android Programming Glossary: activityb
Fragment design: Adapting to multiple screen layouts by showing/hiding fragments within a single Activity? Fragment is in its own Activity ActivityA contains Frag1 ActivityB contains Frag2 and ActivityC contains Frag3. So far we have..
Application restart - Activity Entry Point example if your task stack looks like this StartActivity ActivityB ActivityC ActivityD and your task goes to the background and.. . Once ActivityC is finished Android will recreate ActivityB etc. In short the complete stack is not recreated when the user..
How to simulate Android killing my process pictorially if my activity stack looks like this ActivityA ActivityB ActivityC ActivityD If Android kills the process and the user..
About android launchmode “singleTask” the App1 creates activities in follow order ActivityA ActivityB ActivityC That's how does task1 look like. Then user click the.. ActivityD ActivityE now lets say ActivityE try to start ActivityB and ActivityB has the launchmode singleTask . What I understand.. now lets say ActivityE try to start ActivityB and ActivityB has the launchmode singleTask . What I understand is that task1..
LinkedList put into Intent extra gets recast to ArrayList when retrieving in next activity into the intent I created for starting the next activity ActivityB . LinkedList Item items some operation Intent intent new Intent.. Item items some operation Intent intent new Intent this ActivityB.class intent.putExtra AppConstants.KEY_ITEMS items In the onCreate.. AppConstants.KEY_ITEMS items In the onCreate of ActivityB I tried to retrieve the LinkedList extra as follows LinkedList..
ListView setOnItemClickListener not working by adding button click should call ActivityA and button click should call ActivityB . Does anyone have a solution private ArrayList String userIDArr..
How to pass bitmap from one activity to another bitmap in ActivityA i want to pass the bitmap from here to ActivityB i googled for this. when i use this Intent intent new Intent..
Fragment design: Adapting to multiple screen layouts by showing/hiding fragments within a single Activity? 10 inch landscape case. The other simple case is when each Fragment is in its own Activity ActivityA contains Frag1 ActivityB contains Frag2 and ActivityC contains Frag3. So far we have not considered anything which is significantly different from..
Application restart - Activity Entry Point activity in the task. In your case MainActivity . As an example if your task stack looks like this StartActivity ActivityB ActivityC ActivityD and your task goes to the background and Android kills the process when the user returns to the task.. Once ActivityD is finished Android will then recreate ActivityC . Once ActivityC is finished Android will recreate ActivityB etc. In short the complete stack is not recreated when the user resumes the task. There is no combination of manifest settings..
How to simulate Android killing my process as when Android kills the process. Just to explain pictorially if my activity stack looks like this ActivityA ActivityB ActivityC ActivityD If Android kills the process and the user returns to the application Android recreates the process and..
About android launchmode “singleTask” example User launch the App1 android starts a new task. Assume the App1 creates activities in follow order ActivityA ActivityB ActivityC That's how does task1 look like. Then user click the home buttom and choose to launch App2 so task1 goes in background.. and android start a new task task2 user does something ActivityD ActivityE now lets say ActivityE try to start ActivityB and ActivityB has the launchmode singleTask . What I understand is that task1 comes to frontend again and task2 goes to.. start a new task task2 user does something ActivityD ActivityE now lets say ActivityE try to start ActivityB and ActivityB has the launchmode singleTask . What I understand is that task1 comes to frontend again and task2 goes to background. And..
LinkedList put into Intent extra gets recast to ArrayList when retrieving in next activity trying to do is that in ActivtyA I put a LinkedList instance into the intent I created for starting the next activity ActivityB . LinkedList Item items some operation Intent intent new Intent this ActivityB.class intent.putExtra AppConstants.KEY_ITEMS.. created for starting the next activity ActivityB . LinkedList Item items some operation Intent intent new Intent this ActivityB.class intent.putExtra AppConstants.KEY_ITEMS items In the onCreate of ActivityB I tried to retrieve the LinkedList extra.. Intent intent new Intent this ActivityB.class intent.putExtra AppConstants.KEY_ITEMS items In the onCreate of ActivityB I tried to retrieve the LinkedList extra as follows LinkedList Item items LinkedList Item getIntent .getSerializableExtra..
ListView setOnItemClickListener not working by adding button to handle item click and button click events differently item click should call ActivityA and button click should call ActivityB . Does anyone have a solution private ArrayList String userIDArr null private ArrayList String userNameArr null private..
How to pass bitmap from one activity to another to pass bitmap from one activity to another i have bitmap in ActivityA i want to pass the bitmap from here to ActivityB i googled for this. when i use this Intent intent new Intent this NewActivity.class intent.putExtra BitmapImage bitmap for..