android Programming Glossary: activate
Detect end of ScrollView What i want to achieve is the Accept button doesn't activate until the terms of the contract are fully read thing. My extended..
Creating an Android Service with Phonegap? (Have phonegap app run even when closed) it is not loaded the system will automatically load and activate the activity. But this is not a background service anymore your..
USSD service not working ussd blocker Running mActive true Log.d TAG activate else if Intent.ACTION_DELETE.equals intent.getAction mContext.. intent.getAction mContext null mActive false Log.d TAG deactivate private final IExtendedNetworkService.Stub mBinder new IExtendedNetworkService.Stub.. return mRetVal if mActive Log.d TAG getUserMessage deactivated text return null Use this in order to cancel the output on..
Map view following user - MyLocationOverlay type functionality for Android Maps API V2 layer this causes our LocationSource to be automatically activated. While enabled the my location layer continuously draws an.. layer this causes our LocationSource to be automatically deactivated. mMap.setMyLocationEnabled false super.onPause Sets up the.. notify the supplied listener periodically until you call deactivate . This method is automatically invoked by enabling my location..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? layer this causes our LocationSource to be automatically activated. While enabled the my location layer continuously draws an.. layer this causes our LocationSource to be automatically deactivated. mMap.setMyLocationEnabled false super.onPause Sets up the.. notify the supplied listener periodically until you call deactivate . This method is automatically invoked by enabling my location..
preserve google maps settings screen until user takes action etc and it has a button to go to settings in order to activate the services. But the problem is that it doesn't wait for the..
Android EditText ImeOptions “Done” track finish typing true return false Update The above code would some times activate the callback twice. Instead I've opted for the following code..
HttpClient on Android : NoHttpResponseException through UMTS/3G 465 If I use the web browser through 3G to activate the test HTML page that is packaged with my servlet it reaches..
How can I debug javascript on Android? You can also navigate to about debug in the URL bar to activate the debug menu and the JavaScript error console with recent..
Using Alarmmanager to start a service at specific time System.out.println The alarm set i tried this code to activate the alarm at 4.45... but its not firing the service... do i..
How to set the AIRPLANE_MODE_ON to “True” or ON? and I find this as one of workaround for that. How do I activate the airplane mode via code This way I will drop the call based..
Use “ENTER” key on softkeyboard instead of clicking button use ENTER key on softkeyboard instead of search Button to activate search function. Thanks for help in advance. android keyboard..
Media queries not behaving as expected on Android The 1st 3rd and 4th work but the 2nd one doesn't seem to activate. Why is the 480x720 second media query defaulting to the first..
Receiving package install and uninstall events if my app is closed. So that is why I need to manually activate and deactivate the broadcastreveiver. To do this I have this.. closed. So that is why I need to manually activate and deactivate the broadcastreveiver. To do this I have this code br new BroadcastReceiver..
Android Market - This application is available to over 0 devices? over 0 devices I have published apk to the Android Market activated and setup for free for all countries. Android Market says my.. UPDATE Because many answers suggests something like Just activate your APK... I emphasize it again APK is ACTIVATED as stated..
How do I find out if the GPS of an Android device is enabled On an Android Cupake 1.5 enabled device how do I check and activate the GPS android gps sensor share improve this question Best..
activate an application when a power button is clicked an application when a power button is clicked i want to create.. i want to create such application in android which will be activated when i press sleep or power button twice is it possible to.. sleep button and then he has to enter certain password to activate the phone. But i want to make make it activate my application..
Detect end of ScrollView from TextView to WebView to be able of justifying the text inside. What i want to achieve is the Accept button doesn't activate until the terms of the contract are fully read thing. My extended class is called ScrollViewExt. If i change the tag ScrollView..
Creating an Android Service with Phonegap? (Have phonegap app run even when closed) have to forward the incoming SMS intent to the activity. When it is not loaded the system will automatically load and activate the activity. But this is not a background service anymore your app would become visible whenever a SMS is received. If..
USSD service not working intent.getAction mContext context if mContext null msgUssdRunning ussd blocker Running mActive true Log.d TAG activate else if Intent.ACTION_DELETE.equals intent.getAction mContext null mActive false Log.d TAG deactivate private final IExtendedNetworkService.Stub.. Log.d TAG activate else if Intent.ACTION_DELETE.equals intent.getAction mContext null mActive false Log.d TAG deactivate private final IExtendedNetworkService.Stub mBinder new IExtendedNetworkService.Stub @Override public void setMmiString.. text mActive false Log.d TAG control return return mRetVal if mActive Log.d TAG getUserMessage deactivated text return null Use this in order to cancel the output on the screen. return text String s text.toString store s to..
Map view following user - MyLocationOverlay type functionality for Android Maps API V2 map GoogleMap object setUpMapIfNeeded Enable the my location layer this causes our LocationSource to be automatically activated. While enabled the my location layer continuously draws an indication of a user's current location and bearing and displays.. true @Override public void onPause Disable the my location layer this causes our LocationSource to be automatically deactivated. mMap.setMyLocationEnabled false super.onPause Sets up the map if it is possible to do so i.e. the Google Play services.. criteria true Activates this provider. This provider will notify the supplied listener periodically until you call deactivate . This method is automatically invoked by enabling my location layer. @Override public void activate OnLocationChangedListener..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? map GoogleMap object setUpMapIfNeeded Enable the my location layer this causes our LocationSource to be automatically activated. While enabled the my location layer continuously draws an indication of a user's current location and bearing and displays.. true @Override public void onPause Disable the my location layer this causes our LocationSource to be automatically deactivated. mMap.setMyLocationEnabled false super.onPause Sets up the map if it is possible to do so i.e. the Google Play services.. criteria true Activates this provider. This provider will notify the supplied listener periodically until you call deactivate . This method is automatically invoked by enabling my location layer. @Override public void activate OnLocationChangedListener..
preserve google maps settings screen until user takes action google maps where it says that some services are not available etc and it has a button to go to settings in order to activate the services. But the problem is that it doesn't wait for the user to press the settings button.It just shows up for 1 second..
Android EditText ImeOptions “Done” track finish typing KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER onSearchAction v return true return false Update The above code would some times activate the callback twice. Instead I've opted for the following code which I got from the Google chat clients public boolean onEditorAction..
HttpClient on Android : NoHttpResponseException through UMTS/3G 465 If I use the web browser through 3G to activate the test HTML page that is packaged with my servlet it reaches the same servlet with success the page receives the response..
How can I debug javascript on Android? http ... D WebCore 165 Console 4 line 0 source http ... Update You can also navigate to about debug in the URL bar to activate the debug menu and the JavaScript error console with recent Android devices. You should see SHOW JAVASCRIPT CONSOLE at the..
Using Alarmmanager to start a service at specific time alarm.set AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP cal.getTimeInMillis pintent System.out.println The alarm set i tried this code to activate the alarm at 4.45... but its not firing the service... do i have to keep the process running M i doing anything wrong One..
How to set the AIRPLANE_MODE_ON to “True” or ON? to &ldquo True&rdquo or ON I am planning to drop a call and I find this as one of workaround for that. How do I activate the airplane mode via code This way I will drop the call based on some event. android share improve this question See..
Use “ENTER” key on softkeyboard instead of clicking button search Button . When I type the searched text I'd like to use ENTER key on softkeyboard instead of search Button to activate search function. Thanks for help in advance. android keyboard android softkeyboard share improve this question You..
Media queries not behaving as expected on Android not behaving as expected on Android I have 4 media queries. The 1st 3rd and 4th work but the 2nd one doesn't seem to activate. Why is the 480x720 second media query defaulting to the first media query @media screen and max width 320px and orientation..
Receiving package install and uninstall events it inside the AndroidManifest file but this will detect even if my app is closed. So that is why I need to manually activate and deactivate the broadcastreveiver. To do this I have this code br new BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive.. AndroidManifest file but this will detect even if my app is closed. So that is why I need to manually activate and deactivate the broadcastreveiver. To do this I have this code br new BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context context..
Android Market - This application is available to over 0 devices? Market This application is available to over 0 devices I have published apk to the Android Market activated and setup for free for all countries. Android Market says my application is not compatible with any of the devices. I can.. is available to over 746 devices . What is going on UPDATE Because many answers suggests something like Just activate your APK... I emphasize it again APK is ACTIVATED as stated at the beginning of the question and presented on the screenshot..
How do I find out if the GPS of an Android device is enabled do I find out if the GPS of an Android device is enabled On an Android Cupake 1.5 enabled device how do I check and activate the GPS android gps sensor share improve this question Best way seems to be the following final LocationManager manager..
activate an application when a power button is clicked an application when a power button is clicked i want to create such application in android which will be activated when.. an application when a power button is clicked i want to create such application in android which will be activated when i press sleep or power button twice is it possible to do that by running an application in background and listening.. once it is idle and to use any application user has to press sleep button and then he has to enter certain password to activate the phone. But i want to make make it activate my application when a power button is clicked without any other intervention..