

python Programming Glossary: matches

Use a Glob() to find files recursively in Python?


match against a simple expression import fnmatch import os matches for root dirnames filenames in os.walk 'src' for filename in.. 'src' for filename in fnmatch.filter filenames ' .c' matches.append os.path.join root filename For Python versions older..

Why does Python print unicode characters when the default encoding is ASCII?


Python or restart the shell. The terminal's encoding now matches Python's. Let's try printing again print ' xe9' # 4 print u'.. just happens to display them if its current encoding matches the data. Python outputs Unicode strings after encoding them..

*args and **kwargs? [duplicate]


see in this case it takes the list or tuple of items and matches them to the arguments in the function. Of course you could have..

How to run multiple python version on Windows


command file .cmd or some other executable to run that matches the name given. When it finds the correct file to run it does..

Find all occurrences of a substring in Python


test test test' 0 5 10 15 If you want to find overlapping matches lookahead will do that m.start for m in re.finditer ' tt ' 'ttt'..

Regular expression to detect semi-colon terminated C++ for & while loops


application I need to write a regular expression that matches a C for or while loop that has been terminated with a semi colon.. parenthesis # Now make a named group 'balanced' which matches a balanced substring. P balanced # A balanced substring is either.. the opening and closing parenthesis the balanced group matches that contained text and thus the P balanced part doesn't work..

Does “\d” in regex mean a digit?


d&rdquo in regex mean a digit I found that in 123 d matches 1 and 3 but not 2 . I was wondering if d matches a digit satisfying.. in 123 d matches 1 and 3 but not 2 . I was wondering if d matches a digit satisfying what kind of requirement I am talking about.. text file with its content being 123 and only 1 and 3 are matches to the regex d while 2 is not. Generally for a sequence of digit..

Good Python modules for fuzzy string comparison?


positional comparisons as well as longest similar string matches among other things. Basically I'm hoping to find something that..

Named regular expression group “(?P<group_name>regexp)”: what does “P” stand for?


has been performed via the symbolic group name foo . P foo Matches the same string as that matched by the group named foo . Equivalent..

How to find overlapping matches with a regexp?


'he' 'el' 'll' 'lo' Here ... is a lookahead assertion ... Matches if ... matches next but doesn ™t consume any of the string. This..

Python unicode regular expression matching failing with some unicode characters -bug or mistake?


in the Unicode character properties database . in Python 3 Matches Unicode word characters this includes most characters that can..

Python Regex Use - How to Get Positions of Matches


Regex Use How to Get Positions of Matches Maybe I'm overlooking something in the Python re library but..

Textually diffing JSON


self.a self.b 0 0 len self.a len self.b matches 10 # Matches now has individual line pairs of # line A matches line B at..

Python regexes: How to access multiple matches of a group?


only the last match is accessible m re.match r .. a1b2c3 # Matches 3 times. m.group 1 # Returns only the last match. 'c3' So my..

Regex: How to match sequence of key-value pairs at end of string


part way down the re module documentation page . ... Matches if ... doesn ™t match next. This is a negative lookahead assertion...

Longest Prefix Matches for URLs


Prefix Matches for URLs I need information about any standard python package..