android Programming Glossary: activites
Creating an Android Service with Phonegap? (Have phonegap app run even when closed) An activity can have 3 states based on the Lifecycle of activites visible invisible but still loaded not loaded I provided a sample..
About android launchmode “singleTask” Which means that when you click the home button all the activites above the single task activity which in your case is ActivityB.. a senario where the Activity's above the Single Instance activites ActivityB are not removed from the Back Stack and another application..
Service being re-Created by AlarmManager the issue. If the service is in the same process as other activites etc the service sometimes seems to just get restarted . This..
Android application architecture - what is the suggested model? the MVC pattern. More complicated in my oppinion are the activites which are responsible sometimes for the view but nevertheless..
Android : Floating Clickable Icon over Screen? over the screen...The icon remains visible over ALL the activites including the home screen . The Icon is Clickable Touchable..
Finish all previous activities will return you to home screen finishing all the other activites. You can add an extra in the intent and read that in the home..
Single Instance of Activity A the app goes to Activity A only and data entered through activites B or C do not persist. I don't want such behavior. I want that..
onDestroy gets called each time the screen goes on one orientation then you need to add code and xml In your activites code notes about the xml When an android device changes orientation..
Why does heap memory increase when re-launching an activity? question concerns memory in Android. My method I have two activites A and B. From A I launch B like this Intent i new Intent A.this..
keeping a variable value across all android activities I need to be able to keep the row id available in all activites so I can read and write data across different activites with.. activites so I can read and write data across different activites with my DB adapter. I have successfully used putExtra need to do is make this value for mRowId available to all activites so I can read write data at any point. The data also needs to..
Creating an Android Service with Phonegap? (Have phonegap app run even when closed) 1 JS code can only be executed with the Droidgap activity. An activity can have 3 states based on the Lifecycle of activites visible invisible but still loaded not loaded I provided a sample in which I implemented a Phonegap plugin. The plugin allows..
About android launchmode “singleTask” and singleTop activities can be launched into that task. Which means that when you click the home button all the activites above the single task activity which in your case is ActivityB are removed from the stack. In the sample app's i had given.. from the Recent App's list the 2nd Activity is Destroyed. In a senario where the Activity's above the Single Instance activites ActivityB are not removed from the Back Stack and another application request this Activity ActivityB it may not be shown..
Service being re-Created by AlarmManager forms. I think that this was one of the keys in resolving the issue. If the service is in the same process as other activites etc the service sometimes seems to just get restarted . This may be the actual cause of the issue noted in this question...
Android application architecture - what is the suggested model? classes and resources you're sometimes even forced to follow the MVC pattern. More complicated in my oppinion are the activites which are responsible sometimes for the view but nevertheless act as an controller in the same time. If you define your..
Android : Floating Clickable Icon over Screen? Smart Taskbar that manages to Pin a small SemiTransparent Icon over the screen...The icon remains visible over ALL the activites including the home screen . The Icon is Clickable Touchable and it does popopen a Small Popup window which the user can..
Finish all previous activities the screens from 1 to 5 on top of that one. The code i posted will return you to home screen finishing all the other activites. You can add an extra in the intent and read that in the home screen activity and finish it also maybe launch login screen..
Single Instance of Activity or C and I click on Notification bar and call the activity A the app goes to Activity A only and data entered through activites B or C do not persist. I don't want such behavior. I want that if I click on Notification it should redirect to current..
onDestroy gets called each time the screen goes on in android because of an orientation change and lock in one orientation then you need to add code and xml In your activites code notes about the xml When an android device changes orientation usually the activity is destroyed and recreated with..
Why does heap memory increase when re-launching an activity? heap memory increase when re launching an activity This question concerns memory in Android. My method I have two activites A and B. From A I launch B like this Intent i new Intent A.this B.class startActivity i On button click in B I do this B.this.finish..
keeping a variable value across all android activities one row of data that will be used across a number of activities. I need to be able to keep the row id available in all activites so I can read and write data across different activites with my DB adapter. I have successfully used putExtra I need to be able to keep the row id available in all activites so I can read and write data across different activites with my DB adapter. I have successfully used putExtra via an intent to pass a row id to the next activity... o.getVolume return v Sorry for the long post but all I need to do is make this value for mRowId available to all activites so I can read write data at any point. The data also needs to be there if the app is paused or interupted by say an incoming..
Android: Remove all the previous activities from the back stack receivers as shown here On logout clear Activity history stack preventing back button from opening logged in only Activites See these threads for other methods as well Android Clear the back stack Finish all previous activities share improve this..
How to disable the Recent Tasks/Apps button in Android key that takes care of the Home and Back button . In order to clear the recent tasks list I've created a list of Dummy Activites which start and then finish when the application starts. The Dummy Activites look like public class Dummy1 extends Activity.. tasks list I've created a list of Dummy Activites which start and then finish when the application starts. The Dummy Activites look like public class Dummy1 extends Activity public void onCreate Bundle paramBundle super.onCreate paramBundle finish..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites logout clear Activity history stack preventing &ldquo back&rdquo button from opening logged in only Activites All activities in my application require a user to be logged in to view. Users can log out from almost any activity. This..
Android: Accessing the microphone simultaniously (RecognizerIntent + own app) use the RecognizerIntent with a recorded audio stream Is it possible to access the microphone simultaneously with two Activites Thanks android speech recognition share improve this question I have tried to find a solution to the same problem and..
What is the use of private Content Providers?