android Programming Glossary: activated
How can I style an Android Switch? state_checked true android drawable @drawable switch_thumb_activated_holo_light item android drawable @drawable switch_thumb_holo_light.. There are four ninepatch images used for the slider The deactivated version xhdpi version that Android is using The pressed slider.. xhdpi version that Android is using The pressed slider The activated slider on state The default version off state There are also..
Programmatically select item listview want a prebuilt listview give a try to simple_list_item_activated_1 simple_list_item_checked simple_list_item_single_choice etc..... new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.simple_list_item_activated_1 data following which prebuilt listview you chose you'll see.. apk res android item android state_activated true android color #FFF item item android state_pressed true..
What is the difference between the states selected, checked and activated in Android? is the difference between the states selected checked and activated in Android I'd like to know what differs those states. I didn't.. you in advance. android android view selected checked activated share improve this question The difference between Checked.. enabled the views in the current selection set are activated. Um yeah we are deeply sorry about the terminology here. The..
Map view following user - MyLocationOverlay type functionality for Android Maps API V2 layer this causes our LocationSource to be automatically activated. While enabled the my location layer continuously draws an indication.. layer this causes our LocationSource to be automatically deactivated. mMap.setMyLocationEnabled false super.onPause Sets up the..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? layer this causes our LocationSource to be automatically activated. While enabled the my location layer continuously draws an indication.. layer this causes our LocationSource to be automatically deactivated. mMap.setMyLocationEnabled false super.onPause Sets up the..
Google Places API request denied for Android autocomplete, even with the right api key REQUEST_DENIED What I didn't mention is that I have O2Auth activated does that change anything Shouldn't it be as simple as putting..
Why is my Android emulator keyboard in Chinese character mode? disable the Japanese and other input methods from being activated entirely via Settings &rarr Keyboard &rarr untick the box next..
Android: I want to shake it if the device is shaked. Notes The accelometer should be deactivated onPause and activated onResume to save resources CPU Battery.. Notes The accelometer should be deactivated onPause and activated onResume to save resources CPU Battery . The code assumes we..
Creating a system overlay where the home buttons still work? and anything directly under the button should not be activated on a press. The activity or home screen running behind the button..
What is the real world accuracy of phone accelerometers when used for positioning? at which point the accelerometer in the phone is to be activated to track any further movements with respect to that fixed location...
Enable Flight mode with out disabling the wifi and bluetooth in android what radios that will be turned off when air plane mode is activated. If you do this before activating air plane mode it is possible..
Fill fields in webview automatically . Finally the submit button on the login page will be activated. From what I understand this can be done by doing a java injection..
activate an application when a power button is clicked i want to create such application in android which will be activated when i press sleep or power button twice is it possible to do..
Android - ListView slide left/right like Samsung contact ListView to make that listener an voialla you a ListView with slide activated content. float historicX Float.NaN historicY Float.NaN static..
Detect a new Android notification
Showing the current selection in a listview this question What Gmail and similar apps use is the activated state with an appropriate row layout. See Setting Android Background.. crash Is there a theme pattern approach Change colour of activated list item background on Honeycomb In a nutshell you Use a row.. on Honeycomb In a nutshell you Use a row layout with an activated background e.g. android.R.layout.simple_list_item_activated_1..
How can I style an Android Switch? @drawable switch_thumb_pressed_holo_light item android state_checked true android drawable @drawable switch_thumb_activated_holo_light item android drawable @drawable switch_thumb_holo_light selector This defines the thumb drawable the image that.. thumb drawable the image that is moved over the background. There are four ninepatch images used for the slider The deactivated version xhdpi version that Android is using The pressed slider The activated slider on state The default version off state.. images used for the slider The deactivated version xhdpi version that Android is using The pressed slider The activated slider on state The default version off state There are also three different states for the background that are defined..
Programmatically select item listview use a prebuilt listview or your custom listview. 1 If you want a prebuilt listview give a try to simple_list_item_activated_1 simple_list_item_checked simple_list_item_single_choice etc... You can set up your listview like this for e.g setListAdapter.. You can set up your listview like this for e.g setListAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.simple_list_item_activated_1 data following which prebuilt listview you chose you'll see now that when selected you have a checkbox ticked or the backgound.. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http apk res android item android state_activated true android color #FFF item item android state_pressed true android color #FFF item item android state_pressed false android..
What is the difference between the states selected, checked and activated in Android? is the difference between the states selected checked and activated in Android I'd like to know what differs those states. I didn't find any webpage clarifying this. Thank you in advance... those states. I didn't find any webpage clarifying this. Thank you in advance. android android view selected checked activated share improve this question The difference between Checked and Activated is actually quite interesting. Even the Google.. ... For example in a list view with single or multiple selection enabled the views in the current selection set are activated. Um yeah we are deeply sorry about the terminology here. The activated state is propagated down to children of the view..
Map view following user - MyLocationOverlay type functionality for Android Maps API V2 map GoogleMap object setUpMapIfNeeded Enable the my location layer this causes our LocationSource to be automatically activated. While enabled the my location layer continuously draws an indication of a user's current location and bearing and displays.. true @Override public void onPause Disable the my location layer this causes our LocationSource to be automatically deactivated. mMap.setMyLocationEnabled false super.onPause Sets up the map if it is possible to do so i.e. the Google Play services..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? map GoogleMap object setUpMapIfNeeded Enable the my location layer this causes our LocationSource to be automatically activated. While enabled the my location layer continuously draws an indication of a user's current location and bearing and displays.. true @Override public void onPause Disable the my location layer this causes our LocationSource to be automatically deactivated. mMap.setMyLocationEnabled false super.onPause Sets up the map if it is possible to do so i.e. the Google Play services..
Google Places API request denied for Android autocomplete, even with the right api key The quota isn't exceeded. All those and it still gives me REQUEST_DENIED What I didn't mention is that I have O2Auth activated does that change anything Shouldn't it be as simple as putting the API key in the app Thanks android google places api..
Why is my Android emulator keyboard in Chinese character mode?
Android: I want to shake it It will be approx. 0 if there is no movement and lets say 2 if the device is shaked. Notes The accelometer should be deactivated onPause and activated onResume to save resources CPU Battery . The code assumes we are on planet Earth and initializes the.. there is no movement and lets say 2 if the device is shaked. Notes The accelometer should be deactivated onPause and activated onResume to save resources CPU Battery . The code assumes we are on planet Earth and initializes the acceleration to earth..
Creating a system overlay where the home buttons still work? that is always on the screen. The button should be clickable and anything directly under the button should not be activated on a press. The activity or home screen running behind the button should still work meaning the user should still be able..
What is the real world accuracy of phone accelerometers when used for positioning? at a well known fixed location accurate to within 5 centimeters at which point the accelerometer in the phone is to be activated to track any further movements with respect to that fixed location. My question is in current generation smart phones iphones..
Enable Flight mode with out disabling the wifi and bluetooth in android android share improve this question You can change what radios that will be turned off when air plane mode is activated. If you do this before activating air plane mode it is possible to only turn off the radio cell. NOTE Changing AIRPLANE_MODE_RADIOS..
Fill fields in webview automatically website already loaded in the webview or wait for onPageFinished . Finally the submit button on the login page will be activated. From what I understand this can be done by doing a java injection with the loadUrl javascript but I don't know what the..
activate an application when a power button is clicked an application when a power button is clicked i want to create such application in android which will be activated when i press sleep or power button twice is it possible to do that by running an application in background and listening..
Android - ListView slide left/right like Samsung contact ListView the slide gesture fire a onSlideComplete event you'll have to make that listener an voialla you a ListView with slide activated content. float historicX Float.NaN historicY Float.NaN static final TRIGGER_DELTA 50 Number of pixels to travel till trigger..
Detect a new Android notification
Showing the current selection in a listview true selector android android listview share improve this question What Gmail and similar apps use is the activated state with an appropriate row layout. See Setting Android Background Persistence Menu Bar Using attribute on older versions.. Persistence Menu Bar Using attribute on older versions causes crash Is there a theme pattern approach Change colour of activated list item background on Honeycomb In a nutshell you Use a row layout with an activated background e.g. android.R.layout.simple_list_item_activated_1.. approach Change colour of activated list item background on Honeycomb In a nutshell you Use a row layout with an activated background e.g. android.R.layout.simple_list_item_activated_1 Use setChoiceMode ListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE on your ListView..