

python Programming Glossary: material

Are there any good online tutorials to TDD for an experienced programmer who is new to testing? [closed]


how other people are teaching TDD and get some ideas for material to put in my presentation. Preferably I'd like the intro to..

Python read my outlook email mailbox and parse messages [duplicate]


a mailbox for suggestion with websites that had 'adult' material and one mailbox for spam mail that should be blocked. Once I..

Two parter: Django book recommendation + Django real world advice [closed]


What is your favorite Django book or online learning material CodeProject examples Django documentation O'Reilly etc. Second..

Attempting to understand yield as an expression


sure that I understand how they work some reference material a x for x in range 10 next a 0 next a 1 a.send 1 2 next a 3..

Produce multiple files from a single file in python


B and C from one single file. Kindly suggest some reading material for breaking this code. Thanks. The output should be three files..

Python - Zelle book uses eval(), is it wrong?


What will your advice be with regards to this learning material P.S. On the other hand making me do quite a bit of research..

can NLTK/pyNLTK work “per language” (i.e. non-english), and how?


these might be hard to find is the lack of gold standard material publicly available. There are tools out there to do that do..

Simple DB query on Google App Engine taking a lot of CPU time


price db.FloatProperty size db.StringProperty material db.StringProperty added_at db.DateTimeProperty auto_now_add..

How are exceptions implemented under the hood?


granted that they just work. I am looking for high quality material. Languages I use are Java C C# Python C so these are of most..

In what order should the Python concepts be explained to absolute beginners? [closed]


always add a little going further block in your lecture material for the ones who want to know more. Show only for and not while..

How to create simple web site with python?


for developing the application. They have nice easy intro material for getting the site up and running your hello world example..

OS-independent Inter-program communication between Python and C


doing so could someone give me a pointer to some reading material I'm not sure if there are OS independent language independent.. across machines as well without code changes . For reading material here's a Python Socket Programming How To . share improve this..

How should I learn to use the Windows API with Python?


That said the Python for Windows folks have some good material. Microsoft has the whole API on line including some sample code..

Tutorials on optimizing non-trivial Python applications with C extensions or Cython


The Python community has published helpful reference material showing how to profile Python code and the technical details..

twisted conch filetransfer


in a cross platform way. I have read some introductory material on twisted and have managed to make my own SSH client which..

Encrypting a file with RSA in Python


case here as PyCrypto uses 65537 or you encrypt the same material for many different recipients again probably not the case here..

Where can I find good python Twisted framework documentation, blog entries, articles, etc? [closed]


source servers using twisted framework would provide nice material for studying how it's all tied up together in a bigger project...

custom dict that allows delete during iteration


One problem is that I'm not sure it can be done with no material overhead compared to the existing dict otherwise it would be..

Learning parser in python


more complex approaches you can easily find a lot of material on Google Scholar using the query wrapper induction or template..