android Programming Glossary: activiy
call java function from javascript over android webview JavaScriptInterface public class JavaScriptInterface private Activity activity public JavaScriptInterface Activity activiy this.activity activiy public void startVideo String videoAddress Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setDataAndType.. public class JavaScriptInterface private Activity activity public JavaScriptInterface Activity activiy this.activity activiy public void startVideo String videoAddress Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setDataAndType Uri.parse videoAddress..
How to prevent multiple instances of an activity when it is launched with different intents launchMode singleTask on all the activities to fix this problem but it has the unwanted side effect of clearing the activiy stack to root whenever I hit HOME. Example A B C HOME A when what I need is A B C HOME A B C Is there a good way to prevent..
How to clear specific activity from the stack history? B and activity C should be removed from the history stack. On Pressing back key from the activity D should display activiy A instead of C. I don't know how to implement this. Can anyone help me to resolve this problem android share improve..
Pass and return the values from javascript and android and use as a phone gap plugin video in native intent public class JavaScriptInterface private Activity activity public JavaScriptInterface Activity activiy this.activity activiy public void startVideo String videoAddress Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setDataAndType.. public class JavaScriptInterface private Activity activity public JavaScriptInterface Activity activiy this.activity activiy public void startVideo String videoAddress Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setDataAndType Uri.parse videoAddress..