android Programming Glossary: activity.oncreate
Further understanding setRetainInstance(true) is created its constructor and onCreate are called. In Activity.onCreate we either have setContentView ... which sets a layout containing.. implies that if you do setContentView R.layout.whatever in Activity.onCreated and that layout contains a fragment with setRetainInstance..
Blank GoogleMap on a real Android 2.3 device with Google API (Lv. 17) 03 25 13 00 48.133 E AndroidRuntime 751 at Activity.onCreate 250 03 25 13 00 48.133 E AndroidRuntime 751 at.. 1611 03 25 13 00 48.133 E AndroidRuntime 751 ... 11 more Activity.onCreate 250 is pointed to this line map.setOnMarkerDragListener..
How to have Android Service communicate with Activity getInstance which returns the static sInstance . Then in Activity.onCreate you start the service asynchronously wait until the service..
Multiple choice list with custom view? android layout_height wrap_content RelativeLayout Then in Activity.onCreate I do like this public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
Android how do I wait until a service is actually connected? Another question related. Are all the event handlers Activity.onCreate any View.onClickListener.onClick ServiceConnection.onServiceConnected.. actually going to be called Upon completion of Activity.onCreate or sometime when A.oC is still running android binding service.. code in onServiceConnected . Are all the event handlers Activity.onCreate any View.onClickListener.onClick ServiceConnection.onServiceConnected..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities reference counting incrementing a count for each call to Activity.onCreate and decrementing for each onDestroy then calling GoogleAnalyticsTracker.stop..
Android activity over default lock screen when screen goes on setting various window type in Activity.onCreate method TYPE_PRIORITY_PHONE TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT TYPE_KEYGUARD and..
Android: application-wide font-size preference Here it's how I made it for my app. In a few words in Activity.onCreate you get resource id of style with specific set of font sizes..
Locations of super() calls in Android Eclipse Plugin generated code reliable? is both harmless and unnecessary. In other cases such as Activity.onCreate the superclass implementation performs critical operations that..
System services not available to Activities before onCreate? in the Activities Constructor it is only available in the Activity.onCreate method and beyond. And for a top tip... Create the CursorAdapter.. tip... Create the CursorAdapter with a Cursor of null in Activity.onCreate and use ListView.getAdapter .changeCursor newCursor to assign..
How to force an entire layout View refresh? the one 'R.layout.mainscreen' below that is called in my Activity.onCreate like this protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
AspectJ in Android: pointcut call(* Activity.onCreate(..)) doesn't pick out Activity.onCreate() calls in Android pointcut call Activity.onCreate .. doesn't pick out Activity.onCreate calls I am using AspectJ.. pointcut call Activity.onCreate .. doesn't pick out Activity.onCreate calls I am using AspectJ in my Android project and I'd like.. this pointcut createActivity Activity a target a execution Activity.onCreate .. within com.test.activities.. works and this target a call..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? a good idea to create a new fragment every single time in Activity.onCreate Bundle . As you have noticed when a fragment is added to the..
Adding a Google +1 button in Android App 3 Assign the PlusOneButton to a member variable in your Activity.onCreate handler. @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
Further understanding setRetainInstance(true) is deleted when possible by the GC . A new Activity java object is created its constructor and onCreate are called. In Activity.onCreate we either have setContentView ... which sets a layout containing a fragment or we use FragmentTransaction to add a fragment... the system uses the ID of the container view. This strongly implies that if you do setContentView R.layout.whatever in Activity.onCreated and that layout contains a fragment with setRetainInstance true then when the activity is recreated it will be searched..
Blank GoogleMap on a real Android 2.3 device with Google API (Lv. 17) 13 00 48.133 E AndroidRuntime 751 Caused by java.lang.NullPointerException 03 25 13 00 48.133 E AndroidRuntime 751 at Activity.onCreate 250 03 25 13 00 48.133 E AndroidRuntime 751 at 1611 03 25 13 00 48.133 E AndroidRuntime 751 ... 11 more Activity.onCreate 250 is pointed to this line map.setOnMarkerDragListener markerDragListener What I Have Tried And its strange..
How to have Android Service communicate with Activity Intent i sInstance this Make a static function MyService getInstance which returns the static sInstance . Then in Activity.onCreate you start the service asynchronously wait until the service is actually started you could have your service notify your..
Multiple choice list with custom view? layout_below @id text_name android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content RelativeLayout Then in Activity.onCreate I do like this public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState Query the contacts mCursor..
Android how do I wait until a service is actually connected? for ServiceConnection.onServiceConnected being called reliably Another question related. Are all the event handlers Activity.onCreate any View.onClickListener.onClick ServiceConnection.onServiceConnected etc. actually called in the same thread mentioned.. one by one Or When exactly is ServiceConnection.onServiceConnected actually going to be called Upon completion of Activity.onCreate or sometime when A.oC is still running android binding service serviceconnection share improve this question How can.. are binding and you put you needs the connection established code in onServiceConnected . Are all the event handlers Activity.onCreate any View.onClickListener.onClick ServiceConnection.onServiceConnected etc. actually called in the same thread Yes. When..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities when to call start stop you can implement a sort of manual reference counting incrementing a count for each call to Activity.onCreate and decrementing for each onDestroy then calling GoogleAnalyticsTracker.stop when the count reaches zero. The new EasyTracker..
Android activity over default lock screen lock screen I have already tried displaying my lock activity when screen goes on setting various window type in Activity.onCreate method TYPE_PRIORITY_PHONE TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT TYPE_KEYGUARD and others together with SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW and INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW..
Android: application-wide font-size preference android preferences font size share improve this question Here it's how I made it for my app. In a few words in Activity.onCreate you get resource id of style with specific set of font sizes and apply this style to theme of activity. Then with preferences..
Locations of super() calls in Android Eclipse Plugin generated code reliable? the superclass implementation does nothing calling super is both harmless and unnecessary. In other cases such as Activity.onCreate the superclass implementation performs critical operations that must be executed at some point in the subclass's processing...
System services not available to Activities before onCreate? the Constructor of your Activity . Context is not available in the Activities Constructor it is only available in the Activity.onCreate method and beyond. And for a top tip... Create the CursorAdapter with a Cursor of null in Activity.onCreate and use ListView.getAdapter.. in the Activity.onCreate method and beyond. And for a top tip... Create the CursorAdapter with a Cursor of null in Activity.onCreate and use ListView.getAdapter .changeCursor newCursor to assign newCursor once a background thread has returned a populated..
How to force an entire layout View refresh? method. How can I do this By main layout view I mean the one 'R.layout.mainscreen' below that is called in my Activity.onCreate like this protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.mainscreen..
AspectJ in Android: pointcut call(* Activity.onCreate(..)) doesn't pick out Activity.onCreate() calls in Android pointcut call Activity.onCreate .. doesn't pick out Activity.onCreate calls I am using AspectJ in my Android project and I'd like to write a pointcut that.. in Android pointcut call Activity.onCreate .. doesn't pick out Activity.onCreate calls I am using AspectJ in my Android project and I'd like to write a pointcut that catches all the calls to onCreate.. to AspectJ so probably I am missing something here but why this pointcut createActivity Activity a target a execution Activity.onCreate .. within com.test.activities.. works and this target a call Activity.onCreate .. within com.test.activities.. doesn't work..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? Even if we were not using a FragmentPagerAdapter it is not a good idea to create a new fragment every single time in Activity.onCreate Bundle . As you have noticed when a fragment is added to the FragmentManager it will be recreated for you after rotating..
Adding a Google +1 button in Android App wrap_content plus size standard plus annotation inline 3 Assign the PlusOneButton to a member variable in your Activity.onCreate handler. @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mPlusClient new PlusClient..