

python Programming Glossary: matching

What is a metaclass in Python?


usually do this for APIs where you want to create classes matching the current context. Imagine a stupid example where you decide..

Why isn't Python very good for functional programming?


not many reasons were given for this lack of pattern matching and algebraic data types were mentioned . So my question is.. Are there more reasons than its lack of pattern matching and algebraic data types Or are these concepts so important.. Here are the functional things I miss in Python Pattern matching Tail recursion Large library of list functions Functional dictionary..

OpenCV 2.4.1 - computing SURF descriptors in Python


correctly. But if you are looking for a sample of matching SURF keypoints a very simple and basic one is below which is.. simple and basic one is below which is similar to template matching import cv2 import numpy as np # Load the images img cv2.imread..

PyLint, PyChecker or PyFlakes? [closed]


I discovered pep8 that does exactly what is name suggests matching the pep8. It has found found several syntax pep no no that PyLint..

Python regex matching Unicode properties


regex matching Unicode properties Perl and some other current regex engines..

How can I open an Excel file in Python?


'2' sheet book.sheet_by_name name # Attempt to find a matching row search the first column for 'john' rowIndex 1 for cell in..

Python: MySQLdb and “Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.16.dylib”


egg_info for package MySQL python warning no files found matching 'MANIFEST' warning no files found matching 'ChangeLog' warning.. no files found matching 'MANIFEST' warning no files found matching 'ChangeLog' warning no files found matching 'GPL' Installing.. no files found matching 'ChangeLog' warning no files found matching 'GPL' Installing collected packages MySQL python Running setup.py..

python equivalent of filter() getting two output lists (i.e. partition of a list)


lambda x x 10 1 4 12 7 42 12 42 I can get the elements matching the criterion. Is there a function I could use that would output.. I could use that would output two lists one of elements matching one of the remaining elements I could call the filter function..

Detect duplicate MP3 files with different bitrates and/or different ID3 tags?


with a GUID actually several of them and from then on matching the tags is quite simple. If you prefer to do it as a project..

Check if a Python list item contains a string inside another string


If you really want to get all the items containing abc use matching s for s in some_list if abc in s share improve this answer..

Headless Browser for Python (Javascript support REQUIRED!)


scrape the resulting web page by searching for results matching certain criteria clicking check boxes and clicking to download..

What is the most efficient way of finding all the factors of a number in Python?


have to search up to that point to find one of the two matching factors. You can then use x fac1 to get fac2 the reduce list.__add__..

Matching Nested Structures With Regular Expressions in Python


Nested Structures With Regular Expressions in Python I seem..

Getting Site Matching Query Does Not Exist Error after creating django admin


Site Matching Query Does Not Exist Error after creating django admin I'm..

Matching incorrectly spelt words with correct ones in python


incorrectly spelt words with correct ones in python I'm building..

Matching patterns in Python


patterns in Python I have an XML file which contains the following..

Overriding Python's Hashing Function in Dictionary


to determine if two instances represent the same key. Matching hash values is not enough. For the dict implementation to consider..

Matching id's in BeautifulSoup


id's in BeautifulSoup I'm using BeautifulSoup python module...

Python Regular Expression Matching: ## ##


Regular Expression Matching ## ## I'm searching a file line by line for the occurrence..

Regexp to check if an IP is valid


values in regexps with the regexp system in Python. Matching the pattern of an IP is easy but each 1 3 digits cannot be above..

Find an Image within an Image


this question Wikipedia has an article on Template Matching with sample code. While that page doesn't handle changed scales..

Python code for Earth mover's Distance


using OpenCV and C you can read Chapter 7 Histograms an Matching of the book Learning OpenCV by Gary Bradski Adrain Kaebler...

General approach to developing an image classification algorithm for Dilbert cartoons


and test your classifier Alternative Technique Template Matching Once Step 1 is completed each image is decomposed into a set..