android Programming Glossary: activity..
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: following code in the onCreate method of my gapp's main activity... adView new AdView this AdSize.BANNER my code number adView.loadAd..
VerifiyAndSetParameter error when trying to record video photo int CAMERA_WITH_VIDEO_DATA 2 start photo capture activity... Intent intent new Intent MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE null..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) android label @string app_name activity Main activity... intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN..
Android PendingIntent extras, not received by BroadcastReceiver android label @string app_name activity Main activity... intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN..
numberformat exception using alarmamanager - crashes before on start Long.parseLong time_value But the above aren't in the main activity... In the xml file I have in the edittex android inputType number..
How do you test an Android application across multiple Activities? null false Start the authentication activity as the first activity... Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN intent.setFlags.. MyPassword Register we are interested in the welcome activity... this has to be done before we do something that will send us.. be done before we do something that will send us to that activity... instrumentation.removeMonitor monitor monitor instrumentation.addMonitor..
How to manage multiples activities under a single tab of TabActivity 6 screens I have to memorize the grand grand parent if the activity... I really appreciate if I just could call the last Activity..
How can Android source code not have a main method and still run? point Even without a main What if there is more than one activity... is there a hierarchy to these built in event handlers OnCreate..
Get notified when current tab is selected again i v.setOnTouchListener this Then override onTouch in your activity... @Override public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event Not..
Filter list view from edit text and phone number but I only want to filter its name. In my activity... searchBarTextView.addTextChangedListener new TextWatcher @Override..
Bring task to front on android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT filter receiver In my IntentReceiver class I start my main activity... public class IntentReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver @Override..
How to get text of a TextView of a Widget from an Activity? of a Widget from an Activity i have a widget... and an activity... when i start the activity... i have to read text from the textView.. i have a widget... and an activity... when i start the activity... i have to read text from the textView of the widget and show.. textView of the widget and show it in a TextWidget of the activity... i have that code... String frase TextView text_frase TextView..
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: to incorporate admob ads in my app. So far I have added the following code in the onCreate method of my gapp's main activity... adView new AdView this AdSize.BANNER my code number adView.loadAd new AdRequest The program compiles without error but..
VerifiyAndSetParameter error when trying to record video in Android 2.2 2.3 ... I have done following process to capture photo int CAMERA_WITH_VIDEO_DATA 2 start photo capture activity... Intent intent new Intent MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE null startActivityForResult intent CAMERA_WITH_VIDEO_DATA ......
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) android debuggable true android icon @drawable ic_launcher_icon android label @string app_name activity Main activity... intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER ..
Android PendingIntent extras, not received by BroadcastReceiver android debuggable true android icon @drawable ic_launcher_icon android label @string app_name activity Main activity... intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER ..
numberformat exception using alarmamanager - crashes before on start I receive numberformat exception at line final long thetime Long.parseLong time_value But the above aren't in the main activity... In the xml file I have in the edittex android inputType number . This line is in myservice class in which I have the alarmamanager..
How do you test an Android application across multiple Activities? AuthenticateActivity.class.getName null false Start the authentication activity as the first activity... Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN intent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK intent.setClassName instrumentation.getTargetContext.. this currentView instrumentation.sendStringSync MyPassword Register we are interested in the welcome activity... this has to be done before we do something that will send us to that activity... instrumentation.removeMonitor monitor.. we are interested in the welcome activity... this has to be done before we do something that will send us to that activity... instrumentation.removeMonitor monitor monitor instrumentation.addMonitor WelcomeActivity.class.getName null false Click..
How to manage multiples activities under a single tab of TabActivity intents. It's really heavy when I have a succession of 5 or 6 screens I have to memorize the grand grand parent if the activity... I really appreciate if I just could call the last Activity started by the localActivityManager. Thanks for your help and..
How can Android source code not have a main method and still run? in methods can be smelly sometimes. But onCreate is an entry point Even without a main What if there is more than one activity... is there a hierarchy to these built in event handlers OnCreate trumps everything else Otherwise how would the app know..
Get notified when current tab is selected again i 0 i tabWidget.getChildCount i View v tabWidget.getChildAt i v.setOnTouchListener this Then override onTouch in your activity... @Override public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event Not sure what to do here to identify each tab return false As..
Filter list view from edit text adapter with object Friend. Friend object has name address and phone number but I only want to filter its name. In my activity... searchBarTextView.addTextChangedListener new TextWatcher @Override public void onTextChanged CharSequence s int start int..
Bring task to front on android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT intent filter receiver In my IntentReceiver class I start my main activity... public class IntentReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent Intent..
How to get text of a TextView of a Widget from an Activity? to get text of a TextView of a Widget from an Activity i have a widget... and an activity... when i start the activity... i have to read text from the textView of the widget and show it in a TextWidget of the activity..... to get text of a TextView of a Widget from an Activity i have a widget... and an activity... when i start the activity... i have to read text from the textView of the widget and show it in a TextWidget of the activity... i have that code..... when i start the activity... i have to read text from the textView of the widget and show it in a TextWidget of the activity... i have that code... String frase TextView text_frase TextView findViewById if text_frase null..