android Programming Glossary: activity.startactivity
call java function from javascript over android webview intent.setDataAndType Uri.parse videoAddress video 3gpp activity.startActivity intent I am declaring a single function for playing a video..
Up navigation broken on JellyBean? upIntent upIntent.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP activity.startActivity upIntent activity.finish This looks through the back stack for..
Android: how to code depending on the version of the API? Intent.EXTRA_INITIAL_INTENTS parcelable activity.startActivity intentChooser catch Exception e activity.startActivity theIntent.. activity.startActivity intentChooser catch Exception e activity.startActivity theIntent else activity.startActivity intentMedicamento HOW.. catch Exception e activity.startActivity theIntent else activity.startActivity intentMedicamento HOW I SOLVED IT SOME NOTES TO THE RIGHT ANSWER..
Use Table tag in Android Email android.content.Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT subject activity.startActivity Intent.createChooser emailIntent Email Any suggestions html..
Android AdMob causes memory leak? activity.getApplicationContext AdMobActivity.class activity.startActivity i Further Ad would be created using the AdMobActivity.AdMobMemoryLeakWorkAroundActivity..
android set image as contact icon/wallpaper null return Intent intent Util.createSetAsIntent image activity.startActivity Intent.createChooser intent activity.getText R.string.setImage..
Android and Facebook share intent android.content.Intent.EXTRA_TEXT Example text activity.startActivity Intent.createChooser shareIntent activity.getString R.string.share_title..
Pass and return the values from javascript and android and use as a phone gap plugin The Mime type can actually be determined from the file activity.startActivity intent Now if yo want to call this code form the html of the..
Admob Memory Leak - avoiding by using empty activity activity.getApplicationContext AdMobActivity.class activity.startActivity i Add the following to your AndroidManifest.xml activity android..
call java function from javascript over android webview videoAddress Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setDataAndType Uri.parse videoAddress video 3gpp activity.startActivity intent I am declaring a single function for playing a video but you can do whatever you want. Finally you call this in..
Up navigation broken on JellyBean? @Override public void navigateUpTo Activity activity Intent upIntent upIntent.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP activity.startActivity upIntent activity.finish This looks through the back stack for an instance of the activity specified in upInent . If it..
Android: how to code depending on the version of the API? theIntent Texto plano 0 intentChooser.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_INITIAL_INTENTS parcelable activity.startActivity intentChooser catch Exception e activity.startActivity theIntent else activity.startActivity intentMedicamento HOW I SOLVED.. intentChooser.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_INITIAL_INTENTS parcelable activity.startActivity intentChooser catch Exception e activity.startActivity theIntent else activity.startActivity intentMedicamento HOW I SOLVED IT SOME NOTES TO THE RIGHT ANSWER @Commonsware show.. parcelable activity.startActivity intentChooser catch Exception e activity.startActivity theIntent else activity.startActivity intentMedicamento HOW I SOLVED IT SOME NOTES TO THE RIGHT ANSWER @Commonsware show me the way to do it. We create a bridge..
Use Table tag in Android Email android.content.Intent.EXTRA_TEXT Html.fromHtml body emailIntent.putExtra android.content.Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT subject activity.startActivity Intent.createChooser emailIntent Email Any suggestions html android email android intent share improve this question..
Android AdMob causes memory leak? activity Intent i new Intent i.setComponent new ComponentName activity.getApplicationContext AdMobActivity.class activity.startActivity i Further Ad would be created using the AdMobActivity.AdMobMemoryLeakWorkAroundActivity . You also need to add the activity..
android set image as contact icon/wallpaper public void run Uri u IImage image if u null image null return Intent intent Util.createSetAsIntent image activity.startActivity Intent.createChooser intent activity.getText R.string.setImage return true From Returns an intent which is..
Android and Facebook share intent activity.getString R.string.share_subject shareIntent.putExtra android.content.Intent.EXTRA_TEXT Example text activity.startActivity Intent.createChooser shareIntent activity.getString R.string.share_title UPDATE Having done more digging it looks as though..
Pass and return the values from javascript and android and use as a phone gap plugin intent.setDataAndType Uri.parse videoAddress video 3gpp The Mime type can actually be determined from the file activity.startActivity intent Now if yo want to call this code form the html of the page you provide the following method script function playVideo..
Admob Memory Leak - avoiding by using empty activity Intent i new Intent i.setComponent new ComponentName activity.getApplicationContext AdMobActivity.class activity.startActivity i Add the following to your AndroidManifest.xml activity android name org.udroid.wordgame.AdMobActivity android launchMode..