android Programming Glossary: activity2.class
send Bitmap using intent Android it to Activity2 using this code Intent in1 new Intent this Activity2.class in1.putExtra image bmp startActivity in1 And in Activity2 i.. byteArray stream.toByteArray Intent in1 new Intent this Activity2.class in1.putExtra image byteArray Then in Activity 2 byte byteArray..
How to apply 3d transition between two activities in android? it. final Intent intent new Intent getApplicationContext Activity2.class disable default animation for new intent intent.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION..
How to control Activity flow - Back button versus Home button Intent Act2Intent new Intent thisActivity Activity2.class startActivity Act2Intent finish return true return false..
how to know the calling activity in android while calling Activity2. Intent act2 new Intent context Activity2.class act2.putExtra calling activity ActivityConstants.ACTIVITY_1..
Calling one Activity from another in Android value value Intent i new Intent Activity1.this Activity2.class i.putExtras sendBundle startActivity i finish and Activity2...
Android UI TabActivity issue tabHost.newTabSpec tab1 .setContent new Intent this Activity2.class .setIndicator prepareTabView Names R.drawable.icon where prepareTabView..
send Bitmap using intent Android Bitmap variable in Activity1 name is bmp and i want to send it to Activity2 using this code Intent in1 new Intent this Activity2.class in1.putExtra image bmp startActivity in1 And in Activity2 i call it like this Bundle ex getIntent .getExtras Bitmap bmp2.. bmp.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100 stream byte byteArray stream.toByteArray Intent in1 new Intent this Activity2.class in1.putExtra image byteArray Then in Activity 2 byte byteArray getIntent .getByteArrayExtra image Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray..
How to apply 3d transition between two activities in android? will animateIn from its onResume be sure to implement it. final Intent intent new Intent getApplicationContext Activity2.class disable default animation for new intent intent.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION ActivitySwitcher.animationOut..
How to control Activity flow - Back button versus Home button
how to know the calling activity in android final int ACTIVITY_3 1003 2 Add extra parameter in intent while calling Activity2. Intent act2 new Intent context Activity2.class act2.putExtra calling activity ActivityConstants.ACTIVITY_1 or ActivityConstants.ACTIVITY_3 if called form Activity3 startActivity..
Calling one Activity from another in Android else value 0 Bundle sendBundle new Bundle sendBundle.putLong value value Intent i new Intent Activity1.this Activity2.class i.putExtras sendBundle startActivity i finish and Activity2. Bundle receiveBundle this.getIntent .getExtras final long..
Android UI TabActivity issue Tabs here is the Code try this tabHost getTabHost tabHost.addTab tabHost.newTabSpec tab1 .setContent new Intent this Activity2.class .setIndicator prepareTabView Names R.drawable.icon where prepareTabView is method that Inflate View. Then Inflate a view..