android Programming Glossary: activity_service
Android: How can I get current opened application name on screen ActivityManager am ActivityManager this.getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE List l am.getRecentTasks 1 ActivityManager.RECENT_WITH_EXCLUDED..
How to intercept incoming calls android 2.3.x ActivityManager am ActivityManager getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE am.restartPackage am.restartPackage..
Android: How can i find the Data Usage on Per Application Basis? activityManager ActivityManager this.getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE ActivityManager.MemoryInfo mInfo new ActivityManager.MemoryInfo..
Detect application heap size in Android ActivityManager am ActivityManager getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE int memoryClass am.getMemoryClass Log.v onCreate memoryClass..
How to get current memory usage in android? activityManager ActivityManager getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE activityManager.getMemoryInfo mi long availableMegs mi.availMem..
How to close another app in Android? ActivityManager am ActivityManager this.getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE am.restartPackage com.jimmy.appToBeClosed share improve this..
Get active Application name in Android ActivityManager am ActivityManager this.getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE List l am.getRunningAppProcesses Iterator i l.iterator PackageManager..
How can i check if an app running in Android? activityManager ActivityManager this.getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE List RunningAppProcessInfo procInfos actvityManager.getRunningAppProcesses..
android task kill manager ActivityManager this.getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE List RunningAppProcessInfo activityes ActivityManager manager..
See Android recent task executed by the user 1 ActivityManager m ActivityManager this.getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE Get some number of running tasks and grab the first one. getRunningTasks..
How to check if an activity is the last one in the activity stack for an application? code ActivityManager mngr ActivityManager getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE List ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo taskList mngr.getRunningTasks..
How to determine if an Android Service is running in the foreground? ActivityManager am ActivityManager this.getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE List ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo l am.getRunningServices..
How to kill all running applications in android? ActivityManager manager ActivityManager getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE for RunningAppProcessInfo service manager.getRunningAppProcesses.. ActivityManager context.getSystemService Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE for ApplicationInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.flags..
Android get free size of internal/external memory actManager ActivityManager getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE MemoryInfo memInfo new ActivityManager.MemoryInfo actManager.getMemoryInfo..
Android: How can I get current opened application name on screen open . android share improve this question Here you go ActivityManager am ActivityManager this.getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE List l am.getRecentTasks 1 ActivityManager.RECENT_WITH_EXCLUDED Iterator i l.iterator PackageManager pm this.getPackageManager..
How to intercept incoming calls android 2.3.x technique for ignoring calls private void ignoreCallPackageRestart ActivityManager am ActivityManager getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE am.restartPackage am.restartPackage AIDL ITelephony technique for ignoring..
Android: How can i find the Data Usage on Per Application Basis? Any help would be really appreciated. Edited ActivityManager activityManager ActivityManager this.getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE ActivityManager.MemoryInfo mInfo new ActivityManager.MemoryInfo activityManager.getMemoryInfo mInfo List RunningAppProcessInfo..
Detect application heap size in Android For item 2 above getMemoryClass which can be invoked as follows ActivityManager am ActivityManager getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE int memoryClass am.getMemoryClass Log.v onCreate memoryClass Integer.toString memoryClass This method tells you approximately..
How to get current memory usage in android? and get current RAM . MemoryInfo mi new MemoryInfo ActivityManager activityManager ActivityManager getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE activityManager.getMemoryInfo mi long availableMegs mi.availMem 1048576L Explanation of the number 1048576 1024 bytes 1..
How to close another app in Android?
Get active Application name in Android Here is the sample code for retrieving names ActivityManager am ActivityManager this.getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE List l am.getRunningAppProcesses Iterator i l.iterator PackageManager pm this.getPackageManager while i.hasNext ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo..
How can i check if an app running in Android? share improve this question Try this code ActivityManager activityManager ActivityManager this.getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE List RunningAppProcessInfo procInfos actvityManager.getRunningAppProcesses for int i 0 i procInfos.size i if procInfos.get..
android task kill like task killer... What I have done until now is ActivityManager manager ActivityManager this.getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE List RunningAppProcessInfo activityes ActivityManager manager .getRunningAppProcesses for int i 0 i activityes.size i Log.e..
See Android recent task executed by the user task pid share improve this question int numberOfTasks 1 ActivityManager m ActivityManager this.getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE Get some number of running tasks and grab the first one. getRunningTasks returns newest to oldest RunningTaskInfo task m.getRunningTasks..
How to check if an activity is the last one in the activity stack for an application? permissions in the manifest. Use the following code ActivityManager mngr ActivityManager getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE List ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo taskList mngr.getRunningTasks 10 if taskList.get 0 .numActivities 1 taskList.get 0..
How to determine if an Android Service is running in the foreground? String serviceName boolean serviceRunning false ActivityManager am ActivityManager this.getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE List ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo l am.getRunningServices 50 Iterator ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo i l.iterator..
How to kill all running applications in android? code. But it is not working .App still remains in running. ActivityManager manager ActivityManager getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE for RunningAppProcessInfo service manager.getRunningAppProcesses Log.i process name service.processName android.os.Process.killProcess.. pm.getInstalledApplications 0 ActivityManager mActivityManager ActivityManager context.getSystemService Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE for ApplicationInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.flags ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM 1 continue if packageInfo.packageName.equals..
Android get free size of internal/external memory suffix return resultBuffer.toString Get RAM Size ActivityManager actManager ActivityManager getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE MemoryInfo memInfo new ActivityManager.MemoryInfo actManager.getMemoryInfo memInfo long totalMemory memInfo.totalMem share..