android Programming Glossary: activity.tostring
How to navigate in fragments? catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must implement Callback.class.getName And finally in your OnClickListener..
How to pass data from activity to fragment catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must implement DataPullingInterface String myData mHostInterface.getData..
Button in Fragment's ListView item Interface Definition? catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must implement OnItemSelectedListener @Override public void..
How to pass values between Fragments catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must implement OnHeadlineSelectedListener @Override public..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must implement OnCarListItemSelectedListener @Override public..
Determining the current foreground application from a background task or service currentFg.processName CallerActivity activity null null activity.toString CurrentActivity currentActivity null null currentActivity.toString..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash
Prevent dialog dismissal on screen rotation in Android instanceof YesNoListener throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must implement YesNoListener @Override public Dialog onCreateDialog..
Android Fragments. Retaining an AsyncTask during screen rotation or configuration change catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must implement OnLoginSuccessfulListener @Override public View..
Get data back from a fragment dialog - best practices? catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must implement OnArticleSelectedListener when your Event inside..
How to navigate in fragments? super.onAttach activity try mCallback Callback activity catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must implement Callback.class.getName And finally in your OnClickListener call mCallback.onButtonBClicked . share improve..
How to pass data from activity to fragment
Button in Fragment's ListView item Interface Definition? activity try mListener OnItemSelectedListener activity catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must implement OnItemSelectedListener @Override public void onListItemClick ListView l View v int position long id mCallback.onItemSelected..
How to pass values between Fragments an exception try mCallback OnFragmentChangedListener activity catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must implement OnHeadlineSelectedListener @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method exception try mCallback OnCarListItemSelectedListener activity catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must implement OnCarListItemSelectedListener @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState TODO Auto generated..
Determining the current foreground application from a background task or service process.processName CurrentProcess currentFg null null currentFg.processName CallerActivity activity null null activity.toString CurrentActivity currentActivity null null currentActivity.toString return false private boolean isRunningService String..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash
Prevent dialog dismissal on screen rotation in Android onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity if activity instanceof YesNoListener throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must implement YesNoListener @Override public Dialog onCreateDialog Bundle savedInstanceState return new AlertDialog.Builder..
Android Fragments. Retaining an AsyncTask during screen rotation or configuration change loginSuccessfulListener OnLoginSuccessfulListener activity catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must implement OnLoginSuccessfulListener @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container..
Get data back from a fragment dialog - best practices? activity try mListener OnArticleSelectedListener activity catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must implement OnArticleSelectedListener when your Event inside the Fragment happens you simply call the Callback Handler..