android Programming Glossary: action_up
Detect touch event on a view when dragged over from other view is required to keep OnTouchListener active until ACTION_UP viewA.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public.. int y int event.getRawY if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_UP if inViewBounds viewB x y viewB.dispatchTouchEvent event .. int y int event.getRawY if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_UP if inViewBounds viewA x y viewA.dispatchTouchEvent event ..
Android: How to detect when a scroll has ended event return true if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_UP if mIsScrolling Log.d OnTouchListener onTouch ACTION_UP mIsScrolling.. if mIsScrolling Log.d OnTouchListener onTouch ACTION_UP mIsScrolling false handleScrollFinished return false attach..
Detect touch on bitmap handle case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE and case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP to make sure you properly deal with the user input. The onTouchEvent.. started inside the bitmap on ACTION_DOWN and then check on ACTION_UP that you're still inside the bitmap. share improve this answer..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling and force the view to snap to the closest image on the ACTION_UP event. So the effect I'm going for is like the stock android.. swipe left to right almost perfectly horizontally for an ACTION_UP to ever register. If I swipe vertically in the very least which.. side to side I will receive an ACTION_CANCEL instead of an ACTION_UP. My theory is that this is because the horizontalscrollview..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] to the gesture detector I also had to return true for ACTION_UP and ACTION_CANCEL events. That successfully disabled the center.. event int action event.getAction if action MotionEvent.ACTION_UP action MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL retVal true onUp return..
android: difference between ACTION_UP and ACTION_POINTER_UP difference between ACTION_UP and ACTION_POINTER_UP from the android doc alone i dont really.. doc alone i dont really understand the difference between ACTION_UP and ACTION_POINTER_UP. http reference.. I believe it stemmed from Multi touch being added in ACTION_UP has been in since API Level 1 but ACTION_POINTER_UP was added..
Android Live Wallpaper Touch Event Hierarchy
Android WebView Javascript getSelection of the LongPress which triggers selection and the drag and ACTION_UP of the release from drag work for me via JavaScript but it is..
Touch Release method in Android event android share improve this question You have ACTION_UP http reference android view MotionEvent.html#ACTION_UP.. reference android view MotionEvent.html#ACTION_UP View view new View view.setOnTouchListener new OnTouchListener..
Rotate zoom drag image in android imageview gets out of UI. As you can c I handle the rotation in ACTION_UP 90 degree rotation for each ACTION_UP motionevent. following.. the rotation in ACTION_UP 90 degree rotation for each ACTION_UP motionevent. following is my main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding.. mode ZOOM Log.d TAG mode ZOOM break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP mode NONE Log.d TAG mode NONE savedMatrix.set matrix matrix.postRotate..
Android ACTION_MOVE Threshold starts drawing on ACTION_MOVE adds line segments on ACTION_UP finishes line. The problem is that after ACTION_DOWN apparently..
Detecting a long press with Android registering ACTION_DOWN and seeing how long it is before ACTION_UP. How do you detect long presses on android using opengl es ..
ListView: TextView with LinkMovementMethod makes list item unclickable? reason is that when a View is clickable it always consumes ACTION_UP event by returning true in onTouchEvent MotionEvent event ... event int action event.getAction if action MotionEvent.ACTION_UP action MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN int x int event.getX int y.. if link.length 0 if action MotionEvent.ACTION_UP link 0 .onClick widget else if action MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN..
Detect touch event on a view when dragged over from other view findViewById Setup viewA The empty OnClickListener is required to keep OnTouchListener active until ACTION_UP viewA.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v viewA.setOnTouchListener new OnTouchListener.. onTouch View v MotionEvent event int x int event.getRawX int y int event.getRawY if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_UP if inViewBounds viewB x y viewB.dispatchTouchEvent event else if inViewBounds viewA x y Log.d TAG onTouch ViewA Here.. onTouch View v MotionEvent event int x int event.getRawX int y int event.getRawY if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_UP if inViewBounds viewA x y viewA.dispatchTouchEvent event else if inViewBounds viewB x y Log.d TAG onTouch ViewB Here..
Android: How to detect when a scroll has ended onTouch View v MotionEvent event if mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent event return true if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_UP if mIsScrolling Log.d OnTouchListener onTouch ACTION_UP mIsScrolling false handleScrollFinished return false attach.. event return true if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_UP if mIsScrolling Log.d OnTouchListener onTouch ACTION_UP mIsScrolling false handleScrollFinished return false attach the OnTouchListener to the image view mImageView.setOnTouchListener..
Detect touch on bitmap inside your bitmap break That's a start but you need to handle case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE and case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP to make sure you properly deal with the user input. The onTouchEvent method gets called every time the user puts a finger..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling to the horizontalscrollview to handle touch events and force the view to snap to the closest image on the ACTION_UP event. So the effect I'm going for is like the stock android homescreen where you can scroll from one to the other and it.. finger. This all works great except for one problem I need to swipe left to right almost perfectly horizontally for an ACTION_UP to ever register. If I swipe vertically in the very least which I think many people tend to do on their phones when swiping.. I think many people tend to do on their phones when swiping side to side I will receive an ACTION_CANCEL instead of an ACTION_UP. My theory is that this is because the horizontalscrollview is within a scrollview and the scrollview is hijacking the vertical..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] I wanted. In GestureListener.onTouch in addition to delegating to the gesture detector I also had to return true for ACTION_UP and ACTION_CANCEL events. That successfully disabled the center locking feature but it also disabled flinging. I was able.. event boolean retVal gestureDetector.onTouchEvent event int action event.getAction if action MotionEvent.ACTION_UP action MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL retVal true onUp return retVal public void onUp Here I am merely copying the Gallery's..
android: difference between ACTION_UP and ACTION_POINTER_UP difference between ACTION_UP and ACTION_POINTER_UP from the android doc alone i dont really understand the difference between ACTION_UP and ACTION_POINTER_UP... between ACTION_UP and ACTION_POINTER_UP from the android doc alone i dont really understand the difference between ACTION_UP and ACTION_POINTER_UP. http reference android view MotionEvent.html#ACTION_DOWN basically i want to.. it thanks android multi touch share improve this question I believe it stemmed from Multi touch being added in ACTION_UP has been in since API Level 1 but ACTION_POINTER_UP was added in API Level 5 when multi touch was added. The result you..
Android Live Wallpaper Touch Event Hierarchy
Android WebView Javascript getSelection means in JavaScript. I am working on making the ACTION_DOWN of the LongPress which triggers selection and the drag and ACTION_UP of the release from drag work for me via JavaScript but it is very hairy and not at all user friendly at this point... http..
Touch Release method in Android event Log.d TAG event.getAction return super.onTouchEvent event android share improve this question You have ACTION_UP http reference android view MotionEvent.html#ACTION_UP View view new View view.setOnTouchListener.. share improve this question You have ACTION_UP http reference android view MotionEvent.html#ACTION_UP View view new View view.setOnTouchListener new OnTouchListener public boolean onTouch View view MotionEvent event if event.getAction..
Rotate zoom drag image in android imageview the following code I am able to do it. But the view sometimes gets out of UI. As you can c I handle the rotation in ACTION_UP 90 degree rotation for each ACTION_UP motionevent. following is my main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 FrameLayout xmlns.. it. But the view sometimes gets out of UI. As you can c I handle the rotation in ACTION_UP 90 degree rotation for each ACTION_UP motionevent. following is my main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 FrameLayout xmlns android http if oldDist 10f savedMatrix.set matrix midPoint mid event mode ZOOM Log.d TAG mode ZOOM break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP mode NONE Log.d TAG mode NONE savedMatrix.set matrix matrix.postRotate 90 break case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE if mode DRAG..
Android ACTION_MOVE Threshold or eventually a stylus. I have that part working. On ACTION_DOWN starts drawing on ACTION_MOVE adds line segments on ACTION_UP finishes line. The problem is that after ACTION_DOWN apparently the pointer needs to move more than 10 pixels away from..
Detecting a long press with Android it will be some sort of work around method. Something like registering ACTION_DOWN and seeing how long it is before ACTION_UP. How do you detect long presses on android using opengl es java android touchscreen long click share improve this question..
ListView: TextView with LinkMovementMethod makes list item unclickable? true setClickable true setLongClickable true So the first reason is that when a View is clickable it always consumes ACTION_UP event by returning true in onTouchEvent MotionEvent event . To fix that you should return true in that method only if user.. onTouchEvent TextView widget Spannable buffer MotionEvent event int action event.getAction if action MotionEvent.ACTION_UP action MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN int x int event.getX int y int event.getY x widget.getTotalPaddingLeft y widget.getTotalPaddingTop.. line x ClickableSpan link buffer.getSpans off off ClickableSpan.class if link.length 0 if action MotionEvent.ACTION_UP link 0 .onClick widget else if action MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN Selection.setSelection buffer buffer.getSpanStart link..