android Programming Glossary: activitya
Fragment design: Adapting to multiple screen layouts by showing/hiding fragments within a single Activity? All three fragments are in a single Activity lets call it ActivityA . This is the 10 inch landscape case. The other simple case.. simple case is when each Fragment is in its own Activity ActivityA contains Frag1 ActivityB contains Frag2 and ActivityC contains.. to wrap my head around this. Do I do all of this within ActivityA Do I just create an altogether new ActivityD How many layouts..
How to simulate Android killing my process explain pictorially if my activity stack looks like this ActivityA ActivityB ActivityC ActivityD If Android kills the process and..
About android launchmode “singleTask” task. Assume the App1 creates activities in follow order ActivityA ActivityB ActivityC That's how does task1 look like. Then user.. task2 goes to background. And task1 looks now like this ActivityA ActivityB Which means The ActivityC will be removed from task1.. Activity. If user now click on Back button he will come to ActivityA of task1 instead of back to ActivityE of task2 Am I right Thanks..
Can i Create the object of a activity in other class? this question Activity A should have a variable static ActivityA activityA In onCreate state activityA this and add this method.. state activityA this and add this method public static ActivityA getInstance return activityA In activity B call ActivityA.getInstance.. ActivityA getInstance return activityA In activity B call ActivityA.getInstance .myFunction call myFunction using activityA share..
How to set icon to title bar for each Activity in TabLayout REMAINS SAME Now for your Activity A and B public class ActivityA extends Activity LOST MORE CODE ABOVE @Override protected void.. R.layout.my_title Copy on resume of ActivityA specified above for B as well. Tip you can change change the..
ListView setOnItemClickListener not working by adding button and button click events differently item click should call ActivityA and button click should call ActivityB . Does anyone have a..
How to pass bitmap from one activity to another pass bitmap from one activity to another i have bitmap in ActivityA i want to pass the bitmap from here to ActivityB i googled for..
Fragment design: Adapting to multiple screen layouts by showing/hiding fragments within a single Activity? three fragments Frag1 Frag2 and Frag3. In the simplest case All three fragments are in a single Activity lets call it ActivityA . This is the 10 inch landscape case. The other simple case is when each Fragment is in its own Activity ActivityA contains.. it ActivityA . This is the 10 inch landscape case. The other simple case is when each Fragment is in its own Activity ActivityA contains Frag1 ActivityB contains Frag2 and ActivityC contains Frag3. So far we have not considered anything which is significantly.. Frag2 and Frag3 are being displayed. I'm just unable to wrap my head around this. Do I do all of this within ActivityA Do I just create an altogether new ActivityD How many layouts would I need to create I counted around 8 Isn't it too many..
How to simulate Android killing my process the same behaviour as when Android kills the process. Just to explain pictorially if my activity stack looks like this ActivityA ActivityB ActivityC ActivityD If Android kills the process and the user returns to the application Android recreates the..
About android launchmode “singleTask” take an example User launch the App1 android starts a new task. Assume the App1 creates activities in follow order ActivityA ActivityB ActivityC That's how does task1 look like. Then user click the home buttom and choose to launch App2 so task1.. . What I understand is that task1 comes to frontend again and task2 goes to background. And task1 looks now like this ActivityA ActivityB Which means The ActivityC will be removed from task1 and ActivityB becomes to the top Activity. If user now click.. will be removed from task1 and ActivityB becomes to the top Activity. If user now click on Back button he will come to ActivityA of task1 instead of back to ActivityE of task2 Am I right Thanks android launchmode share improve this question The..
Can i Create the object of a activity in other class? any solutions android android activity share improve this question Activity A should have a variable static ActivityA activityA In onCreate state activityA this and add this method public static ActivityA getInstance return activityA In activity.. A should have a variable static ActivityA activityA In onCreate state activityA this and add this method public static ActivityA getInstance return activityA In activity B call ActivityA.getInstance .myFunction call myFunction using activityA share..
How to set icon to title bar for each Activity in TabLayout Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE R.layout.my_title REST CODE REMAINS SAME Now for your Activity A and B public class ActivityA extends Activity LOST MORE CODE ABOVE @Override protected void onResume super.onResume SET FEATURE FROM INSIDE ACTIVITY.. . setFeatureInt Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE R.layout.my_title Copy on resume of ActivityA specified above for B as well. Tip you can change change the title layout from each activity using this. I hope that helps...
ListView setOnItemClickListener not working by adding button is not working. is it possible to handle item click and button click events differently item click should call ActivityA and button click should call ActivityB . Does anyone have a solution private ArrayList String userIDArr null private ArrayList..
How to pass bitmap from one activity to another to pass bitmap from one activity to another i have bitmap in ActivityA i want to pass the bitmap from here to ActivityB i googled for this. when i use this Intent intent new Intent this NewActivity.class..
Can i Create the object of a activity in other class? solutions android android activity share improve this question Activity A should have a variable static ActivityA activityA In onCreate state activityA this and add this method public static ActivityA getInstance return activityA In activity B.. share improve this question Activity A should have a variable static ActivityA activityA In onCreate state activityA this and add this method public static ActivityA getInstance return activityA In activity B call ActivityA.getInstance .myFunction..
How to close all child activities from parent in android Activity A and close all other activities. You have to create new intent and add flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP Intent activityA new Intent context ActivityA.class activityA.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP context.StartActivity activityA this.. You have to create new intent and add flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP Intent activityA new Intent context ActivityA.class activityA.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP context.StartActivity activityA this will close all activities that are in the stack..