android Programming Glossary: activitycount
How to hide the share action (which use most) icon near the share action provider? location At the find the line if activityCount 0 historySize 0 replace this line with if false it's pretty..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities GoogleAnalyticsSessionManager INSTANCE protected int activityCount 0 protected Integer dispatchIntervalSecs protected String apiKey.. them yourself. public void incrementActivityCount if activityCount 0 if dispatchIntervalSecs null GoogleAnalyticsTracker.getInstance.. .start apiKey dispatchIntervalSecs context activityCount This should be called once in onDestrkg for each of your activities..
How to hide the share action (which use most) icon near the share action provider? which you just copied instead of the ActionBarShelock file location At the find the line if activityCount 0 historySize 0 replace this line with if false it's pretty ugly but it's the quickest fix. you can delve into the code..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities public class GoogleAnalyticsSessionManager protected static GoogleAnalyticsSessionManager INSTANCE protected int activityCount 0 protected Integer dispatchIntervalSecs protected String apiKey protected Context context NOTE you should use your Application.. be so if you want to do anything unusual you should synchronize them yourself. public void incrementActivityCount if activityCount 0 if dispatchIntervalSecs null GoogleAnalyticsTracker.getInstance .start apiKey context else GoogleAnalyticsTracker.getInstance.. .start apiKey context else GoogleAnalyticsTracker.getInstance .start apiKey dispatchIntervalSecs context activityCount This should be called once in onDestrkg for each of your activities that use GoogleAnalytics. These methods are not synchronized..