

python Programming Glossary: math

Python math is wrong [duplicate]


math is wrong duplicate Possible Duplicate Python rounding error.. 5 4 1 5.0 4.0 1.0 Why is Python getting its maths wrong python math numbers share improve this question .. 5.0 4.0 1.0 Why is Python getting its maths wrong python math numbers share improve this question You have reached a new..

What is the best way to get all the divisors of a number?


not useful and already given answers. python algorithm math share improve this question Given your factorGenerator function..

In Python, what is the difference between '/' and '//' when used for division?


both seem to return the same results. 6 3 2 6 3 2 python math syntax operators share improve this question In Python 3.0..

Fastest way to list all primes below N in python


EDIT ~unutbu is leading the race . python optimization math project euler primes share improve this question Warning.. # usr bin env python import psyco psyco.full from math import sqrt ceil import numpy as np def rwh_primes n # http..

Evaluating a mathematical expression in a string


a mathematical expression in a string stringExp 2^4 intVal int stringExp.. a better and more importantly safer method to evaluate a mathematical expression that is being stored in a string python.. expression that is being stored in a string python math share improve this question Pyparsing can be used to parse..

What are “named tuples” in Python?


to code like the following pt1 1.0 5.0 pt2 2.5 1.5 from math import sqrt line_length sqrt pt1 0 pt2 0 2 pt1 1 pt2 1 2 Using.. 'Point' 'x y' pt1 Point 1.0 5.0 pt2 Point 2.5 1.5 from math import sqrt line_length sqrt pt1.x pt2.x 2 pt1.y pt2.y 2 However.. 'Point' 'x y' pt1 Point 1.0 5.0 pt2 Point 2.5 1.5 from math import sqrt # use index referencing line_length sqrt pt1 0 pt2..

How to write the Fibonacci Sequence in Python


what you need. Write Fib sequence formula to infinite In math it's given in a recursive form In programming infinite doesn't.. exists. You can use a recursive form translating the math form directly in your language for example in python it becomes..

Simple Prime Generator in Python


generator nothing fancy . Thanks a lot. lincoln. import math def main count 3 one 1 while one 1 for x in range 2 int math.sqrt.. def main count 3 one 1 while one 1 for x in range 2 int math.sqrt count 1 if count x 0 continue if count x 0 print count.. code with a few fixes it prints out only primes import math def main count 3 while True isprime True for x in range 2 int..

Increment a python floating point value by the smallest possible amount


able to do this. It is a current shortcoming of the Python math library sadly both in Python 2.X and Python3000. There should.. sadly both in Python 2.X and Python3000. There should be a math.nextafter x y in Python but there isn't. It would be trivial.. and is _nextafter in Visual C . C99 compliant standard math libraries Visual C C Boost and Java all implement the IEEE recommended..

Interpreting a benchmark in C, Clojure, Python, Ruby, Scala and others [closed]


is so different. Please see my questions at the bottom. Math benchmark description Benchmark is simple math calculations..

Python Properties & Swig


using a small metaclass. So below let's say we have a Math class that lets us set and get an integer variable named pi.. code example.h #ifndef EXAMPLE_H #define EXAMPLE_H class Math public int pi const return this _pi void pi int pi this _pi.. import example from util import PropertyVoodoo class Math example.Math __properties__ 'pi' __metaclass__ PropertyVoodoo..

Math Expression Evaluation


Expression Evaluation What is the best way to implement a python..

3d Math Library For Python


Math Library For Python i'm looking for a 3d math library in python..

Python: How do you stop numpy from multithreading?


this environment variable controls the behavior of the Math Kernel Library which is included as part of Enthought's numpy..

negative pow in python


question 1.07 1.3 will not be a real number thus the Math domain error. If you need a complex number a b must be rewritten..

Python Twisted JSON RPC


import server from twisted.internet import reactor class Math jsonrpc.JSONRPC An example object to be published. def jsonrpc_add.. arguments. return a b reactor.listenTCP 7080 server.Site Math reactor.run CLIENT from twisted.internet import reactor from..

Java Scientific Packages similar to SciPy? [closed]


a summary of what's shown up there so far Apache Commons Math Java Numerics Colt Matlib My personal experience is focused.. personal experience is focused primarily in Apache Commons Math where it is certainly working for our needs. We also use JFreechart..

How to include external Python code to use in other files?


call them without any prefix i.e. file prefix So if I have Math.py def Calculate num How do I call it like this Tool.py using.. def Calculate num How do I call it like this Tool.py using Math.py for i in range 5 Calculate i python share improve this.. need to import the other file as a module like this import Math If you don't want to prefix your Calculate function with the..

How to translate this Math Formula in Haskell or Python? (Was translated in PHP)


to translate this Math Formula in Haskell or Python Was translated in PHP I'm trying.. or Python Was translated in PHP I'm trying to convert a Math Formula into PHP code. You can see the formula in the accepted.. can see the formula in the accepted answer here Applying a Math Formula in a more elegant way maybe a recursive call would do..

Python: How best to parse a simple grammar?


CS 3140 # 1 CS 2110 or INFO 3300 CS 2110 INFO 3300 # 2 MATH 2210 2230 2310 or 2940 MATH 2210 MATH 2230 MATH 2310 MATH 2940.. 3300 CS 2110 INFO 3300 # 2 MATH 2210 2230 2310 or 2940 MATH 2210 MATH 2230 MATH 2310 MATH 2940 # 3 If the entire description.. 2110 INFO 3300 # 2 MATH 2210 2230 2310 or 2940 MATH 2210 MATH 2230 MATH 2310 MATH 2940 # 3 If the entire description is just..

How can I speed up fetching pages with urllib2 in python?


example can be seen at http bluedevilbooks.com search DEPT MATH CLASS 103 SEC 01 I ran cProfile on it and as I assumed urlopen..