

python Programming Glossary: mathematically

Key-ordered dict in python


you do mean random READS only because I think it can be mathematically proven than it's impossible in the general case to have O 1..

Get all numbers that add up to a number


and 30 max. number. I'm not even sure if this has a term mathematically. It's similar to factorisation I guess python math share..

Moon / Lunar Phase Algorithm


one book make sure it's this one. Algorithms are presented mathematically not as computer programs but source code implementing many of..

Python Imaging: YCbCr problems


share improve this question Since YCbCr is a simple mathematically determinate conversion from RGB colorspace going through the..

Fast prime/factorization module


lookup table memorization is fine though. Need not to be mathematically proven e.g. could rely on the Goldbach conjecture if needed..

Relationship between scipy and numpy


with branch cuts the versions in this module provide the mathematically valid answers in the complex plane import math from numpy.lib..

How to tell if one regular expression matches a subset of another regular expression?


from a Regular Expression but they only tend to consider mathematically pure regexps. You would also have to handle the extensions that..

How can I use numpy.correlate to do autocorrelation?


a 1 d array. Also this explanation probably isn't the most mathematically rigorous. I've been throwing around infinities because the definition..

Why are 0d arrays in Numpy not considered scalar?


way to degrade the 1x1 matrix to scalar types. Even though mathematically they are the same thing they are handled by very different code... are immutable. Therefore spraying a scalar into a ndarray mathematically the adjoint operation of collapsing an array into a scalar is..