 called course . I want to read that string in Activity2. I've tried doing this.. one activity from another activity. I have two activities. I'll call them Activity1 and Activity2. I have a string in Activity1 called course . I want to read that string in Activity2. I've tried doing this but the string came out empty. public class.. to read that string in Activity2. I've tried doing this but the string came out empty. public class Activity2 extends Activity1 I've seen people use the Intent function but I couldn't figure out how to use it. Any suggestions Thanks java android string..
state of activity saving in android when home button pressed to start the application right after you installed it. If in one of those cases you start your apllication go to Activity1 and then to Activity 2 press HOME button and then press the application icon it will open a new instance of Activity1. Don't.. Activity1 and then to Activity 2 press HOME button and then press the application icon it will open a new instance of Activity1. Don't take my word for it. Just press BACK and see that it gets you to your Activity2 that you left when you pressed HOME...
Home key press behaviour to start the application right after you installed it. If in one of those cases you start your apllication go to Activity1 and then to Activity 2 press HOME button and then press the application icon it will open a new instance of Activity1. Don't.. Activity1 and then to Activity 2 press HOME button and then press the application icon it will open a new instance of Activity1. Don't take my word for it. Just press BACK and see that it gets you to your Activity2 that you left when you pressed HOME...
Progress Dialog on open activity activity. If i execute this code in the OnCreate of Activity2 and if i replace the showApps by the code on OnCreate Activity1 freeze 2 seconds i don't see the progress dialog and freeze again 2 seconds on activity 2 before seeing the result. An idea..
Android:Passing a hash map between Activities Passing a hash map between Activities I have a map between string and a class object. I populate this map in Activity1 and i would like to pass it to activity2. public class NEW extends Activity public class data String name float value ......
How can I pass values between Activities on Android? can I pass values between Activities on Android This is the navigation of my application Activity1 calls Activity2 &rarr Activity2.finish call Activity3 &rarr Activity3.finish When Activity3 finishes it calls the onResume.. &rarr Activity2.finish call Activity3 &rarr Activity3.finish When Activity3 finishes it calls the onResume method of Activity1 . Now how can I pass a value from Activity3 to Activity1 android android activity share improve this question Umesh.. When Activity3 finishes it calls the onResume method of Activity1 . Now how can I pass a value from Activity3 to Activity1 android android activity share improve this question Umesh shows a good technique but I think you want the opposite..
“No keyboard for id 0” - what does it mean? group android developers browse_thread thread 477caf755085b108 So therefore if you started Activity2 before Activity1 you would see the warning in Activity2 and not Activity1 As I said I think a lot of developers get this message and it's.. 477caf755085b108 So therefore if you started Activity2 before Activity1 you would see the warning in Activity2 and not Activity1 As I said I think a lot of developers get this message and it's just a warning not an error it can be ignored. share improve..
Every Activity in Android is a Process,or One Application is one process of all activities and service in my Application using int id android.os.Process.myPid System.out.println Process id of Activity1 id But it is showing same process id. Please reply back. android process activity ipc share improve this question All.. android minSdkVersion 8 application android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name .Activity1 activity activity android name .Activity2 activity activity android name .Activity3 intent filter action android name.. android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name android process activity android name .Activity1 activity activity android name .Activity2 android process activity activity android name .Activity3 android process..
Android get previous activity get previous activity I have 2 activities Activity1 Activity2 In each of this activities is a button who lead me to a third activity MainActivity In MainActivity i want to..
android how to create my own Activity and extend it ? super.onCreate bundle setContentView getLayoutResourceId protected abstract int getLayoutResourceId public class Activity1 extends BaseActivity @Override public void onCreate bundle super.onCreate bundle do extra stuff on your resources using..
OnActivityResult is not working in TabActivityGroup? activity.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data break case CAMERA_CONFIRMRECEIPT ExpensesActivity activity1 ExpensesActivity getLocalActivityManager .getCurrentActivity activity1.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data In.. case CAMERA_CONFIRMRECEIPT ExpensesActivity activity1 ExpensesActivity getLocalActivityManager .getCurrentActivity activity1.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data In Sub Activity you have to set the view as below View viewToLoad LayoutInflater.from..
How to send string from one activity to another? String.format Current Location n Longitude 1 s n Latitude 2 s lat lng i want to insert this string into text field in activity1. how can i do that Thank you in advance. android android activity send share improve this question You can use intents.. between activities. In a intent you can put all sort of data String int etc. In your case in activity2 before going to activity1 you will store a String message this way Intent intent new Intent activity2.this activity1.class intent.putExtra message.. activity2 before going to activity1 you will store a String message this way Intent intent new Intent activity2.this activity1.class intent.putExtra message message startActivity intent In activity1 in onCreate you can get the String message by retrieving..
Add a new activity to the AndroidManifest? a new activity to the AndroidManifest I'm on a new android project just a simple one. I have three tabs activity1 2 3 with different tasks. Anyways how do I add these 3 activities do the AndroidManifest my manifest application uses..
calling an activity that is in another package(android) another package android I want to call an activity that is in another package.... Say for example I have an Activity activity1 in my package package1 and I need to call another Activity activity2 in another package package2 from my activity1.. I have.. activity1 in my package package1 and I need to call another Activity activity2 in another package package2 from my activity1.. I have tried to import the package2 in my package1 but it did not work... Can anyone answer me and provide some sample..
Android: how do I check if activity is running? a certain activity is active I want to do certain things depending on which activity is active. eg if activityrunning activity1 do this else if activityrunning activity2 do something else android activity active share improve this question you..
android - How to Logout from the application super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main TextView tv TextView findViewById tv.setText activity1 Button next Button findViewById next.setOnClickListener nextListener private OnClickListener nextListener..