

python Programming Glossary: math.pow

Difference between the built-in pow() and math.pow() for floats, in Python?


between the built in pow and math.pow for floats in Python Is there a difference in the results returned.. in pow x y no third argument and the values returned by math.pow in the case of two float arguments. I am asking this question.. I am asking this question because the documentation for math.pow implies that pow x y i.e. x y is essentially the same as math.pow..

negative pow in python


pow in python I have this problem import math math.pow 1.07 1.3 Traceback most recent call last File stdin line 1 in.. import math def pow_with_nan x y ... try ... return math.pow x y ... except ValueError ... return float 'nan' ... pow_with_nan.. usually the built in a b is used for raising power not math.pow a b . 1.3 1.07 0.755232399659047 1.07 1.3 Traceback most recent..

Efficient method of calculating density of irregularly spaced points


xc yd math.fabs yl i yc if xd 1 and yd 1 dist math.sqrt math.pow xd 2 math.pow yd 2 density density math.exp 5.0 pow dist 2.. yl i yc if xd 1 and yd 1 dist math.sqrt math.pow xd 2 math.pow yd 2 density density math.exp 5.0 pow dist 2 zz yci xci density..