

python Programming Glossary: matlab

What is the best plotting library for Python? [closed]


share improve this question If you've ever used MATLAB check out MatPlotLib . The code syntax plots generated are very.. . The code syntax plots generated are very similar to MATLAB. You can easily make publication quality plots with minimal..

FFT for Spectrograms in Python


makes very nice charts and graphs absolutely comparable to MATLAB. It's old as dirt but this article would probably get you started..

Call python function from MATLAB


python function from MATLAB I need to call a python function from MATLAB. Any ideas how.. from MATLAB I need to call a python function from MATLAB. Any ideas how can I do this python matlab language interoperability.. requirement on my system and this was my solution In MATLAB there is a function called perl.m which allows you to call perl..

Peak-finding algorithm for Python/SciPy


package that's known to work well. Update I translated a MATLAB script and it works decently for the 1 D case but could be better...

Calling MATLAB functions from python


MATLAB functions from python Is it possible to run MATLAB functions.. MATLAB functions from python Is it possible to run MATLAB functions from within Python I search the internet I could only..

Is there a matplotlib equivalent of MATLAB's datacursormode?


there a matplotlib equivalent of MATLAB's datacursormode In MATLAB one can use datacursormode to add.. a matplotlib equivalent of MATLAB's datacursormode In MATLAB one can use datacursormode to add annotation to a graph when..

A tool to convert MATLAB code to Python


tool to convert MATLAB code to Python I have a bunch of MATLAB code from my MS thesis.. tool to convert MATLAB code to Python I have a bunch of MATLAB code from my MS thesis which I now want to convert to Python.. distribute as open source. I know the similarity between MATLAB and Python scientific libraries and converting them manually..

Comparing image in url to image in filesystem in python


What is the equivalent of MATLAB's repmat in NumPy


this question Here is a much better official NumPy for Matlab Users link I'm afraid the mathesaurus one is quite out of date... some reason gives 2d output but the content is the same . Matlab repmat 1 1 1 1 1 ans 1 1 Python In 46 a np.array 1 1 In 47 np.tile..

How can I efficiently process a numpy array in blocks similar to Matlab's blkproc (blockproc) function


I efficiently process a numpy array in blocks similar to Matlab's blkproc blockproc function I'm looking for a good approach.. results from each process into a single processed image. Matlab had a tool for this called blkproc replaced by blockproc in.. called blkproc replaced by blockproc in newer versions of Matlab . In an ideal world the function or class would support overlap..

Finding the nearest value and return the index of array in Python


of doing it the old way like how I used to do it with Matlab which is using the array A where I want to get the index from.. min. Something like this ~ idx min abs A target That is Matlab code but I am newbie in Python so I am thinking is there a fast..

A tool to convert MATLAB code to Python


several alternative tools for converting Python code to Matlab code not tested yet Small Matlab to Python compiler convert.. converting Python code to Matlab code not tested yet Small Matlab to Python compiler convert Matlab code to Python code also developed.. not tested yet Small Matlab to Python compiler convert Matlab code to Python code also developed here SMOP@chiselapp LiberMate..

find length of sequences of identical values in a numpy array


numpy array In a pylab program which could probably be a matlab program as well I have a numpy array of numbers representing.. i or i len b 1 durations.append counter print '.' python matlab numpy pylab share improve this question While not numpy..

python : scipy install on ubuntu


0.11.0rc1 scipy io __init__.py line 83 in module from matlab import loadmat savemat byteordercodes File home michael Downloads.. File home michael Downloads scipy 0.11.0rc1 scipy io matlab __init__.py line 11 in module from mio import loadmat savemat.. File home michael Downloads scipy 0.11.0rc1 scipy io matlab mio.py line 15 in module from mio4 import MatFile4Reader MatFile4Writer..

Call python function from MATLAB


function from MATLAB. Any ideas how can I do this python matlab language interoperability share improve this question I.. somewhere like C Program Files MATLAB R2008a toolbox matlab general perl.m Create a copy called python.m a quick search..

What is the equivalent of MATLAB's repmat in NumPy


thing but I found that can't use with 3d 1 1 1 python matlab numpy share improve this question Here is a much better.. with multiple dimensions and gives a similar result to matlab. Numpy gives a 3d output array as you would expect matlab for.. matlab. Numpy gives a 3d output array as you would expect matlab for some reason gives 2d output but the content is the same..

Calling MATLAB functions from python


version for PC or any substitutes for PyMat Thanks python matlab visual c share improve this question PyMat looks like it's.. import win32com.client h win32com.client.Dispatch 'matlab.application' h.Execute plot 0 18 7 23 h.Execute 1 1 u' nans..

Why does pip install matplotlib version 0.91.1 when PyPi shows version 1.0.0?


output formats. There is a 'pylab' mode which emulates matlab graphics description download page https sourceforge.net projects..

How can I efficiently process a numpy array in blocks similar to Matlab's blkproc (blockproc) function


16 overlap 0 0 fun passthrough np.all R Rprime python matlab image processing numpy scipy share improve this question .. # 62 70 78 # 110 118 126 So just trying to simply copy the matlab functionality to numpy is not all ways the best way to proceed...

A tool to convert MATLAB code to Python


any tool available which can do the conversion. python matlab numpy matplotlib scipy share improve this question There.. interface between the two languages and not conversion pymatlab communicate from Python by sending data to the MATLAB workspace.. Python Matlab bridge use Matlab from within Python offers matlab_magic for iPython to execute normal matlab code from within..