

python Programming Glossary: math.pi

Safe way to parse user-supplied mathematical formula in Python


s return self.opn op op1 op2 elif op PI return math.pi # 3.1415926535 elif op E return math.e # 2.718281828 elif op..

python3 recursion animation in QuickDraw


print flush false centreX 400 centreY 300 radius 100 angle math.pi 2 while True print color 0 0 0 print clear print color 255 0.. Radius' scale print circle x y r_earth r_X x math.sin t 2 math.pi dict 'Earth' 'Period' r_earth r_Y y math.cos t 2 math.pi dict.. 2 math.pi dict 'Earth' 'Period' r_earth r_Y y math.cos t 2 math.pi dict 'Earth' 'Period' r_earth print fillcircle r_X r_Y dict..

How to trim a list in Python


resampling, interpolating matrix


function def sinc x import math try return math.sin math.pi x math.pi x except ZeroDivisionError return 1.0 This comes from.. def sinc x import math try return math.sin math.pi x math.pi x except ZeroDivisionError return 1.0 This comes from sampling..

In Python, what exactly does “import *” import?


the program references its objects many times import math math.pi 3.141592653589793 etc.. import math as m #bad example math being..

Evaluating a mathematical expression in a string


s return self.opn op op1 op2 elif op PI return math.pi # 3.1415926535 elif op E return math.e # 2.718281828 elif op..

how to extract frequency associated with fft values in python


comptype NONE compname not compressed data math.sin 2 math.pi freq x frate for x in range data_size wav_file wave.open fname..

How can I generate a note or chord in python?


0 for k in range len freq samp samp coef k math.sin 2 math.pi freq k x frate sine_list.append samp wav_file wave.open fname..

Relationship between scipy and numpy


from numpy.lib import scimath scimath.log math.exp 1 1 1j math.pi True Similarly sqrt other base logarithms power and trig functions..

Assignment inside lambda expression in Python


volume property lambda self fun 'def' for top_area in math.pi self.radius 2 self.height top_area for main in lambda sub 'loop'..

Get lat/long given current point, distance and bearing


0.36056 the long result I'm hoping for. lat1 52.20472 math.pi 180 #Current lat point converted to radians lon1 0.14056 math.pi.. 180 #Current lat point converted to radians lon1 0.14056 math.pi 180 #Current long point converted to radians lat2 math.asin..