

python Programming Glossary: mature

Choosing Java vs Python on Google App Engine


App Engine supports both Python Java. Java support is less mature. However Java seems to have a longer list of libraries and especially.. runtime the former has had one extra year to develop and mature after all. How things will proceed going forward is of course..

How can I perform a ping or traceroute in python, accessing the output as it is produced?


is almost invariably the richest most stable and most mature one. The one case where I'd bother looking for alternatives..

Is switching from PHP to Python worth the trouble [closed]


when learning python. For some time Python IDEs were less mature than IDEs of other languages but now it is slowly changing...

The latest recommendation for Comet in Python? [closed]


because I am already using Twisted and because it seems mature. Twisted has a nice long history with many users especially..

Reliable and efficient key--value database for Linux?


with Python bindings hamsterdb with Python bindings C tree mature versatile commercial solution with high performance has a free..

What is a good CMS written in Python (and not Plone)? [closed]


this question Unfortunately there's really not a lot of mature CMSes out there for Python. Here are a couple of choices though.. are probably because it's made by Germans MoinMoin is very mature but isn't really made for CMS stuff. With that said if you spend..

Heavy usage of Python at Google [closed]


example or had other issues and limitations. Perl was more mature especially in terms of its ecosystem of available add ons via..

Efficient Context-Free Grammar parser, preferably Python-friendly


theory at a local university. They're both good and mature but I wouldn't use them in a Python project. That said unlike..

cherrypy vs flask/werkzeug


Cherrypy has been around for a while and seems quite mature and looks to have an efficient server implementation and all..

Cross-platform gui toolkit for deploying Python applications


already has what they need to run your program. Tkinter is mature and stable and is at least arguably quite easy to use.I found..

Python or Ruby for a .NET developer?


tool box. Python has a larger community and probably more mature documentation and libraries. Its object orientation is a little.. practise. The community is smaller the libraries less mature and documentation coverage is less. Both languages will have..

Is Python interpreted or compiled or both?


meant to ask Practically read using a somewhat popular and mature implementation Python is compiled . Not compiled to machine..

Anything like SciPy in Ruby?


share improve this question There's nothing quite as mature or well done as SciPy but check out SciRuby and Numerical Ruby..

Nice IDE for wxPython or Tkinter GUI Development [closed]


much because of their price. wxGlade is I think not yet mature enough for large programs but it's worth a try. After trying..

Python module to enable ANSI for stdout on Windows?


for waf . By initial tests indicate that colorama is more mature even if it requires two lines of code instead of one. import..

gnuplot vs Matplotlib


very nicely with Python idioms and such. Matplotlib is a mature project. NASA uses it for some stuff. I've plotted tens of millions..