

python Programming Glossary: math.exp

Using ast and whitelists to make python's eval() safe?


and a gist import ast import math SAFE_FX 'exp' math.exp SAFE_NODES set ast.Expression ast.Num ast.Call ast.Name ast.Load..

Floating Point Arithmetic error


fx and x as 3.0. Where fx is def fx x import math return math.exp x math.sin x Which has exp x sin x cos x as derivative. Now..

Python: OverflowError: math range error


when i try this calculation but i cant figure out why. 1 math.exp 4 1000000 0.0641515994108 python math overflow share improve.. share improve this question The number you're asking math.exp to calculate has in decimal over 110 000 digits. That's slightly..

Relationship between scipy and numpy


import math from numpy.lib import scimath scimath.log math.exp 1 1 1j math.pi True Similarly sqrt other base logarithms power..

Efficient method of calculating density of irregularly spaced points


xc yc k 5 for dist in retvalset 0 density density math.exp dfactor pow dist 2 5 zz yci xci min density 1.0 255 return zz.. math.sqrt math.pow xd 2 math.pow yd 2 density density math.exp 5.0 pow dist 2 zz yci xci density return zz def boxsum img w..

How to solve a pair of nonlinear equations using Python?


fsolve import math def equations p x y p return x y 2 4 math.exp x x y 3 x y fsolve equations 1 1 print equations x y share..

Creating a logging handler to connect to Oracle?


my s with five dozen s box liquor jugs try import math math.exp 1000 except logger.exception Problem with s math.exp share..