android Programming Glossary: activity.result_canceled
SMS Delivery Report in Android sms_delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText getBaseContext sms_not_delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
Callback to a Fragment from a DialogFragment Activity.RESULT_OK After Ok code. else if resultCode Activity.RESULT_CANCELED After Cancel code. break DialogFragment class public class.. getTargetFragment .onActivityResult getTargetRequestCode Activity.RESULT_CANCELED getActivity .getIntent .create share improve this answer..
Android Device Bluetooth pairing Set result CANCELED incase the user backs out setResult Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Initialize the button to perform device discovery Button scanButton..
Android PendingIntent extras, not received by BroadcastReceiver SMS Delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText getBaseContext SMS not delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT.. SMS Delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText context SMS not delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
Send SMS until it is successful e Log.e TAG e.toString e break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED break I was in the need for reliable sending too so kept references..
Using the camera activity in Android
How to monitor each of Sent SMS status? SMS delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText getBaseContext SMS not delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
Broadcast Receiver with sendMultiPartTextMessage context SMS delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText context SMS not delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
Trivial: Get confirmation of email sent in android Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else if requestCode 1 resultCode Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText this Mail canceled. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show..
Sending SMS in Android [closed] SMS delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText getBaseContext SMS not delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT.. SMS delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText SMS.this SMS not delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
Getting multiple broadcasts from intents? SMS delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText getBaseContext SMS not delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
Invoking audio recorder and getting the resulting file method as expected but my resultCode is always 0 which is Activity.RESULT_CANCELED and my data is null. Am i missing out on something here Kindly..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android setContentView R.layout.device_list setResult Activity.RESULT_CANCELED mPairedDevicesArrayAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.device_name..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? PayPalActivity.EXTRA_PAY_KEY break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED resultTitle CANCELED resultInfo The transaction has been cancelled...
Sending text messages programmatically in android SMS delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText getBaseContext SMS not delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
SMS Delivery Report in Android case Activity.RESULT_OK Toast.makeText getBaseContext sms_delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText getBaseContext sms_not_delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break class sentReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver..
Callback to a Fragment from a DialogFragment data switch requestCode case DIALOG_FRAGMENT if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK After Ok code. else if resultCode Activity.RESULT_CANCELED After Cancel code. break DialogFragment class public class MyDialogFragment extends DialogFragment public static MyDialogFragment..
Android Device Bluetooth pairing setContentView R.layout.device_list Set result CANCELED incase the user backs out setResult Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Initialize the button to perform device discovery Button scanButton Button findViewById scanButton.setOnClickListener..
Android PendingIntent extras, not received by BroadcastReceiver case Activity.RESULT_OK Toast.makeText getBaseContext SMS Delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText getBaseContext SMS not delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break Log.d DEBUG_TAG onCreate Register receivers.. getResultCode case Activity.RESULT_OK Toast.makeText context SMS Delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText context SMS not delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break public class MainActivity..
Send SMS until it is successful _id messageCursor.close catch DatabaseRowNotFoundException e Log.e TAG e.toString e break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED break I was in the need for reliable sending too so kept references to all pending messages in a database which I would..
Using the camera activity in Android
How to monitor each of Sent SMS status? case Activity.RESULT_OK Toast.makeText getBaseContext SMS delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText getBaseContext SMS not delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break new IntentFilter DELIVERED SmsManager..
Broadcast Receiver with sendMultiPartTextMessage switch getResultCode case Activity.RESULT_OK Toast.makeText context SMS delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText context SMS not delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break And finally declare receiver in manifest. receiver..
Trivial: Get confirmation of email sent in android Activity.RESULT_OK Toast.makeText this Mail sent. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else if requestCode 1 resultCode Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText this Mail canceled. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else Toast.makeText this Plz try again. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
Sending SMS in Android [closed] case Activity.RESULT_OK Toast.makeText getBaseContext SMS delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText getBaseContext SMS not delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break new IntentFilter DELIVERED SmsManager.. getResultCode case Activity.RESULT_OK Toast.makeText SMS.this SMS delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText SMS.this SMS not delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break new IntentFilter DELIVERED SmsManager sms..
Getting multiple broadcasts from intents? case Activity.RESULT_OK Toast.makeText getBaseContext SMS delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText getBaseContext SMS not delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break new IntentFilter DELIVERED SmsManager..
Invoking audio recorder and getting the resulting file recorder which returns the control to the onActivityResult method as expected but my resultCode is always 0 which is Activity.RESULT_CANCELED and my data is null. Am i missing out on something here Kindly help me with this. This works on the emulator but not on..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS setContentView R.layout.device_list setResult Activity.RESULT_CANCELED mPairedDevicesArrayAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.device_name ListView mPairedListView ListView findViewById..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? successfully completed this resultExtra Transaction ID data.getStringExtra PayPalActivity.EXTRA_PAY_KEY break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED resultTitle CANCELED resultInfo The transaction has been cancelled. resultExtra break case PayPalActivity.RESULT_FAILURE..
Sending text messages programmatically in android case Activity.RESULT_OK Toast.makeText getBaseContext SMS delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Toast.makeText getBaseContext SMS not delivered Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break new IntentFilter DELIVERED SmsManager..