android Programming Glossary: activating
Plug-in was unable to load class android An error occurred while automatically activating bundle 239 . I can't run existing..
Killing android application on pause on every pause including dialogs incoming calls users activating a Notification . You might want to consider doing finish in..
show the information in the middle of the call return default break add this to your activity for activating touch on the default calling screen. getWindow .addFlags WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCHABLE..
ActionBarSherlock items not appearing in overflow ActionBar shows but the menu behaves as a 2.1 menu only activating from the menu button with no overflow available. This is also..
HTC Sensation Real Resolution this is because your target or minimum SDK version is activating Screen Compatibility Mode. You should use higher minimum and..
Can't use Android shell atrace command because of write access possible because Linux kernel compilation was done without activating TRACING OPTIONS. In order to be able it is necessarily to recompile.. to be able it is necessarily to recompile Linux kernel activating the required options. Steps can be found here http
Android listview with checkbox problem was tricky. The problem is that you are calling setChecked activating the old OnCheckedChangeListener . The fix is quite simple call..
Android 2.3 wifi hotspot API off so after the user disables the Wifi AP again we'll be activating regular wifi again. The code sample below is taken from one..
Enable Flight mode with out disabling the wifi and bluetooth in android when air plane mode is activated. If you do this before activating air plane mode it is possible to only turn off the radio cell...
Receiving package install and uninstall events installation of the app by making a BroadcastReceiver and activating it inside the AndroidManifest file but this will detect even..
Android: upload file with filling out POST body together it is a potentially less memory intensive alternative to activating always_populate_raw_post_data. php input is not available with..
Plug-in was unable to load class android class An error occurred while automatically activating bundle 239 . I can't run existing Android project also.But I can start a new java project and..
Killing android application on pause on your activity. Bear in mind though that this will occur on every pause including dialogs incoming calls users activating a Notification . You might want to consider doing finish in onStop which would at least solve the dialog problem. Also bear..
show the information in the middle of the call Log.d IncomingCallPlus context.startActivity i1 return default break add this to your activity for activating touch on the default calling screen. getWindow .addFlags WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCHABLE getWindow .addFlags..
ActionBarSherlock items not appearing in overflow id @ id restore android title @string restoreLabel menu The ActionBar shows but the menu behaves as a 2.1 menu only activating from the menu button with no overflow available. This is also true on an ICS emulator where I have to use the menu button..
HTC Sensation Real Resolution . android resolution share improve this question I believe this is because your target or minimum SDK version is activating Screen Compatibility Mode. You should use higher minimum and target SDK values in your manifest. share improve this answer..
Can't use Android shell atrace command because of write access this question In the provided emulator this is not possible because Linux kernel compilation was done without activating TRACING OPTIONS. In order to be able it is necessarily to recompile Linux kernel activating the required options. Steps.. was done without activating TRACING OPTIONS. In order to be able it is necessarily to recompile Linux kernel activating the required options. Steps can be found here http 2010 11 kernel tracing with ftrace part 1 P.S. Thanks..
Android listview with checkbox problem list listview checkbox share improve this question This was tricky. The problem is that you are calling setChecked activating the old OnCheckedChangeListener . The fix is quite simple call setOnCheckedChangeListener before calling setChecked . This..
Android 2.3 wifi hotspot API you enable Wifi AP usually the regular Wifi will be turned off so after the user disables the Wifi AP again we'll be activating regular wifi again. The code sample below is taken from one of my projects hope you can get the logic there easily. Let..
Enable Flight mode with out disabling the wifi and bluetooth in android question You can change what radios that will be turned off when air plane mode is activated. If you do this before activating air plane mode it is possible to only turn off the radio cell. NOTE Changing AIRPLANE_MODE_RADIOS affects the behavior of..
Receiving package install and uninstall events but only if my app is running. I managed to detect the installation of the app by making a BroadcastReceiver and activating it inside the AndroidManifest file but this will detect even if my app is closed. So that is why I need to manually activate..
Android: upload file with filling out POST body together cases where HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is not populated by default it is a potentially less memory intensive alternative to activating always_populate_raw_post_data. php input is not available with enctype multipart form data . Even if you set always_populate_raw_post_data..