

python Programming Glossary: math.sin

Safe way to parse user-supplied mathematical formula in Python


operator.mul operator.truediv ^ operator.pow self.fn sin math.sin cos math.cos tan math.tan abs abs trunc lambda a int a ..

python3 recursion animation in QuickDraw


color 255 0 255 print circle centreX centreY radius childX math.sin angle radius 1.5 centreX childY math.cos angle radius 1.5 centreY.. 'Orbital Radius' scale print circle x y r_earth r_X x math.sin t 2 math.pi dict 'Earth' 'Period' r_earth r_Y y math.cos t 2.. 'Orbital Radius' scale print circle x y r_new r_X x math.sin t 2 math.pi dict 'Object' 'Period' r_new r_Y y math.cos t 2..

python: Help to implement an algorithm to find the minimum-area-rectangle for given points in order to compute the major and minor axis length


i 0 dy hull i 1 1 hull i 1 theta pi math.atan2 dy dx s c math.sin theta math.cos theta yC hull i 0 s hull i 1 c xP yP iP mostfar..

Mutli-threading python with Tkinter


enumerate self._oid sx sy speed dx sx math.cos angle dy sy math.sin angle if y dy r height or y dy r 0 sy sy self._oid i 3 sx..

Evaluating a mathematical expression in a string


operator.mul operator.truediv ^ operator.pow self.fn sin math.sin cos math.cos tan math.tan abs abs trunc lambda a int a ..

how to extract frequency associated with fft values in python


data_size comptype NONE compname not compressed data math.sin 2 math.pi freq x frate for x in range data_size wav_file wave.open..

Floating point equality in python


sqrt fraction def bernoulli_angle_to_fraction angle return math.sin angle 2 def test_bernoulli_conversions assert approx_equal bernoulli_angle_to_fraction..

Get lat/long given current point, distance and bearing


#Current long point converted to radians lat2 math.asin math.sin lat1 math.cos d R math.cos lat1 math.sin d R math.cos brng.. lat2 math.asin math.sin lat1 math.cos d R math.cos lat1 math.sin d R math.cos brng lon2 lon1 math.atan2 math.sin brng math.sin.. lat1 math.sin d R math.cos brng lon2 lon1 math.atan2 math.sin brng math.sin d R math.cos lat1 math.cos d R math.sin lat1..